Scientists: Sex Can Be In Danger &Zwj; - Alternative View

Scientists: Sex Can Be In Danger &Zwj; - Alternative View
Scientists: Sex Can Be In Danger &Zwj; - Alternative View

Video: Scientists: Sex Can Be In Danger &Zwj; - Alternative View

Video: Scientists: Sex Can Be In Danger &Zwj; - Alternative View
Video: What If You Stopped Masturbating? 2024, September

Scientists from Cambridge (UK) have proven that sex is in danger from TV shows that distort real facts and negatively affect a person. The research was published in a specialized publication.

According to Professor David Spiegelhalter, there has been a decline in sexual activity around the world over the past 30 years. Sex in the UK has halved since 1990. Previously, each married couple indulged in love at least five times a month, and now 2-3. If this negative trend continues, then in 15 years sex will disappear completely from people's lives, which will certainly affect the demography of the population.

Scientists believe that serials are no less dangerous for sex, distracting women from intimate life. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity prefer to dive into the world of fantasy and adventure, rather than devote time to their beloved. Affect sex and internet gadgets. Couples, being in bed, continue to communicate on the Internet, which annoys one of the partners.

Dzhanabilova Tatiana P