Enemy Blow To Soviet Civilization - Alternative View

Enemy Blow To Soviet Civilization - Alternative View
Enemy Blow To Soviet Civilization - Alternative View

Video: Enemy Blow To Soviet Civilization - Alternative View

Video: Enemy Blow To Soviet Civilization - Alternative View
Video: Великая Война. 1 Серия. Барбаросса. StarMedia. Babich-Design 2024, October

60 years ago, on February 14, 1956, the XX Congress of the CPSU began. On it N. Khrushchev dealt an enemy blow to the Soviet civilization and its future. In Khrushchev's report "on the personality cult", Stalin was slandered, who saved the peoples of Russia from the Trotskyist internationalists (the "fifth column" of the West), the hordes of Hitler and the new invasion of the West led by the United States using nuclear weapons. The leader who turned Russia-USSR into a superpower, which not only held back the onslaught of the West, but also gave humanity hope for a bright future, the opportunity to avoid the slaveholding New World Order. Since that time, active "perestroika-1" began, which destroyed the unity of the people and the authorities (which was sealed with the great blood of the Great Patriotic War), buried the plans to create a Stalinist society of the "golden age" - a society of service and creation,undermined the foundations of a balanced national economy, dealt strong blows to industry and agriculture, the Russian peasantry, the demography of the Russian people and, in general, predetermined the defeat of the USSR in World War III ("cold war") and the betrayal of the Soviet elite. Khrushchev's "perestroika-1" predetermined Gorbachev's "perestroika-2" and the geopolitical catastrophe of 1991.

In turn, the death of Soviet civilization led to the military dictatorship of the United States, the only remaining superpower on Earth, and the violation of military-strategic and geopolitical stability on the planet. The United States did not cope with the role of "king of the hill". The planet was engulfed in a systemic crisis that led in 2014 to the beginning of the Fourth World War, a civilizational war.

Thus, the XX Congress of the CPSU, which took place from 14 to 25 February 1956, became a fatal event not only in the history of Russia-USSR, but also of all mankind. At a closed session on February 25, N. S. Khrushchev made a report "On the cult of the personality and its consequences", in which he voiced a fake about the personality cult of I. V. Stalin and mass repressions, thereby inflicting a terrible blow on Soviet civilization, which ultimately and bury the USSR. Khrushchev spoke on the last day of the congress and thus did not allow discussion of the report. Hordes of almost all Europe united under Hitler's rule were unable to crush the Stalinist USSR. And just one well-planned conceptual and ideological operation (the report "on the cult of personality") was able to undermine the entire mighty building of the Red Empire.

After Stalin's death (or his liquidation), there was an "evolutionary" de-Stalinization. The Minister of Internal Affairs L. P. Beria and his associates were killed, the security structures were reformed. The restoration of the rights and state formations of the deported peoples began, although they were punished in the case, and it was too early to forgive them. In particular, in 1957 the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was restored, which became a serious strategic and national mistake of Moscow, if not a crime against the Soviet people. The rights of the union republics were expanded, which in the future led to major problems and created the basis for the collapse of the Soviet Union. The shock program for the development of virgin lands was carried out with large "excesses", although they initially wanted to conduct it on a limited scale. If at the beginning they were able to quickly increase grain production and guarantee the food security of the USSR,then large, fundamental problems appeared, such as depopulation and extinction of the Russian village, the resettlement of masses of active Russian youth to the southern outskirts (undermining the indigenous core and reproduction of the Russian super-ethnos), disruption of the ecological balance and soil erosion, which led to a 65% drop in virgin land cultivation etc.

A terrible blow was inflicted on the army and the navy, when, as part of the formally correct post-war demobilization, the program for the creation of an ocean-going fleet was destroyed, breakthrough projects were ruined, combat commanders were thrown out of the armed forces, combat units with unique experience were disbanded, and a stake was made on nuclear missile forces. That is, only within the framework of the armed forces, a powerful blow was dealt to national security and billions of people's money was blown down the wind, which has already gone to the development of the army, navy, aviation and science.

At the XX Congress of the CPSU, a radical break with the past occurred. The evolutionary “de-Stalinization” was replaced by a radical one. Khrushchev's report with the exposure of Stalin's personality cult dealt a powerful blow to the entire foundation of Soviet civilization and the state. This was the first fundamental step towards the destruction of the USSR and the socialist bloc as a whole. As a result of the XX Congress, a crisis arose, which marked the beginning of the liquidation of the communist movement in the European countries of the West. It has lost its conceptual and ideological foundations, its essence and purpose.

