Between Feeling And Duty - Alternative View

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Between Feeling And Duty - Alternative View
Between Feeling And Duty - Alternative View

Video: Between Feeling And Duty - Alternative View

Video: Between Feeling And Duty - Alternative View
Video: THE CHOICE (Short Animated Movie) 2024, October

Probably, in the epic of every country there is a legend about lovers who chose death over separation. One of the most famous such legends is about the knight Tristan and the beautiful Irish princess Isolde.

The mystery of the popularity of the story of Tristan and Isolde has not yet been solved. Perhaps because this is not only a tale of love and death. This is a story about adventure and hardship, about ups and downs, about hopes and disappointments. Lovers to the last believed in the possibility of connection. But not destiny. The story of Tristan and Isolde has become the subject of many works of art.

"Tristan" in translation means "sad". And his life began sadly. The mother died immediately after the birth of her son. The boy was completely tortured by the unkind stepmother. He was rescued by his uncle named Mark, who took his nephew to foster care at Tintagel Castle, which was located in the British county of Cornwall, of which Mark was just the king.

The appearance of the heroine

The boy was taught to use weapons from childhood. Tristan from an early age was distinguished by such courage and ingenuity that his uncle predicted him to be his successor. The nephew from an early age began to perform feats. For example, he killed the insolent Morkhult, who was trying to impose an unbearable tribute on Cornwall. But in a fight with this rival, the knight received a serious wound …

… Tristan's boat, in which he had sailed at random in search of healing, moored to an unfamiliar shore. The knight made it out with difficulty and lost consciousness. Opening his eyes, he saw that an unfamiliar girl was bending over him - blond and beautiful as a fairy. She bandaged Tristan's wound - the pain miraculously stopped. True, it turned out that Isolde - that was the name of the stranger - was the niece of that very Morkhult.

What kind of love is there? How could a beautiful Irish woman fall in love with the murderer of her close relative?..

Promotional video:

This is where miracles began. Despite the shed blood of Morkhult, Mark wooed Isolde the Blonde. The people of Cornwall insisted that the king should have a direct heir. Tristan was supposed to deliver the beauty to Mark's court. He obediently went to fetch the bride for his benefactor. It is very strange: after all, Tristan was previously considered the heir of Mark. Isolde could have given birth to a child who would inherit the throne. And, it turns out, what feelings could a knight have for her? How else could such a temperamental fighter calmly agree to bring the girl to Mark's court, even if he was his adoptive father a hundred times?

On the ship that sailed to Cornwall, Tristan and Isolde mistakenly drank a love potion intended for the blonde beauty and Mark. It was then that they were seized by an insane passion. The lovers gave themselves to each other right on the ship.

Tristan, of course, understood how he had let his uncle down. But neither he nor Isolde could help themselves.

However, it was too late to change anything. No sooner had the beautiful Isolde set foot on Cornish land, as Mark fell in love with her without memory. That same evening, the wedding was played. Isolde was not just afraid of her wedding night with her unloved husband. Times were harsh: it was scary to even think about what they could do to a young wife if she turns out to be not a virgin.

But then the cunning Isolde found a way out. In the dark, a virgin maid came to Mark, whom he took for his wife. The king did not notice the forgery.

It is not hard to imagine that the madly in love Mark was not satisfied with one wedding night. According to some reports, he even had a daughter from Isolde … But the king only owned Isolde's body. Her soul was with Tristan.

Pangs of conscience

Of course, the attraction that arose between Tristan and Isolde was impossible to hide. Eventually Mark noticed this too. He was furious. His unfaithful wife was captured - the king ordered to throw her to the lepers, so that they would rape the beauty. The lovers had to flee. They built a hut and lived in the forest as husband and wife.

There is a very interesting psychological moment in this legend. Tristan and Isolde, on the one hand, bathed in the passion that fell upon them. On the other hand, they understood the sinfulness of their relationship and prayed to God that the intoxication with love caused by the witch's drink would stop …

In the end, it seemed to them that the madness had let them go. They asked Mark for forgiveness, and Isolde returned to her husband.

And Tristan went away from Cornwall, to Brittany - where he certainly could not meet Isolde. Like any self-respecting knight, the young man spent his days performing feats. In these good deeds, he tried to forget his blond love.

He sought oblivion not only in chivalry. The fact is that the king of Brittany had a daughter, who was also called Isolde. Only this Isolde was not blond, but white-handed. Once in a dream Tristan uttered the name of his beloved. Isolde Beloruka's brother heard this and decided that it was about his sister. Delighted, he broke the news to his father-king. The monarch was also delighted and offered his only daughter to wife Tristan.

The knight again experienced conflicting feelings. On the one hand, he understood that he would never get rid of feelings for his beloved woman. Isolde Blond did not go out of his head. On the other hand, Tristan still wanted to get away from passion for a married lady - also the lawful wife of his benefactor. Intellectually, he perfectly understood: his relationship with the blonde Isolde has no future. Of course, such a conflict between heart and mind was a great breakthrough for the epic of the XII century, in which there could be exploits, there could be love, there could be death, but definitely not doubt and throwing. The story of these lovers is psychologically very real and mature. But not without mysticism, like any fairy tale.

Death under black sails

Once Tristan heard about the fact that the King of Wales has a miracle bell, the ringing of which relieves love melancholy. The knight went to the ruler with a request to give him this bell. But the Welsh monarch was not easy. He promised Tristan a bell in exchange for defeating the terrible giant Urgan. The knight went to the monster and challenged him to battle. They fought for a long time.

The fight ended with Tristan's victory. Well - the king gave the knight the coveted bell. But no matter how much Tristan called him, the feeling for Isolde the Blonde did not pass.

Then he sent a miracle bell to his beloved. Isolde, having received it, also experienced conflicting feelings. She, of course, was delighted with the news from Tristan. But she understood why he had sent her a bell …

Isolde also began to call him. And nothing brought her oblivion either …

So, Tristan decided to marry Isolde Beloruka. And even fulfilled my decision. But, finding himself alone with his young wife, he realized that he could not enter into an intimate relationship with her. I would like to. He understood what was expected of him. But he couldn’t help himself. Isolde Blond became for him the only woman for life.

The young wife did not know what to do. Women of that era did not dare to openly express their claims to men. Even if it was about legal spouses. Once Isolde Belorukaya and her husband Tristan were crossing the stream. The daughter of the king of Brittany here dared to joke: they say, even water is bolder than her husband. Then she still believed that timidity prevents the knight from fulfilling his marital duty.

And the knightly life of Tristan went on as usual. Once he quarreled with a baron. Another fight was coming. He, realizing that he could not defeat Tristan, decided to act cunningly. He soaked his spear with poison …

Tristan was dying of a wound from a poisoned weapon. He remembered how his beloved Isolde had once cured him. And he sent for her, not yet knowing why: either to say goodbye, or so that she would heal him. The knight's friend went after Isolde. Mark, learning that his stepson was dying, let his wife go to him.

Tristan asked: if Isolde is on the ship, then let the white sails be pulled. If a friend returns without her, then let the ship come under black sails.

When the ship appeared on the horizon, Tristan asked his wife what color the sails were.

- Black, - she answered.

The knight immediately died of grief.

Isolde Blond went ashore. Realizing that Tristan did not wait for her, she clung to the body of her lover and also died.

The lovers were buried nearby - on the shore.

Maria Konyukova
