Mystical Yakutia: Invisible Roommate - Alternative View

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Mystical Yakutia: Invisible Roommate - Alternative View
Mystical Yakutia: Invisible Roommate - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Yakutia: Invisible Roommate - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Yakutia: Invisible Roommate - Alternative View
Video: Koan - When Invisible Becomes Visible [Full EP] 2024, July

This story is one of the most famous and typical of Yakut folklore. Cases of the appearance in people of the so-called. invisible roommates have occurred here at all times. We will tell you about the events that took place in the middle of the last century and still do not leave the lips of the local residents …

So, in early autumn, one old man, along with his son-in-law and grandchildren, went into the forest for firewood. Let's say right away that it was a large family: grandfather, grandmother, their grown daughters and sons with their spouses and children. By the way, in the Yakut villages, the tradition of living in such large families is still preserved; in some of them you can find four generations at once.

Unusual larch

… The weather was good, and therefore our heroes managed to knock down a lot of trees during the day. However, in the late afternoon, they came across a phenomenally strong larch, from which the ax bounced like a stone, and the famous Druzhba chainsaw was firmly stuck in the trunk. The son-in-law offered to spit on the harmful tree and switch to another, but the grandfather, who was always distinguished by obstinacy, said that he did not intend to retreat. Having suffered until dark, exhausted and blunt the instrument, the men nevertheless knocked down the larch.


When a couple of days later they returned for their "prey", the felled larch did not want to part with their native forest. As soon as the trees began to be loaded onto the tractor trailer, it rolled back. Six times the larch found itself on the ground and nearly crushed her son-in-law's leg, and on the way to the village managed to fly off the trailer again, despite the fact that all the trunks were firmly fixed with ropes.

The next day they were chopping wood - and the larch again did not want to surrender without a fight. As soon as one of the grandchildren hit her with an ax, he flew back and hit the teenager on the forehead with a butt. Grandfather saw a personal enemy in the rebellious tree and, having become angry, ordered to deal with him first. All day the "family team" puffed and chopped the larch, until they finally dealt with it.

The grandfather himself grabbed an armful of the resulting firewood and threw it into the oven. The firewood, as you might guess, refused to burn - and then the old man poured gasoline over the logs. Looking at the flames in the furnace, he wiped his forehead and grinned triumphantly: they say, the damned piece of wood attacked the wrong person. However, his joy was short-lived …

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Devilry in the house

In the evening of the same day, the family sat at dinner. Suddenly, the wife of the youngest son screamed that someone had hit her in the face. Everyone looked at each other in surprise, and then someone invisible really began to slap the woman in the face. Her head wobbled helplessly from side to side, and her cheeks and forehead immediately flushed. The grandfather tried to protect his daughter-in-law, covering her face with his hands, and then the invisible aggressor attacked him.


But if he treated his first victim with slaps in the face, then he fell upon his grandfather with all his might, starting to literally kill the old man. The grandfather was saved by running away from home - and then the invisible tormentor again took up his daughter-in-law. All the evening he mocked the unfortunate woman, and at night he climbed into her bed and, having piled on with all his weight, began to choke. The rest could do nothing: at any attempt to help the woman, the torturer switched to her defenders. The men tried to somehow catch or injure the terrible creature, but their hands felt only emptiness …

Realizing that the unfortunate larch was hiding something supernatural in itself, the grandfather rushed to the local priest. But as soon as he entered the house, the unbelted evil spirits tore the censer from the chains, broke the vessel with holy water, removed the cross from Father's neck and threw it into a corner. She began to whip the very servant on the cheeks, and he, terrified to death, barely took his feet …


The life of a Yakut family has become a living hell. In the light of day, the evil force made itself felt with small dirty tricks: it would break the cups, then the bucket of milk would "fertilize" with cow dung … With the onset of darkness, something unimaginable began. The "poltergeist" brutally beat his favorite victim, dragged her by her clothes and crushed her at night. Each time with the onset of dusk, the poor woman began to sob bitterly, expecting another torture. She already wanted to lay hands on herself, but the father-in-law promised at all costs to rid the house of the terrible evil.

Appeal to the shaman

Although the family was Orthodox, now the desperate old man went straight to the shaman. He immediately realized that he could not cope with the evil that had settled in the house, and refused to come. The sorcerer determined that the abasy (evil spirit) lived in the larch, which the old man deprived of his refuge and thereby brought trouble to his family.


The shaman advised to take the remaining larch firewood and take it back, putting it in the place where the tree grew. The men did just that, but unfortunately it did not help. Apparently, the spirit liked living in the village and bullying people. For a whole month, the family tried to chase him away with prayers, coal circles on the floor and other means. After each attempt to wipe him out, the Abasy began to scoff at his victim with triple strength. From all this, the woman began to dry before her eyes and lost her mind: she was raving that she already liked the harassment of an evil spirit.

Upon learning of this, the shaman proposed a radical way to solve the problem - to take the unfortunate woman away from the village forever. Firstly, the Abasy is unlikely to drag along behind her, and secondly, he will leave the old man's house if his daughter-in-law is not there. The woman was sent to her relatives in another village, and she, sitting in the car, kept looking back and lamented: “My poor Abasy is running after us, let me go to him!.. My poor Abasy can't keep up with us, go slower!.. Poor my abasy could not catch up with us and is crying by the birch!.."


After that, she suddenly came to her senses, no trace of her former madness remained. Needless to say, the woman did not return to her father-in-law's house. The marriage of the "favorite of the Abas", of course, fell apart, but many believe that it was not too high a price to pay for getting rid of the evil spirits. As for the spirit itself, as the shaman expected, he really left the house and left its many residents alone …