Gray - Alternative View

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Gray - Alternative View
Gray - Alternative View

Video: Gray - Alternative View

Video: Gray - Alternative View
Video: Best Gray Paint Cololurs by Benjamin Moore 2024, September

As a basis, we will take materials from the secret projects "Yellow Book" and "Grad", in which American intelligence in the XX century collected information about the "grays" directly from them. Also useful, but scattered information was contained in the materials of the "Mesh of the Ministry of Defense" program of the Soviet Ministry of Defense, during which in the 80s information was collected throughout the country on contacts of the population with UFOs and aliens.

Where are the aliens from?

So, let's start the story about the "grays" with their origin. They claim to be from the constellation Mesh, which appears to be from the southern hemisphere and is 37 light-years distant. However, instead of our concept "constellation", which defines a fragment of a flat firmament, they use the concept of "stellar group", that is, stars located close in space and bound by the forces of gravity. The "gray" star group is designated by a name, each star of the group - by a sign of its alphabet, and its planets - by the same sign with serial numbers.

According to this calculus, the address of the native tair of the "grays" is as follows: the Reticuli stellar group, the double stars Zeta1 and Zeta 2 with a single planetary system, the planet Zeta1 & 2-4, that is, the fourth from them. The planet rotates around its axis in about 90 Earth hours, has almost no axis tilt, that is, and the seasons, but it has seasons of two suns, which go out and set behind each other during the year. The climate in the polar and middle zones of the planet is cold, so the population lives in the equatorial and tropical zones, where it is warm and there is an abundance of fresh water bodies.


Genetic split The gray race, or "zeta Reticuli", as they call themselves by origin, includes two types: "natural" with a height of 1.7-2 meters and "modified" with a height of 0.8 -1.4 meters.

The "natural" species originated from the aforementioned aquatic environment. S he is dominated by reptilian qualities, although he is bipedal, in outlines similar to humanoid. The structure of society is a racist hierarchy based on the hypnotic superiority of the ruling elite.

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In ancient times, the star group Reticuli was conquered by the civilization of technologically advanced humanoids from the constellation Orion. The Orions, seeing endurance and the ability to adapt in the "natural grays", began to read it for the role of a working race, for the Orion civilization does not consider all its ideas worthy to embody itself. However, the "natural grays", because of their racial hostility and physical strength, were dangerous in close contact. Therefore, from their individual specimens, a short, submissive species, the so-called "modified grays", was bred. However, after a few generations, they almost returned to their former appearance due to strong hereditary mechanisms. Then the Orions excluded their sexual mode of reproduction and replaced it with cloning. But now, without a natural way of transmitting heredity, the species actually began to degenerate.

The Orions found it illogical to do the opposite - its restoration, and it was dumped on the shoulders of the "modified grays" themselves. Since then, their main task has become survival, and the method for solving it has been to improve their own cloning and genetic experiments, in particular, on Earth, where abducted people and animals are used for this.

About anatomy

Due to constant gene corrections, the next generation of these gray clones is increasingly moving away from the concept of "living beings" to the concept of "biorobots". Here are their anatomical features.

The gray skin is a legacy from the home planet, irradiated by two stars. This color is given to it by substances that protect against radiation. Because of her, the body has no hair anywhere.


Black, outwardly impenetrable eyes are nothing more than protective filters behind which normal eyeballs with pupils are hidden. There is an organ in the frontal part of the brain that supposedly plays the role of an electromagnetic communication circuit. In fact, it is bioradio. However, due to its low power (up to several tens of meters), you will not catch the “gray” conversations to your receivers, even very special ones. The absence of ears does not prevent the "grays" from hearing well the surrounding sounds with their skin and saphenous nerves. The small nose and mouth are the breathing openings, although in recent generations the nasal wells have been ruled out due to the impossibility of closing them like a mouth when in extreme environments.

