Properties Of Pyramids - Alternative View

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Properties Of Pyramids - Alternative View
Properties Of Pyramids - Alternative View

Video: Properties Of Pyramids - Alternative View

Video: Properties Of Pyramids - Alternative View
Video: Nikola Tesla - Limitless Energy & the Pyramids of Egypt 2024, September

One of the unique remedies is the pyramid. With its (not yet explained by science) energy, it quite actively stimulates the vital forces of the sick organism, and that, in turn, already copes with the disease more easily.

With the help of the pyramid, the blood composition quickly improves, blood pressure normalizes, pain subsides, bone fractures, wounds heal faster, as well as injuries associated with operations, radiation therapy and tumors. The pyramid heals and infectious (microbial and parasitic) diseases.

In other words, therapy with the help of a pyramid is a unique remedy for many diseases, and even if a person, being in good health, sometimes takes (in small doses) water or eats small portions of food, kept in the pyramid, or sometimes rests in a large or over small pyramids, then the chances of getting sick are minimal.

Making pyramids

A pyramid is a polyhedron, the base of which is a polygon, and the side faces are triangles with a common size.

At the base of a regular pyramid there is always a regular polygon (for example, a square for a tetrahedral pyramid), and the side faces are equal triangles. The height of the pyramid is equal to the length of the perpendicular dropped from the top to the center of the base (the center of the regular polygon lying at the base of the pyramid is the point of intersection of its diagonals). In addition to height, the characteristics of the pyramid are the length of the base and the height of the side face (apothem) of the pyramid.


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A pyramid is made from any dense smooth homogeneous material (thick cardboard, plexiglass, metal sheets, etc.), without a single nail and without the use of other metals, which by their field distort the field of the pyramidal space. It is best to glue the material, and if it is metal, weld the seams.

The home pyramid can be of any size, but the most effective pyramids have an equilateral triangle at the base, and its base is 1: 7 in height, and is made of smooth metal sheets.

It should be remembered that with a doubling of the height of the pyramid, the activity of its action increases many times (50-100 and more). Therefore, if possible, install the pyramids with the maximum height.

If the pyramid has a square at its base and a height of more than a meter, then one of the pyramid's edges should be oriented with the help of the compass strictly to the north, so the pyramid will work more efficiently with the energy of the planet.

The maximum energy capabilities of all correctly made and installed pyramids (large and small) are possessed by their internal space at the level from 1/3 to 2/3 of the pyramid height. The rest of the space of the pyramids is energetically minimal, respectively, and the return is minimal.

It is categorically not recommended to direct the top of the pyramid to any living creature, since the energy ray coming out of the top easily penetrates the biofield of an ordinary person, leaving open holes through.

Examples of using pyramids

In case of severe and multiple diseases, the patient should use the large pyramids for rest - the possibilities of healing in them are practically unlimited. The time spent in the large pyramids is purely individual, for especially sensitive patients - no more than 15 minutes. In case of fatigue, 30 minutes of staying in the pyramid is enough to restore strength and get rid of discomfort.

Empty pyramids are good for healing the body, but in combination with the intake of pyramidal water or herbal infusions aged for 24 hours inside the pyramid, the treatment is much more effective. Even a small fraction of such water benefits the patient. The pyramid infusion is done something like this: put the medicinal raw materials indicated in the recommendation in a container (glass or jar), pour the required amount of boiling water, close with a nylon lid and insist the right time in the pyramid. Water can be stored in the pyramid for a long time.

For all internal pains, for pain in muscles and joints, outwardly in the form of a compress, you can use aluminum foil, which is previously charged in a pyramid for 1 week. The foil charged in this way is wrapped in a layer of linen and applied to a sore spot or joint. From above, this compress is closed, secured with a linen cloth or bandage and left overnight. Such compresses are also used for pain in the head, abdomen, chest, limbs. With the help of such compresses, pains usually go away quickly enough - they go away completely! The foil should be positioned like this: the side that was towards the top should be applied from the body!

In addition to healing properties, pyramids are useful for many other purposes

You can keep the seeds before planting in a pyramid for 10-15 days, while the germination and yield increase by about 2 times.

Pyramids have a beneficial effect on animals. You can build a large pyramid near their place of residence, you can place several small pyramids. The aquarium can be filled with pyramidal water, it can be covered with a pyramid oriented to the cardinal points for 24 hours or more. In pyramids, especially large ones, perishable foodstuffs can be stored on the shelves for a long time without the risk of spoiling. Moreover, their taste even improves.

