The Ark Of The Covenant Is A Secret Artifact - Alternative View

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The Ark Of The Covenant Is A Secret Artifact - Alternative View
The Ark Of The Covenant Is A Secret Artifact - Alternative View

Video: The Ark Of The Covenant Is A Secret Artifact - Alternative View

Video: The Ark Of The Covenant Is A Secret Artifact - Alternative View
Video: The Untold Truth Of The Ark Of The Covenant 2024, September

The Ark of the Covenant is one of the most mysterious artifacts of antiquity. Nobody knows exactly what it is, what its functions are and where it can be located in general. Nevertheless, many generations of archaeologists, treasure hunters, all kinds of adventurers and adventure lovers were engaged in the search for the ark. But now there are persistent rumors that the coveted artifact has already been found, and not just anywhere, but in the very heart of the Holy Land - in Jerusalem. However, this find was immediately classified by the Israeli authorities.

Blood of christ

In 1978, the American archaeologist Ron Wyatt appeared in Jerusalem. Officially, he came as a tourist, but in reality he allegedly had a voice from above, announcing that it was here that the Ark of the Covenant should be sought and this great mission was entrusted to him.

One day, Mr. Wyatt was sightseeing near the Damascus Gate, accompanied by an officer from the Israel Antiquities Department. When the interlocutors drew level with Calvary, Ron suddenly pointed to some dump and said:

- And over there is the grotto of Jeremiah, in which the Ark of the Covenant lies.

Later, he himself could not say why he did this. Equally interesting is the government official's reaction to this bold statement. He exclaimed:

- Wonderful! We want you to start excavations, and we, for our part, will give you permission, provide accommodation and meals, and will do our best to assist in this work.

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Soon, Wyatt began digging in the place he had identified. And he made an amazing discovery. Excavating along the rocky slope of the Calvary Hill, the archaeologist discovered depressions carved into the rock. Wyatt suggested that it was here that Christ with two robbers was crucified and crosses were installed in these recesses. The uppermost recess, where, according to Ron, the cross on which Jesus was crucified was cut by a crack like those that are formed during an earthquake.

Domenico Gargiulo. King David's Transfer of the Ark of the Covenant and Jerusalem. End of the 1640s. Pushkin Museum


Subsequently, Wyatt managed to make his way into the mountain, where he discovered an extensive system of natural caves, cavities and tunnels. But the most interesting was the cave, into which he got on January 6, 1982. It was piled up almost to the ceiling with stones, remnants of rotted hides and animal bones, and wooden planks. When clearing all this rubbish, a stone box was found in the corner of the cave, closed with a flat stone cover, split into two unequal parts. There was a crack in the ceiling above this find, from which some black substance had once dripped directly into the box. Wyatt realized that this crack was precisely the one that cut the groove for the cross, and the black matter, as the analysis later showed, was dried human blood, and not simple: each of its cells contained only 24 chromosomes instead of 46, like in an ordinary person. Scientists have suggestedthat if this is the blood of Christ, then he received 23 X chromosomes from the Virgin Mary and only one Y chromosome, which is responsible for the sex of the unborn child. - from Heavenly Father.

The essence of this incredible discovery was that the lid of the Ark of the Covenant, hidden in the geot of Jeremiah, was sprinkled with the blood of Christ.

Death of the Levites

It is not known for certain whether Ron Wyatt opened the stone box and saw what it contained. He himself did not talk about it very much: it seems that they took from him a "nondisclosure agreement." He said that several times he tried to photograph or film the ark, but each time the film turned out to be overexposed, probably due to some powerful radiation.

Wyatt worked closely with the Israeli authorities on the site.

One day, in the mid-1990s, he was summoned to the office of the Department of Antiquities. In the evening, after dark, together with the officials, he went to the cave of Zedekiah, where the tunnel entrance began, leading to the grotto of Jeremiah, in which the Ark of the Covenant was located. There were many government cars near the cave. Ron was told that six men from a clan of hereditary Levites (representatives of the Levitic tribe), dressed in priestly clothes, had gone into the tunnel to take the ark and move it to another place.

Ron Wyatt at the excavation


Soon, however, loud shouts were heard from the depths of the mountain, so terrible that no one dared to go inside to find out what had happened. Only Wyatt dared to do this. He saw that the Levites were able to advance only 21 meters in depth with the total length of the tunnel 112.8 meters. They all lay dead on the floor with wide, rolling eyes. Ron knew that this was a classic sign of paralysis, stroke, or massive cerebral hemorrhage. Wyatt went upstairs and explained to the authorities what had happened. Then he was given a special rescue basket with a rope tied to it, and one by one he pulled all the victims out of the tunnel. Then he was convinced that he should not tell anyone about the incident.

After that, the entrance to the tunnel was walled up and all data on the location of the Ark of the Covenant were strictly classified. Ron Wyatt, who could have revealed this secret to the world, died in August 1999.

Gift of the Higher Mind

The death of six Levites once again confirmed that the Ark of the Covenant is a very dangerous structure for people.

What is he like? As you know from the Old Testament, the ark was made by Moses during the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, according to the instructions given to him personally by God. It was made of acacia wood, covered with gold on the outside and inside. It looked like a casket with dimensions of 1.5 cubits in width and height and 2.5 cubits in length, which in terms of the metric system is, respectively, about 67x67x112 centimeters. On the lid were two cherubs with their wings spread over the ark. It was carried with the help of poles threaded into special rings on the side walls. Inside the ark were two stone tablets with the 10 commandments of God, the blossoming rod of Aaron and a jug of heavenly manna.

When modern scientists tried to build a copy of the ark according to the biblical description, they got a very powerful energy accumulator. Isn't that why the slightest touch of an artifact was fatal for a person? For example, when he was once transported in a chariot and the oxen tilted the wagon, a certain Oza tried to hold the ark - and fell dead, scorched by the heavenly flame. In other words, he received an electrical discharge of about 50-60 thousand volts. In addition, the biblical stories tell of how the priests carrying the ark were thrown into the air; how two nephews of Moses, who penetrated into the Holy of Holies, where he was kept, were killed on the spot; how the cherubim on the lid shone and destroyed objects that came near them …

Chapel of the Ark of the Covenant near the Cathedral of the Most Holy Virgin Mary of Zion in Aksum, Ethiopia


It is known that Moses spoke with the Lord himself through the ark. Obviously, the casket was a multifunctional device given to the Jewish leader by some higher power (perhaps even an alien one).

Researchers believe that one of the functions of the ark was the production of manna from heaven, which the Jews ate during their forty-year wanderings in the Sinai desert. According to this version, manna from heaven “is nothing more than synthetic food. The principle of operation of the installation is simple. The upper part of the box is a distiller with a cooling device for air supplied from outside. The condensation process produced water. She entered a vessel with a single-celled biological culture such as chlorella. Then a bright light source was directed to the vessel, under the influence of which a nutritious mass began to be produced in the box. This mass could only be processed, making it fit for consumption. A liter of manna was produced daily for each person, which was quite enough for a satisfying existence.

Scientists believe that in this way a certain alien civilization set up an experiment on people in order to find out how the use of artificial food would affect them for a long time, in fact, the entire human life in that era.

The Ark is endowed with other paranormal properties. Obviously, humanity is not yet ready to learn about them, much less use them. Is this why the current descendants of Moses classified the location of the Ark of the Covenant? After all, there is no guarantee that his magical power will not be used for evil not only to humanity, but to the entire planet. This means that the time for the opening of the ark has not come yet.

Source: "Secrets of the XX century"