Planet X And Seven More Planets Approaching Us? - Alternative View

Planet X And Seven More Planets Approaching Us? - Alternative View
Planet X And Seven More Planets Approaching Us? - Alternative View

Video: Planet X And Seven More Planets Approaching Us? - Alternative View

Video: Planet X And Seven More Planets Approaching Us? - Alternative View
Video: GIANT DEATH STAR THREATENS EARTH | The Universe (Season 6) | History 2024, July

"Former employee" NASA reveals allegedly "classified" information. New informational stuffing on an old topic or real information?

In the past few days, on the English-language Internet resources considering alternative versions of current events, including conspiracy theories (for example, the well-known forum, where the so-called Insider, representing the behind-the-scenes elite, appeared), a video appeared with information from a certain informant who was NASA Employee Patti Brassard (Planet X Special Bulletin).

This video is supposedly a bulletin about the current situation regarding the planet Nibiru, which is supposedly part of our solar system. Since the plot is not new, it may be of interest only because the information comes from a supposedly former NASA employee.

Despite the fact that there is a link to the social network, there is no other information about the source besides the one reported in the video …

There is also a radio recording featuring Patti Brassard. -

Patti Brassard claims to be a NASA informant. She says that our sun has a companion. It is a brown dwarf with 7 planets of its own. Brassard claims that the government and NASA are aware of this, and that the body we call Nibiru / Planet X, the elite and scientists call "Wormwood", is described in the Bible.

The elite have taken care of their own survival in these difficult times for 20 years, but they understand that they cannot take care of everyone, so everyone must take care of themselves and their loved ones.

Passard argues that we will have to survive the coldest winters and the hottest summer months, due to the influence of this system. She says all electrical grids will be destroyed. All nuclear power plants will stop. And the cooling systems will stop working on them. And what happened to Fukushima will happen.

Promotional video:

She also claims that the surviving US population will be housed in FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) camps, with military forces from Russia and Israel maintaining order.

She also claims that earthquakes of great magnitude will occur. For example, in California there will be tremors of incredible strength -15 points. (Until now, no one has ever said that earthquakes of such incredible strength are possible - approx.)

Patti claims that this super-earthquake will strike between August 17 and August 26 this year. She states that the second sun will align with our star, and thus create serious gravitational problems affecting the surrounding planets. She also gives information about Fukushima, saying that the government knew about the coming disaster.

The radio host says he contacted sources in Japan and they told him that 40 hours before the Fukushima explosion, warships and planes had arrived and then departed north.

For more details, see the video (in English).
