Prayers Of Alexander Nevsky - Alternative View

Prayers Of Alexander Nevsky - Alternative View
Prayers Of Alexander Nevsky - Alternative View

Video: Prayers Of Alexander Nevsky - Alternative View

Video: Prayers Of Alexander Nevsky - Alternative View
Video: SAMSON Full Movie Official(2018) 2024, October

Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky (May 13, 1221 - November 14, 1263) - the famous Russian commander, covered with military glory, who was awarded a literary tale of his deeds, canonized by the church soon after his death, a man whose name continued to inspire generations who lived many centuries later.

Today he is one of the revered saints, whose relics are kept in the ark in the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg, to whom hundreds of pilgrims come to worship every day.

But, interestingly, the deeds that Nevsky performed during his lifetime would in our time be called healing and extrasensory perception, and all such facts are for the most part kept silent by the church - not a word is said about them in the annals of the lives of the saints, it is generally accepted that they are saints (in 1547) he was numbered, for "being famous as a military leader and as a wise politician, he was of unrivaled importance for the construction of the Russian state." And what interesting materials about Nevsky can be found in archival documents?

In 1236, at the age of 16, Alexander became the full-fledged ruler of Novgorod, but a year later the hordes of Batu went to war against the city. They have already destroyed many Russian cities: Vladimir, Ryazan, Suzdal. There is information that Alexander, in order to protect the city, every morning, when the sun just rose, went out into the street with bare feet, kneeled down and began to pray (however, some historians believe that he did not pray, but recited certain mantras) …


As a result, all this created an invisible protective dome over the city - and the city, despite the attacks of the Tatar-Mongols, survived. When, three years later, Lithuanian and German knights, attacking from the west, and the Swedes from the north began to pose a threat to the city, Alexander led an army in the battle with the Swedes on the Neva, which took place on July 15, 1240.

Before the battle, the prince prayed for a long time and said the following words to the soldiers: “God is not in power, but in truth. Some - with weapons, others - on horses, but we will call on the Name of our Lord!”. And then something happened that already in our times ufologists all over the world are talking about.

As the Russian chronicles testify, when Nevsky raised his hands to the sky, a miracle happened. It was described by the elder of the Izhora land Pelugsiy: “There was a terrible noise, and a nasad (an ancient Novgorod ship of the rook type) appeared in the sky, in the middle of which stood the previously killed princes Boris and Gleb, promoted to the rank of saints; they wore crimson clothing, while the rowers wore lightning-colored suits. " At the same time, all our army heard how Prince Boris said: "Brother Gleb, lead the row, so let us help our relative Alexander."

Promotional video:

After the victory over the Swedes, the Novgorodians, led by their prince, advanced along the banks of the Izhora River, and when the troops were in the middle of the river, Alexander suddenly saw that a "regiment of angels" was moving across the sky … Soon he found many dead enemies. But there were no Novgorod soldiers there yet! The chronicler claims that the enemies were killed by "the angels of God", moreover, the remnants of the Swedish troops fled, loading some of the corpses on three ships, which soon sank into the sea.


Unusual manifestations of figures in the sky were attributed to the appearance of gods or angels (although contemporaries tend to talk about UFOs). Be that as it may, the rumor about the miracle spread so quickly throughout the Russian land that people from all over the country began to come to Alexander (some went for several months) for help. It was believed that since the gods help him, then he is capable of any miracles.

Nevsky could not resist a huge number of people, and since he simply didn’t have any communication with each time, he gathered people together and helped them with prayer, after which “those who could not get up, stood up, those who had yellow skin from the disease that was sitting in them - revived and took on a normal color, exhausted they recovered, troubles receded."

Why aren't these public sessions of today's esotericists? This is supported by the evidence that Nevsky not only massively treated people, but also predicted the future. Many came to him with questions, for advice - he did not refuse anyone.

Nevsky not only helped people and defended the Russian lands, but he himself acted as a conqueror. In military campaigns, he also relied on prayer, and in the sky above each battle, eyewitnesses saw the faces of saints, angels and crosses. After the campaigns to the Finnish land, where the diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church was established, Nevsky was called a preacher who helped spread the Word of God everywhere.

Prince Alexander never returned from his last trip. He became seriously ill and died. After he was buried in the Nativity monastery in Vladimir, a miracle happened. All the icons on the territory of the monastery were pacified, and this continued for several weeks.

In the sky above the grave, thousands of people saw strange glowing objects in the form of crosses. They hung in the sky for 40 days after the death of Nevsky, and after almost five hundred years (!) They appeared in that place - until 1724, when, by order of Peter I, the relics of Alexander Nevsky were not transferred to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery.

Denis Lobkov "Mysticism in the life of outstanding people"