Different Perceptions Of UFOs By Eyewitnesses - Alternative View

Different Perceptions Of UFOs By Eyewitnesses - Alternative View
Different Perceptions Of UFOs By Eyewitnesses - Alternative View

Video: Different Perceptions Of UFOs By Eyewitnesses - Alternative View

Video: Different Perceptions Of UFOs By Eyewitnesses - Alternative View
Video: Something in the air: The increased attention to UFOs 2024, September

Another very strange feature of UFOs is that eyewitnesses often give completely different descriptions of the shape, size, color and behavior of the object, although by the coincidence of the observation time, direction and a number of other data, it can be assumed that we are talking about the same phenomenon.

One of such cases occurred in June 1978 in a pioneer camp at the Klyazma station, where five counselors and three high school students observed a UFO flight along a "jumping" trajectory for half an hour, and their perception was completely different. It seemed to one counselor that the object looked like a disc of fire, to another - like a red oval, 'to the third - like a star with small stars. And one of the high school students claimed that it was an elongated silvery body, while another insisted that it was egg-shaped and dark. The most varied data were given by eyewitnesses in relation to the number of rows and the color of the lights on the object.

In another incident in September 1982, over 30 independent observers from different points of the Crimea observed the flight of some unknown luminous object at approximately the same time. Most eyewitnesses claimed that the object flew in a straight line from northwest to southeast at the speed of an aircraft, although the data on the azimuths of its appearance and disappearance are contradictory.

Even more controversial was the data on the shape of the object. Some eyewitnesses described it as a ball or sphere, others as a cylinder or cigar, others as a blunt cone or triangle, etc. And according to some reports, it was divided into four parts.

The readings about the object's flight altitude were also very diverse: from 100 m to 10 km. The same can be said about the phenomena that accompanied the flight of this object. According to some indications, four beams departed from it in the direction opposite to the movement, according to others, a 2-3 m long tail stretched behind it, and according to the third - a 200-300 m long train.

A similar case took place with five UFO eyewitnesses in 1978, also in the Crimea.

The reasons for this unequal perception of UFOs by people, perhaps, are not in any special properties of objects, but simply in the peculiarities of the human psyche.

Forensic scientists are well aware that witnesses often describe the appearance and clothing of the offender in completely different ways, due to the surprise and short duration of the observation, as well as the agitation of the witnesses.

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In addition, the stereotype of personal perception, emotion and imagination plays a significant role, because sometimes people tend to simply invent individual details to support their version or embellish them to make the story more entertaining in order to please the questioner.

This is confirmed by the testimony of more than a hundred eyewitnesses collected by the Leningrad Commission on Anomalous Phenomena of the Geographical Society of the USSR, who observed the phenomenon on the night of May 15, 1981, which was subsequently identified with the launch of the Meteor-2 satellite from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

Despite the fact that all eyewitnesses in Leningrad observed this phenomenon at the same time (from 1.30 to 2.00) and in the same direction (in the north-east), many of the testimonies differed significantly from each other. To some witnesses, this object seemed to be a luminous cone with straight beams receding back, to others - a luminous trapezoid with two pairs of curved mustaches, the third - a luminous oval, behind which stretched arched light strips, connected at the end, the fourth - a black ball, the shell of which resembles a light bulb, increased at regular intervals, the fifth - a bright star with five curved blue rays and, finally, the sixth - a luminous ball with three rays emanating from it, around which a translucent annular shell was visible.

Something similar happened in the section on the study of the AN in the environment of the Ukrainian republican government of the NTORES named after A. S. Popov when analyzing the reports of eyewitnesses who observed the flight of a group of luminous bodies over Ukraine on December 2, 1983, which is convincingly shown in the film "In Search of Aliens" …

After careful analysis of more than six hundred such readings, the members of the section concluded that it was most likely a collapsed rocket stage or a spacecraft that burned up in the atmosphere at an altitude of about 140 km after leaving low-earth orbit, although some eyewitnesses claimed that it was a spacecraft. flying at an altitude of less than one kilometer, and in the opinion of one pilot, even next to his plane. There were also such reports, the authors of which claimed that this object changed the height and direction of its flight, and according to one report, it landed behind a vegetable garden.

UFO sightings often catch eyewitnesses by surprise. Completely unprepared for this and, as a rule, overly emotional, they also often see the object for only a few minutes or even seconds, which, of course, also does not contribute to the objectivity of their testimony. It was also noticed that some people clearly see UFOs, while others do not see anything, although they look in the right direction and have good eyesight.

In September 1964, when 150 vacationers of the Kastropol rest home in Crimea were making a boat trip, a luminous disk a little smaller than the moon appeared over the sea, which suddenly stopped. Most of the passengers clearly watched this disc for 3-4 minutes, but some of them, despite a great desire to see, did not see anything.

In the second case, which V. Vilinbakhov describes, near Vinnitsa, a bright yellow disk flew right over five eyewitnesses, which three of them clearly saw, while the fourth eyewitness saw something vague, which he could not really tell, and a woman who possessed good eyesight, did not see anything, although they tried to help her in this, pointing to the disk.

Academician Rauschenbach gives a similar example in the journal Tekhnika-Moloko (1989). A rocket specialist who worked for Korolyov, together with an adult student son, walked to his garage and saw how an object in the shape of a saucer landed in the immediate vicinity between two trees and then took off and, although he drew his son's attention to this, he was still nothing did not see.

The fact that different people perceive the same UFO in different ways, or may not see it at all, indicates that people, perhaps, perceive UFOs not only optically, but also with the help of some kind of mental capabilities like those, which are characteristic of psychics and which, perhaps, to varying degrees, are hidden in most people.

Large discrepancies in the testimony of eyewitnesses is a factor that makes it difficult to recreate the true picture of each specific phenomenon and forces us to treat with great caution its descriptions made by individual observers, because each such testimony is a subjective impression of the given eyewitness, which cannot be taken as a true characteristic of the object. And such can be obtained only when the testimony of several or at least two independent eyewitnesses coincide, or when the testimony of one eyewitness is confirmed by a photograph of the object.

The leadership of the Goskomgidromet, apparently, took this circumstance into account when instructed the personnel of meteorological stations and posts to report the observation of unusual phenomena only in cases where there are at least two eyewitnesses.

Concluding with this consideration of the unusual properties of UFOs and the rays emitted by them, it should be emphasized that many of them were observed quite rarely, and each observed object usually showed only some of the listed properties. This suggests that different UFOs may have different properties.

On the other hand, it is precisely the presence of at least one of the considered unusual properties in a flying object that makes it possible to refer it to the so-called unidentified ones. The unusual properties of UFOs have been recorded by many qualified observations and instrument readings. Therefore, it can be argued that they are an objective reality, which should be considered and tried to explain without mysticism from materialistic positions on the basis of clarification of existing and, possibly, discovery of new physical laws.