How To Read Ten Books In A Weekend - Alternative View

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How To Read Ten Books In A Weekend - Alternative View
How To Read Ten Books In A Weekend - Alternative View

Video: How To Read Ten Books In A Weekend - Alternative View

Video: How To Read Ten Books In A Weekend - Alternative View
Video: How I Read 521 Books a Year 2024, July

Seven Rules to Increase Your Reading Speed

Napoleon Bonaparte read at a speed of 2000 words per minute, Vladimir Lenin - 2500, and Maxim Gorky - about 4000. The speed of an average person is 200-300 words in sixty seconds …

The ability to quickly read, "swallow" and memorize information can be trained without leaving home. "Komsomolskaya Pravda" was convinced of this after studying several special books and attending a master class by one of the most famous trainers in speed reading, super memory and NLP Ivan Chursin. We've picked seven top tips to improve your reading speed. So…


One of the main enemies of speed is regressive reading. 90% of readers return their eyes to the already read text. A word, a phrase, or even a whole sentence may seem incomprehensible, which means you need to re-read them again. And then another and another … Sound familiar? Aha! You have to unlearn a bad habit. Preferably immediately.

- Running back and forth through the text with your eyes, you run the risk of losing the narrative thread and breaking the logic of presentation. Didn't you understand something? Feel free to read on! The golden rule, says Ivan Chursin.

The main reason for "reading back" is poor concentration, absent-mindedness. If you want to focus on the text, read with a pointer or slide your finger along the lines.

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It will be far from Lenin's pace. But productivity will increase.


Speed reading - the ability to highlight keywords in the text and translate them into visual images. One picture in our imagination replaces another, as if on a television screen.

Reading a book becomes like watching a movie. It is simply necessary to develop imaginative thinking! It allows you to see the whole situation.

- Absolutely everyone can "pump" imaginative thinking, - experts say. - Start simple. Try to memorize as many people as you can during the day. And before going to bed, try to remember them all. Describe their appearance, imagine their manner … The next day, repeat the experiment. Only not with people, but with machines. Or shop signs. This is how experience will come to you. It will become easier to turn words into pictures.


Another bad habit is to say words to yourself. Someone moves their tongue, moves their lips, mutters something … All this is superfluous. Repetition slows down reading.

Getting rid of "internal articulation" is difficult. But you can. As Ivan Chursin says, there are many exercises. One of them is counting. Read the text and count the numbers at the same time. One, two, three … To infinity.

Don't be alarmed if at first you don't understand the meaning of what you read. Nothing wrong. To "retrain" the brain will need at least twenty hours of reading in this way. If you don't like counting, hum a song. The option is no less cheerful. Soon you will learn to understand the meaning of words and will not waste time to speak or pronounce them.

Have you noticed how the arrow of the speedometer of the reading speed confidently creeps up? But further - more. And faster.


Learn to cover as much text as possible with one glance. A person with "supernormal abilities" can look at one paragraph and digest it in just a few seconds. It is necessary to develop peripheral vision. For example, using Schulte tables.

They look like this. The frame is divided into square cells with numbers from 1 to 25, arranged in a chaotic order. Our task is to focus our eyes on the central cell and find all the numbers in sequence. You can search for them ONLY with peripheral vision.

The steeper your skill, the wider the table. A very useful exercise. Not only increases the speed of reading, but also trains attention.


According to Ivan Chursin, all literature can be read at wind speed. Both highly specialized and artistic. But it's better to start with general education. For example, for personal growth. The main thing is to be sure that the information you receive will be required. The brain will pick up the signal and will absorb knowledge better and faster.

“The brain and memory lend themselves to programming: we can give them certain settings,” says Ivan Chursin. - Before you start reading a book, ask yourself: "Why do I need to read it?" and "What exactly do I want to learn?" Motivate yourself!

Napoleon with his 2000 words per minute is just around the corner. There is his cocked hat …

Highlight the main

Read with a pencil in hand. Feel free to mark the margins. Mark the places that seem important to you. Then you will learn to see the essence.

So Joseph Stalin read. The leader armed himself with multi-colored pencils and took notes. According to eyewitnesses, notes were made on 90% of Joseph Vissarionovich's books. The Leader's library consisted of about forty thousand volumes …

The secretary general also had the ability to read diagonally. In one day, I mastered at least five hundred pages. A year - about a thousand of various books!


According to Ivan Chursin, the optimal time for continuous receipt of information is thirty minutes. Every half hour you need to take a break and do physical exercises. Gymnastics for the fingers is the best fit.

“It's not just about reading. One of my acquaintances went to school, where lessons lasted half an hour. It was an ordinary school, but for some reason the children from it constantly won all kinds of Olympiads, says Chursin.

- By following all these rules, you will noticeably increase your reading speed. Three, or even five times, - sums up the coach. - The result can be achieved after a week of hard training!


How to easily remember a grocery list to a store

Imaginative thinking and good memory are related concepts. There is an exercise that develops both of these qualities. And even helps in everyday life. With its help, you can easily remember the list of products.

Submit your shopping cart. It should be huge. Suddenly oil falls on her. A giant bottle pierces the basket, sticks into it, splashes scatter … We try to pull out the oil, but no way. The bottle went into the basket.

A tomato falls on the oil. The tomato is glued to the bottle. We try to rip it off, but in vain. The vegetable does not lend itself.

A roll of toilet paper falls onto the tomato. The bundle clings to a tomato neighbor. We cannot tear it off …

The tower can grow indefinitely. The main thing is to combine the images. Thus, you can memorize a list of at least one hundred items!

Maxim SYU
