People Were On Mars Back In 1979 - Alternative View

People Were On Mars Back In 1979 - Alternative View
People Were On Mars Back In 1979 - Alternative View

Video: People Were On Mars Back In 1979 - Alternative View

Video: People Were On Mars Back In 1979 - Alternative View
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A resident of the United States, who claims to have worked for NASA, stated that the United States made a secret manned flight to Mars in 1979. She announced this the other day on the air of the American radio station Coast to Coast, writes Huffingtonpost. The woman introduced herself by the name "Jackie" and said that she herself had personally seen two human figures in spacesuits in the video, which was sent by the Viking robot from Mars.


She explained that at the space agency, she was responsible for the Viking's telemetry with Earth. Jackie claims that in addition to her, the figures of astronauts on the Red Planet were seen by six more of her colleagues. At the same time, as the woman notes, the figures that she saw on Mars were dressed in spacesuits, different from those used in the United States at that time.

According to Jackie, when communication with the rover was cut off, she left the room to report what she saw. But when she returned to the room, the door was already locked. Later, she learned that a fragment of the video with the astronauts had disappeared without a trace. The guest of the radio station refused to give her full name. She explained that she turned to reporters in the hope that they could help her get an answer from the space agency - whether two people could be on Mars in 1979.

NASA officials have not yet commented on this. Note that there is a theory according to which, in the 60s, the Americans carried out a secret mission with a landing on the surface of Mars, and the Apollo program was a cover for a deeper study of the solar system.