Traces Of The Gods: An Alien Buddhist Temple In Thailand - Alternative View

Traces Of The Gods: An Alien Buddhist Temple In Thailand - Alternative View
Traces Of The Gods: An Alien Buddhist Temple In Thailand - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of The Gods: An Alien Buddhist Temple In Thailand - Alternative View

Video: Traces Of The Gods: An Alien Buddhist Temple In Thailand - Alternative View
Video: Flying saucers and the Buddhist view of the universe(GDD-0328) 2024, July

One of the main unique features of the Buddhist temple Wat Phra Dhammakaya in Thailand is that its shape painfully resembles a huge landed "flying saucer", or even something more grandiose … It is worth recalling that researchers have long noted a striking similarity in the shape of many temples (Indian, Eastern and even European) with landed spacecraft. Perhaps this is not in vain, once such events took place in reality, and the ancients in a sacred form tried to convey them and convey the importance of what happened in very distant times …

Buddhist Wat Phra Dhammakaya is a truly grandiose structure and one of the largest temples in Thailand. Its shape resembles a large stadium or a spaceship. Its dome has 300,000 golden Buddha statues. Another 700,000 are located inside the temple.

Some of the esoteric knowledge and chronicles indicate that the blood of "gods" flowed in the veins of the great Buddha Gautama, separate records and descriptions of appearance even suggest that perhaps (as a version) it was a particle of the blood of the reptilians, the so-called "snakemen", possibly, who once flew here from Venus, fleeing from a global cataclysm.

From space, the temple of Wat Phra Dhammakaya resembles some kind of scheme: a large square with a circle in the middle.

During the festivities at Wat Phra Dhammakaya, architecture and choreography are combined to create stunning visual compositions: images of a thousand golden Buddha statues that make up the central dome, 100,000 candles (which transform into a sea of light) and thousands of meditating monks. There is complete peace and perfect symmetry.

From many angles, the temple is ideally similar to the landing of a giant alien ship, and the solemnity and smoothness of the ceremonies demonstrate the exceptional importance of this event for people. For those people who once saw it with their own eyes …

It remains only to watch the video of how the “alien temple” itself looks like and the ceremonies in it: