Who Is The Family Homestead Hindering? - Alternative View

Who Is The Family Homestead Hindering? - Alternative View
Who Is The Family Homestead Hindering? - Alternative View

Video: Who Is The Family Homestead Hindering? - Alternative View

Video: Who Is The Family Homestead Hindering? - Alternative View
Video: THIS is why we CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS 2024, September

What is the Family Estate? This is not just a piece of land where there is a garden, a vegetable garden, a lake, a bathhouse … This is a place where Kinsmen live in Harmony with Nature, comprehending the Thought of the Parent, embodied in the material world, in the world of Reveal! The Family Estate is Healthy children, natural, natural food grown by our own hands, with Love and Good Thought, which is known to be a powerful Force capable of creating worlds..

The idea of Ancestral Domains, in wide circles, became known thanks to the books of V. Megre, about Anastasia, a Woman from the Vedic ClanRus living according to the Canons, according to which the people of Vedic Russia lived. Anastasia talks and talks about the times before the coming of Christianity to Russia. About what moral foundations and principles stood at the head of society, according to what Canons the Rus lived, created and died! She talks about the Wedding Rites, about how brave and courageous the Slavic Warriors were, how desperately and loyally they knew how to Love the Vedruses, and how, until their last breath, they were faithful to their Motherland and their Beloved.

Anastasia gives specific and useful recommendations on how to feed newborns, on how to Revive and strengthen your Kin. A lot of attention is paid to the Slavic Family and our beautiful TOMORROW, which will be carried by the future generations of the Rusichi!

This information could not but find a response in the Hearts of the awakening Rus and now on our beautiful lands, ancestral villages and estates are created in Love and Joy, where people plant cedars, plants, conceive and give birth to children in goodness and ennoble the Mother Earth in every way! Anastasia herself says that these people are the future of Russia, because these people return to God, whom our Ancestors called ROD and live in the LIVING NATURE, that is, next to the Family, in His Kingdom and Domains. A city is an artificially created space where a person is constantly exposed to stress, violence, eats poisons and artificial food that destroys the body, gets sick, withers and dies prematurely.

A harmonious, healthy life is possible in natural conditions for us, in the vibrations of Good, Life, Light and Love, which are initially present in all the Creations of our Father, the Most High Kin!

We know that now the planet is going through that time, which in many religions is called "dark" time, Armageddon, Kali-yuga … At this time, the activity of demons, creatures, hostile to us, some alien civilizations and simple evil ones. For these Souls everything that carries the energy and Power of the Sort (the Most High) is unbearable. In the Middle Ages, they burned our Magi, Veduns and Vedunas at the stake, now they are conducting new crusades against God, against Love and everything that carries this Basis of Life. Only masks and guises they now have more. But recognizing them all is just as easy. Easy for their poisonous sting, for the hatred and anger that these "dark" creatures carry to people.

Their main task is to prevent as many Rusichs as possible from learning the Truth about their own Parents, about the moral Purity and Power of Spirit that were and are in them, about how they shed their Blood giving their lives for those who live now … Using the power of her Ancestral Memory, Anastasia shows living Images and pictures from the real past of Russia. Shows how foreigners under the guise of Christianity, like punitive fascists, massacred entire villages. This information is especially scary for those entities who, once again hiding under the guise of a church today, are trying to hide the Truth about our past. Therefore, they so fiercely hate Anastasia, launching a real information war against her, using various religious dogmas to deftly manipulate the minds of people, denigrating in their eyes the author himself and the information that Anastasia gives. Having touched the Truth, the Soul, which has not lost the Image of KIND, begins its ascent to the heavenly palaces, to its Divine Source. And the main idea of Anastasia is precisely life in harmony with the Parent himself and with what he has created in the Explicit World and the Universe.

It is known that demons can destroy each other. Therefore, some of these entities can hide under the guise of Christianity, while others under other religions and directions of the spiritual, esoteric and Slavic world. In the Slavs today, in order to prevent the Revival of our Tribal Spirit, demonic hierarchs have also been introduced, whose task is to prevent Unity between the Rusichs, which will lead to the strengthening of our common Spirit and Power. Therefore, one of their main weapons is the introduction of their adherents into the Slavic environment, in order to lead and lead aside, it is imperative to quarrel among the Rus, to play them off like dogs. Therefore, in the Slavic world there are so many different directions and organizations, associations, many of which are frankly harmful, sowing enmity between relatives. Agency introduced into the Slavs in order to discredit the idea of the Family Homestead,uses in his slanderous falsehood, designed for those who are very easily led astray. Speaking about Anastasia, they come up with some black monks who are allegedly associated with her, but about whom nothing is said in Anastasia's books. Weave Jewish motives connecting them with the information of Anastasia, with the fact that allegedly She Herself and all their Clan are alien to us … The main “trump card” and target of these invaders is Megre himself. But those who are at least a little familiar with the books understand and know that Megre himself does not pretend to be either a teacher-guru or even a spiritual person, because he himself understands and admits his imperfection and misunderstanding of many of the foundations that Anastasia spoke about. Being a simple Russian peasant, with his weaknesses, imperfections and spiritual illnesses,Megre was still able to take the path leading to moral perfection and spiritual development. By this, we are shown that everyone, even such a fallen one as Megre himself was, can become a Human - stop drinking, smoking, leading a wild lifestyle, stop killing animals by eating them.