Blunt razor blades are placed in small pyramids for sharpening.

If a homemade generator is placed in a large pyramid at a height of 1/3 to 1/2, then the pyramid will be able to generate electrical energy. The generator is made from sheets of aluminum, copper or foil-clad plastic. The assembled generator must be connected to a battery, preferably an alkaline one, paralleling it and with a load. When manufacturing such a generator, it should be borne in mind that the more plates there are in it, the more voltage it can give, and the larger the surface of the plates, the more current the generator can generate.

Fig 3. An approximate view of the generator in a horizontal (non-working) position
Fig 3. An approximate view of the generator in a horizontal (non-working) position

Fig 3. An approximate view of the generator in a horizontal (non-working) position.

Working position - vertical. 1 - current-collecting metal plates; 2 - insulating strips (the plates are held with glue); 3 - battery; 4 - load (lamp).

Placement of the generator in the pyramid
Placement of the generator in the pyramid

Placement of the generator in the pyramid.

In arid regions, you can make a condenser (storage) of water and collect it from the air by placing the pyramid on a foundation with a slope towards the center of the pyramid with a pipe hole in the center of the base. The pipe is led out at a slope for independent water drainage outside the foundation. From above, the concreted area is covered with a slide of gravel to the greatest possible height. The embankment is reinforced with a pyramidal frame (possibly metal) covered with a mesh (preferably galvanized). This mounting does not interfere with the free flow and outflow of air. A pyramid with a height of 250 cm is capable of filling a container of 100-200 liters with water per day.

Currently, the world has accumulated a large statistical material revealing the various properties of pyramids:

  • the energy of the pyramids has a beneficial effect on the environment,
  • the level of radiation decreases,
  • the ionization level changes from positive to negative,
  • reflects the flow of electromagnetic radiation of technical and natural origin,
  • the viscosity of oil in the fields around the built pyramids decreases,
  • pyramids have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of people, reduce the level of anger in society.

Suffice it to recall such a well-known fact: the dirty water of Lake Seliger became clean and transparent after the construction of the Golod Pyramid on its banks. New springs opened up, flowers appeared in the Red Book. Scientists have registered a column of unknown energy several kilometers high above the pyramid.

The energies inside the pyramid change the internal structure of the objects in it.

The following phenomena are noted:

  • mummification (dehydration and sterilization)
  • regeneration of damaged tissues
  • structuring water (does not freeze at negative temperatures).
  • food products improve their taste and their shelf life increases several times (in Bulgaria, pyramidal-shaped vegetable stores have been used for many years)
  • seed germination improves.

The healing properties of the pyramids are just beginning to be systematically studied, although in ancient times they were used on a daily basis. So recent research in this area has shown that one of the functions of the pyramids in Egypt, in particular the Cheops pyramid, was the diagnosis and therapy of organic diseases, and the use of small obelisks, a kind of pyramids, was widespread (for home use).

According to the theory of scientists, the physical vacuum and material objects with a spatial-geometric structure distort the linear structure of the physical vacuum. Which is a material but not a material environment with a field structure. The response of the physical vacuum is a change in its spin state, which corresponds to the appearance of torsion fields. All objects of the world around us are formative structures that generate torsion fields. Man is also a complex complex of torsion generators, from the cellular level to the chakra systems. In addition to the impact of the torsion fields generated by them, the pyramidal structures are a connecting link that perceives cosmic torsion flows and flows generated by humans, the environment and the Earth. We can say that a chain is being built:Universe, Earth, pyramid, man. There is also a feedback: man, pyramid, Earth, Universe.


The theory of physical vacuum, torsion fields is currently continuing to develop, and the development with the use of torsion generators and other devices is beginning to receive practical application.

But when something new starts to be introduced, then, as often happens, experience goes ahead of scientific substantiation and theory, there is a set of statistical data, research is carried out, scientific work and study of the experience of previous civilizations are carried out in parallel.

The proven healing properties of the pyramids are:

  • Relieve tension at the physical and mental level.
  • There is a noticeable effect on the parasympathetic nervous system (pulse and pressure indicators decrease, stabilize).
  • Gives a general healing effect.
  • Blood counts improve (increase in hemoglobin, decrease in ESR, decrease in leukocytes).
  • Pain syndrome decreases
  • Efficiency increases, sleep improves.
  • Decreases susceptibility to stress.

The Ba-Gua biodevices that we distribute through our website have the same principles of operation as the pyramid. But they are more efficient, and designed specifically to work with human bioenergy.