After all, Stalin buried the Marxist, Trotskyist-international ideology, which led to the death of Russian civilization and the Russian superethnos in the interests of the masters of the West. Stalin began to build a new civilization and society in the USSR. Civilization of the future ("Beautiful is far away"). A society of service and creation, a society of inclusive justice. A man of the "golden age" was brought up, wonderful spiritually, intellectually and physically. We remember Alisa Selezneva from "Guest from the Future". The girl is beautiful in spirit, intelligent, fluent in several languages and has excellent (at the level of the most developed athletes of the 20th century) physical data. This is the future of humanity and Soviet civilization, man was seen in the USSR.

What do Western architects offer us? Usually this is the world after the apocalypse - technotronic, biological, natural, alien invasion, "zombies", world war, etc. In this world there are "islands" of high technologies - space stations, megacities, etc., and the rest of the world destroyed or plunged into savagery. Moreover, on the "islands of safety" people are also divided into castes and groups. There are super-rich people, owners of property and access to high technologies ("gods"), servants, including the military police, and "two-legged weapons", slaves who degrade spiritually, intellectually and physically. This is a gloomy world, a world without hope and normal, human joys. The world of masters and slaves.

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It is clear that the image of the future, which was created in the Soviet civilization, aroused hopes in the progressive, active part of humanity. The Stalinist USSR, which defeated the real "evil empire" - the Third Reich (created with the help of the masters of the West), was extremely popular in the world. The Soviet Union by its example showed the dead-end, leading to degeneration material world of the West, the consumer society. The world of the "golden calf" was losing to the Soviet civilization, which called to the stars, awakened and released the best human qualities.

This caused fear among the masters of the West. Terrible fear. They were losing the Great Game - the battle for planet Earth. Soviet civilization under Stalin beat them in all respects! Soviet man turned out to be better and stronger than Hitler's "blond Aryan beasts". Although Hitler and the ideologists of the Third Reich were allowed to use secret psychotechnology that allows them to release the enormous potential of the people and people. The Soviet national economy demonstrated unprecedented successes - the "Soviet miracle", overtaking the advanced Western countries. Soviet science and education became the best in the world, which made it possible to become the first in space and in the development of atomic energy. Moscow created "its own humanity" - a socialist bloc, independent of the dollar. It did not work to crush the Soviet civilization by military means. The Red Empire defeated Hitler's hordes and established control over half of Europe. Huge China, with the help of the USSR, came out of a long crisis and recognized the Stalinist empire as "big brother."

The masters of the West were simply afraid to unleash the Third World War ("hot") war already during the Second World War or immediately after it, as some hotheads like Churchill suggested. Their analysts predicted that in this case, Moscow would simply crush the Anglo-American army and establish control over all of Europe. The West unleashed a different type of war - "cold", information war. The masters of the West planned to rely on the hidden Trotskyists remaining in the USSR, the pro-Western intelligentsia (cosmopolitans), to disintegrate the administrative apparatus and ultimately crush the USSR from within.

After Stalin's death, the party and the country, through hidden combinations of Western special services and the unfinished representatives of the "fifth column", were led by the hidden Trotskyist Khrushchev. Khrushchev under Stalin created the image of such a silly simpleton. However, narrow-mindedness and simplicity were just a cover for the real "enemy of the people." And so skillful that even Stalin Khrushchev was able to convince that he was a man from the plow, not understanding the intricacies of big politics. It was he who began the first "perestroika", which cosmopolitans called the "thaw". In fact, this was a course for the demolition of Soviet civilization, statehood and the consciousness of the people in all directions. People who were struck by the idea of consumerism, parasites, who, as A. M. Gorky said, only know how to “take in order to eat, and eat in order to take”, began to be appointed to leading positions.

In his report to the XX Congress of the CPSU, and in many other speeches, NS Khrushchev deliberately distorted the truth, openly lied. For example, Khrushchev said in his report: "When Stalin died, there were up to 10 million people in the camps." In fact, as of January 1, 1953, 1,727,970 prisoners were held in the camps, and Khrushchev was informed of this in a memorandum. In February 1954, he was presented with a certificate signed by the Prosecutor General of the USSR, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Minister of Justice of the USSR, containing accurate data on the number of convicts by all types of judicial bodies for the period from 1921 to 1 February 1954. However, in the report XX Congress of the CPSU, and in other speeches Khrushchev deliberately distorted the truth.

He practiced an important technique of the information war of the West against the USSR. It was necessary to create an image of an "evil empire" in which millions of people were "innocently" repressed and destroyed, while the rest lived in "slavery." From that moment on, the theme of repression became the main one in the psychological war of the West against the Soviet Union (an integral part of the Cold War). The union lost important support from the liberal and leftist intelligentsia of the West. The left-liberal intelligentsia of the world community began to turn to the side of the opponents of the USSR in the Cold War. This process was imported into the environment of the Soviet intelligentsia infected with Westernism. Figures like Solzhenitsyn developed the myth of "tens of millions of repressed", created a black world about the Gulag, the "bloody Stalin" ("Stalin, Beria, Gulag"). From this kind of rabble in the West they created "authorities",clogging millions of heads with garbage. During the years of Gorbachev's perestroika, this "mine" greatly facilitated the collapse of the USSR. They say, why defend and save the "prison of peoples" and the "evil empire."