Promotional video:

For our Ancestors, Living Nature has always been the true Temple! Many Rites and Sacred Acts took place in the Sacred Groves and protected forests. The Power and energy of our Gods and throughout the day lives among endless forests and seas, boulders and stones of Power … Mother Nature is always open to the pure Conscience of Rusichi. Therefore, the demons are so afraid of the return of the Slavs to the bosom of the NATIVE Gods, to the bosom of Mother Earth. Demons need obedient biorobot puppets, which can be "milked" by pumping power from them and using them as they please. Nature, however, purifies consciousness. People living in the Family Estates pose a real threat to non-Russians, because THEY ARE HERE AND NOW CREATING THE FUTURE OF RUSSIA AND THE SLAVIC LANDS, conceiving, giving birth and bringing up Healthy spiritually and physically, people of a new era!

Demons like to talk about reservations, into which, supposedly, under the guise of Family Homes, they drive Rusichs for their further extermination. These words are intended for those who do not remember at all and have lost the Image of the Native Gods and have forgotten what the Native Land and Nature are. Nature is ALIVE! She remembers and knows everything. Mother Earth has the opportunity, in a few minutes, to wipe ALL MANKIND from the face of the Earth! The forces of nature always destroy everything unnecessary and dirty, everything that prevents Her from breathing. So it was and is on earth. The elements destroyed many cities and entire civilizations when the level of their harm and degradation became critical. So it will be with those who continue to rape the Earth, destroying the world and the planet itself. People living in the Ancestral Estates do their best to help the restoration of the natural organism. Those who remain in the cities continue their lives destroying the planet. And if a cataclysm begins, then they will be the first to be eliminated, and not those people who live in their estates and bring nothing but benefit to the Earth.


Many of us remember and understand, see that the Earth is ALIVE! What She answers us, is able to HEAR AND LISTEN! She will never allow the destruction of her beloved Children, those who seek to help and help her. Demons will be eliminated and all demonic substances will leave the density and information field of the earth. All who carried and bears her harm. Therefore, the demons spread information that the Ancestral Settlements will be used as reservations. But such words, as mentioned above, are designed for those who have completely forgotten about the Power of the Native Land and the Rod-Father himself. Who has forgotten the Ecumenical Pocon and RIGHT, does not know about the canon of causality and that all unclean things are eliminated and self-destructed when a Man enters into full force, uniting with the Father-Rod!

But the demons' lies are not very clever. Speaking of reservations, they don't even offer any alternative. That is, a person is assigned the role of continuing to suffocate in the stench of cities, to be a puppet in the hands of politicians and puppeteers.

It is also worth noting that not all of those who denigrate the Family Estates are our enemy and serve the demons. There are those who really work for HELL, there are those who simply work off their money, but there are those who simply lost the Image of the LIVING God, who forgot Pocon and blackened Conscience, but are our Brother Rusich! The flow of lies is now very strong. Not everyone can stand in the Truth and preserve the Soul. And we must always remember those Kindred who just temporarily fell for the tricks of foreigners. They unconsciously oppose the Ancestors. The hope may be that, nevertheless, they will have time to understand this before they cross the last line-line separating the Human Kingdom and the worlds of demons.

We can help these Kinsmen with our kind word and information that speaks the Truth. We can help if we ourselves live on earth, if these confused Souls see and feel the Good coming from our Hearts and see Joyful and Healthy Rusichi!

Such a REALITY already exists. In the first Ancestral Estates, children have already been born who have become the Future of Revived Russia! The future of our Clans and Nations. WHAT FACTS SPEAKING ABOUT WHO IS WHO STILL NEEDED? Healthy children, strong Families, shining faces of the VedRus speak for themselves!


There is an information war going on now. Battle of Truth and Falsehood. The battle of the Gods and Humans, who still have Conscience, against the forces of hell and demonic civilizations. The task of the adversary is to make people believe in reality, where they are VICTIMS and martyrs. Reality where Rusichi are not the Masters of their own Earth. The reality that the Family Estates carries for the demons is very dangerous because it makes a Man not only the Master of the NATIVE Earth, but a worthy Son of the Most High Kin-Father and His assistant in the creation of new Worlds and Universes!

The demons know that such a reality already exists. That it is inevitable for the planet, because the planet itself helps those who help and LOVE It! Mother Earth is on our side. The adversary knows this well and is now engaged in the fact that, with the help of lies and lies, causes anger in one Kindred to another. He uses such lies to turn away the awakening Kindred who are just beginning to show interest in the Legacy of the Ancestors.

May the Gods keep all the Kinsfolk who live according to Kon, who honor Mother Russia and Living Nature, as a manifestation of our Father's Kin! The Knights of Heavenly Rus and the Heroes of Valhalla keep the Rusichs from the intruders under the guise of Slavism, to which Sventovit and Radegast have already turned their angry and punishing gaze!

Friends! Those who understand how important it is now to give birth to Healthy and strong children, who understand what Nature and Family Domain are, - Use this material against demons and intruders, denigrating Rus and Family Domains. This is the SHIELD on which the word of TRUTH is inscribed, denouncing the demons. Love your Kinsmen and live with Rod in the Heart!