Riddles Of The Stone Hordes - Alternative View

Riddles Of The Stone Hordes - Alternative View
Riddles Of The Stone Hordes - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Stone Hordes - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of The Stone Hordes - Alternative View
Video: 9 Riddles Only People with High IQ Can Solve 2024, July

It has long been known that revered temples, icons, family heirlooms, amulets, and even children's toys passing from generation to generation, over time, their outer energy shell increases (like the atmosphere of the planet) with a benevolent attitude of people towards them. A similar energy shell also grows around stone (and other) monuments, to which people give the memory of respect. These monuments also include menhirs - stone pillars and stone balls that are part of the complex of religious buildings. The ancient priests knew the properties of formation and methods of using these energy sheaths around material objects (bodies), including people.

In Europe, Asia, Africa and other places of the planet, there are mysterious clusters of menhirs. They form rectilinear or circular and semi-circular structures. So, for example, in the north-west of France in Brittany (on the way of ancient migrations of peoples), at the base of the Quiberon peninsula, near the city of Karnak, there was a huge complex of stone religious buildings. Next to the "gallery tomb" of the mound, surrounded by stones, there is a dolmen and a burial ground, as well as a huge semicircle of 70 closely set stones. Three lanes of menhirs approach these structures, like columns of soldiers. One of the alleys, measuring 90x1000 meters, includes 11 rows of 1100 stones. The second alley, 100x180 meters, is 10 rows of 1000 stones. The third, measuring 130x820 meters, has 13 rows of 820 stones. The height of the menhirs in the alleys increases as one approaches the main structures of the tomb from 0.6 to 3.7 meters. All three alleys are oriented northeast - southwest. These stone rows are reminiscent of the built troops, making a stunning impression. Local legends claim that these are enchanted stone warriors. Only once a year, on Christmas Eve (when the enchanted forces lose their power), gray-green granite figures descend to the water to drink.

Presumably, the construction of such religious buildings in Brittany was carried out in different historical periods from 2.6 to 5 thousand years ago. These stone alleys are part of the complex of religious buildings that accompany the tombs. Therefore, one of the alleys is called "Place of the Dead", and the second - "Place of burning." Considering the energy fields around each of the menhirs, we see that they interact with the energy of the mound, the dolmen. A similar interaction of energy occurs between trees, between various organic and inorganic objects. Such energy formation and interaction is observed in a concert hall or theater, when the energy field of the spectators (sitting in rows) and the energy field of the artist unite, come into contact. Such periods are a dream for artists, when the audience and the artist live with one breath, only feelings, thoughts.

As for the burial process of the deceased ruler, it bears its own imprint of the era and the characteristics of the country. Similar complexes of structures are known, but richer. For example, there is a detailed description of the burial and the location of the tombs of the Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang di (259-210 BC), belonging to the pen of Simya Qian.

In 1974, archaeological excavations of the complex of structures at the imperial tomb began, which gave sensational finds of the century.

The tomb of Qin Shi Huang di was built under the dome of Mount Lishan at the depth of third waters, the walls of which were covered with bronze. The accompanying storehouses were filled with models of palaces, treasures of culture and knowledge. The door to the tomb was made of an alloy of metal, consisting mainly of aluminum, and equipped with magnetic locks. Next to the burial vault, instead of menhirs, slender ranks and ranks of foot and mounted soldiers, officials in the amount of more than 8 thousand sculptures of bronze and ceramics in life size with a realistic depiction of each person were located. A steep room was built above the excavation site.

Similar sculptural accompaniments at the ancient tombs were in more ancient periods, for example, south-west of Lake Baikal, in Western Siberia near Arkaim, not far from Samarkand, in India, etc.

The construction of a complex of religious buildings provided for the mandatory creation of information communication with certain zones of the Earth, as is done during the construction of modern temples of all religions. Similar requirements also applied to pyramids, mounds, mausoleums, chapels, pantheons and other gravestones.

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As for the stone balls found in Africa, South America and other places, their accumulation over a large area (due to the ancient priests) was used to form a significant concentration of the energy field over the field of balls. This energy field also interacts with the energy of the mound (tomb), and it is formed due to the properties of spherical shapes.

Considering the above, now, by the presence of fields of menhirs or balls, one can confidently search for an ancient tomb nearby.