But the main thing was different. As the scientist S. G. Kara-Murza correctly notes, “the main thing that was achieved by the actions of Khrushchev was the profanation (deprivation of holiness) of the Soviet state, the destruction of its spiritual connection with the people and at the same time the creation of a complex of guilt in those who built and defended this state (Kara-Murza. Soviet civilization).

In particular, the same security officers and NKVD fighters who gloriously worked in the fight against "enemies of the people", Basmachs, "forest brothers", ordinary bandits, etc. in the pre-war years, and stood up to defend the USSR during the Great Patriotic War and were the first to take the most terrible blow to the Hitlerite hordes on June 22, 1941, smeared with blood and mud. They turned them into monsters and executioners, servants of “bloody Stalin”.

Frivolous accusations were brought against Joseph Stalin. In particular, Khrushchev called the “cult of personality” the love of the people for their leader, who organized the protection and preservation of the people in the most difficult period of its development. The people sincerely loved the person who helped build a new civilization, statehood and society after the civilizational, geopolitical catastrophe of 1917, resist the struggle against the West and create a superpower. “Any cult is a secret part of the spiritual world. When this part is torn out with rude, dirty paws, as Khrushchev did, they get cynicism and deaf, often unconscious hatred in return,”wrote S. G. Kara-Murza.

The destruction of the ideological foundations of the state was carried out through the "landing of ideals." Instead of a distant image of a just and fraternal life, the people were given a "Soviet" consumer society. As Kara-Murza notes: “Any ideocratic foundation of the state includes two related things - utopia (ideal) and theory (rational explanation of life and the project of the future). The state ideology of the “thaw” period spoiled both of these components and separated them. " Utopia was destroyed by its unacceptable approach ("the current generation of Soviet people will live under communism") and vulgarization (communism means "free travel in public transport"). And also by leveling. Khrushchev immediately destroyed the principle: "to each according to his work." Equalization was introduced throughout the USSR. No matter how much you work, you won't get more than your ration-rate. Under Stalin, it made sense to improve education and professionalism: how much you earned, so much you got. They did not forget about the material stimulation of not only employees and workers, but soldiers (shot down an enemy plane - get it, knocked out a tank - in addition to a reward and gratitude, you will also receive a monetary reward). Therefore, professors and professional workers could receive more than ministers. Khrushchev ruined it all, undermining the foundations of socialism.

The theory was spoiled by the unpredictability of the project and a departure from common sense in the implementation of even reasonable programs: the development of virgin lands, the reduction of the armed forces, the campaign to "introduce corn", "chemicalization of the national economy", etc.

The violation of these foundations destroyed the state of a new type, which was built under Stalin, where power served the people. Under Khrushchev, the party-bureaucratic nomenklatura began to turn into a new class of exploiters. It is clear that this is not a one-step process. Therefore, in the end, Khrushchev was removed from the throne when his policies led to the possibility of disaster. However, the process of disintegration of the Soviet "elite" was launched and eventually led to a new "perestroika" and the 1991 catastrophe.

Khrushchev's socialism began to take the form of state capitalism. Its main feature is a constant rise in prices, moreover, for essential goods, the deterioration of the life of the masses. If anyone does not know, under Stalin, after the elimination of military consequences (and in the shortest possible time, which caused great surprise in the West, where they hoped that the Soviet Union would recover for more than a decade), prices were regularly reduced - from 1946 to 1953. there were 16 markdowns on essential goods.

In the field of government, an attempt at radical "de-Stalinization" boiled down to a sharp decentralization and division of the entire management system. From union to republican jurisdiction in 1954-55 more than 11 thousand enterprises were transferred. Then a radical step was taken: by the law of May 10, 1957, the sectoral management system was replaced by a territorial one. The Supreme Soviets of the republics created 107 economic regions (70 of them in the RSFSR), in which collegial governing bodies, the Economic Councils, were established. 141 union and republican ministries were liquidated. 107 small governments emerged with sectoral and functional departments. Above them, republican Sovnarkhozes had to be built up - parallel to the surviving Councils of Ministers. This led to a deterioration in management.

In 1962, the economic councils were enlarged, and the all-Union Economic Council of the USSR was established. In 1963, the Supreme Council of the National Economy of the USSR was created, to which the State Planning Committee, the State Construction Committee, and other economic state committees were subordinate. Some revival of production caused by decentralization and a surge of local initiative had a serious negative side - a decrease in the technical level of production. The liquidation of ministries deprived the Soviet system of an important advantage: the ability of the state to concentrate funds for the development of science and technology, to pursue a uniform technology policy throughout the country and to distribute the best achievements through the ministry's channels to all industries.

Author: Samsonov Alexander