Teeth and digestive tract are absent, "Grays" eat while lying in baths with amber liquid and absorb useful substances from it through the pores of the skin. In the chest is a pair of lungs, and between them is a pear-shaped organ that combines the functions of the heart and liver. Instead of the intestines - in the tubular chambers that store the supply of nutrients. They are connected by the "reverse esophagus" to the aforementioned pear-shaped organ, which regulates the flow of substances into the blood.

As is typical for clones, the "grays" do not have reproductive organs.

On the arms and legs there are four thin long fingers, between which residual membranes are to a small extent manifested.

About intelligence

As for the ability to solve logical problems, the intelligence quotient (IQ) of the "gray" reaches 250, while the human norm is 100 IQ. At the same time, the "gray" have almost no intuitive thinking and fall into confusion if the problem is not solved by formal logic. As earthly negotiators from military bases recall, sometimes it took the "Grays" up to 10-12 hours to make a decision in emergency situations, moreover, it was noticed that it appeared shortly after moonrise. Therefore, the assumption arose that there is a repeater through which the "grays" consult with their curators in deep space.


About science and technology

"Grays" with their stamped thinking are incapable of discoveries, and almost everything that they fly and use is not the fruit of their technical progress. Transcendental (from an earthly point of view) technologies were imparted to them by the Orion civilization, but only to the extent that there was no danger to it. The "Grays" are well trained to operate and maintain equipment, but the Orions consider their greater scientific and technical interest to be suspicious and suppressed.


Sometimes, however, the "grays" are used in the role of auxiliary personnel in Orion scientific work. They do not have their own research and development, with the exception of forced barbaric genetic experiments, which have already been mentioned.

Recommendations for contacts

It is clear that meeting with the "grays", to put it mildly, will not improve the life of any of the people. Therefore, we advise you to avoid any contacts with UFOs, without wondering what civilization they are related to - there is a high probability that it is precisely to the persons involved in this article. In the event that they kidnap a person, only a few of us can resist their paralyzing methods. The majority is left with the most accessible method of self-defense - to simulate hereditary insanity, which will dampen the interest of the "grays" in your genes.


Applying to law enforcement agencies for protection from the "grays" will most likely fail. Today, the position of the official structures in this aspect is unshakable silence. You can only rely on your own strength.


Gray - type A

This type is generally understood as "Grays". Also known as Zeta Reticulii from the Reticulum star system (Southern Globe) from the vicinity of the constellation Seti. Apparently, a militaristic race with a well-distributed social structure that retains science and "world conquest" as primary goals. They are usually 140 centimeters tall with large heads and black eyes. They have limited facial features, a slit mouth and no nose. They have evolved beyond the need for the reproductive system or digestive system and reproduce by cloning.

Their genetics are based in part on insects. Their science is very extensive in the study of other life forms and genetic engineering. They are believed to have been involved in changing the genetic makeup of humans for thousands of years. Apparently, they are trying to genetically interbreed with people in order to create a "mixed race", "hybrids", which will be more perfect than the main ones.

There seem to be two main social classes. Some of them are harsher, harsher, assertive. More peaceful, others are more inclined to do business and diplomacy to establish control over people.

They have no emotion (in human terms) and appear cruel to the human race. They are capable of taking human lives for no apparent reason. They are supposedly able to use human bodies (substances) for food and are therefore carnivorous towards humans.

It is known that these Grays are actually serving the highest race of reptiles and are trying to prepare the Earth for their arrival by taking control of the planet in various ways. They enjoy the freedom that they have on Earth, away from their masters and would like to help people in confrontation with reptiles.

These Grays have prominent bases in New Mexico and Nevada, as well as in many countries around the world.

Physical characteristics of the species:

Life form Humanoids
Origin Star system Zeta Reticulum (constellation Seti)
Height 130-150 cm
The weight 35-40 kg
Eyes Large, almond-shaped, black
Hair Absent
Leather Rough. Light gray to dark gray texture
Floor The genitals are missing
Fertilization Maybe something like cloning
Communication Telepathy


Longitudinal section of the mouth; ears are missing; almost no nose; a hand with four fingers, between which there are membranes; eyes more rounded than those of Grays A; subtle body; large head disproportionate to the body.