The Main Tenets Of The "Book Of Worms" - Alternative View

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The Main Tenets Of The "Book Of Worms" - Alternative View
The Main Tenets Of The "Book Of Worms" - Alternative View

Video: The Main Tenets Of The "Book Of Worms" - Alternative View

Video: The Main Tenets Of The
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

One of the most dangerous books is considered to be The Mystery of the Worms or De Vermis Mysteriis. The treatise appeared four hundred years earlier than the famous Necronomicon. This book (considered by some to be Lovecraft's fictional creation) is attributed to the Roman citizen Tertius Sibellius. Despite the fact that this man was distinguished by his erudition and a bright mind, he did not disdain looting either. Therefore, it is likely that Tertius did not write "The Mystery of the Worms", but found this grimoire in one of the graves he dug.

Tertius Sibellius was a veteran of many wars, he remembered the time of Julian the Apostate. He hated Christians, however, he did not worship the Roman gods - he did not see the point in this. From the records of the aforementioned emperor, it becomes clear that the future warlock was introduced to the cult by a magician from Ethiopia named Talim.

Soon, dark rumors spread about the appearance of a mysterious magic book containing the secret knowledge of the forerunners. The first mentions of "Vermis Mysteris" appeared around three hundred and thirty-first years of our era. On the pages of the book there are vague hints about the Elders or the Ancestors. The ancient manuscript became a reference book for many generations of sorcerers who lived even before baptism - in the era of worship of pagan gods.

Such manuscripts greatly complicated the work of future missionaries, since the worshipers of the Worm did not see the Savior in Christ, but considered him a false prophet, unworthy of attention. Researchers of the occult assure that satanic sects continue to flourish to this day, although they conduct their activities in strict secrecy.

Sometimes evil comes back …

At the end of the seventeenth century, the fascination with necromancy again became very popular. It began with Abbot Bartholomew and Earl Kevin Merchant. Bartholomew's task was to study the activities and lifestyle of the mentioned count. However, contrary to common sense, Count Merchant did not even think of hiding his witchcraft from the auditor.

Moreover, together they began to engage in the summoning of the Forces of Chaos. For this they used a certain magic book, which was found in the territory of Northern England somewhere in the swamps. It is not known how the abbot-spellcaster crossed the swamps and returned from there alive, but he managed not only to survive, but also to get the Latin version of the book.

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Since savage rituals are given on the pages of the treatise "Vermis Misteris", it never appeared on sale. At present, there are only copies in which the original texts are distorted and practically meaningless. But, who knows, maybe the original source is still kept in the library of some rich collector …

According to the Proclamations, Worms should pray with bloody rituals and human sacrifices. Such sacrifices are needed, because the Gods of Outland do not eat ordinary food - their forces are fed by the vital energy of people.

The caster himself must be cruel and merciless, stop at nothing in order to achieve power. Also, a thirsty for power should be prone to debauchery (which many warlocks, for example, Aleister Crowley, used in their rituals). The essence of the rituals is the destruction of the pillars of the Universe, the call to the world of Chaos and Death.

The dark laws of the Book of Hearts

The book calls on the neophyte to obey those on the other side, recognize them as Masters and worship them. Also, the caster should respect the faceless creatures that inhabit the Abyss, worship them and honor them. Moreover, he should not become attached to his family.

The greatest caution is imperative for the caster, as many creatures beyond the Borderline do not recognize any signs, seals or words. According to the author, the worship of the Lower Gods humiliates a person who is already a filth in itself. Demon worship exalts him.

The first book describes the working tools of the warlock, the main rituals. The second tells about the Laws of Kerosh. They are as follows:

1. The caster has no mother or father, since he was born in the likeness of the Ancients. Since the Sorcerer is a servant of Death, everything he touches, where he lived, with whom he communicated - they are all cursed forever.

There are also signs by which the future Caster can be determined. The following signs are given:

- Too dark whites of the eyes;

- Incomprehensible spots on the abdomen and chest;

Growth too fast or too slow.

There are few Sorcerer Women in the world. This is due to the fact that the rituals carried out are not very compatible with the creative female energy. In case one of the women is interested in the prospect of getting pregnant from an Alien and giving birth to a sorcerer, you should pay attention to the fact that the child, upon reaching adulthood, must kill the one that gave him life.

2. Lying in the Base are nasty and disgusting. The Second Law reminds that the task of the Caster is to destroy the sanctuaries of the Lower Gods who came after Marduk and kill their worshipers, who will in vain call on their patrons. The main sin of a warlock is to help people.

3. The Messenger of the Masters can act. There is a difference between a self-ordained Conjurer and a born one. Naturally, there is a difference in strength between them, but not in skill.

4. All the tools of the Servant of the Aliyah ("Abyss") are flesh of the flesh of Allah. Care must be taken to ensure that outsiders do not defile them with their dirty touches. If this happened, then the culprit should not stay alive. It is also not allowed for the uninitiated to see the ceremony. Accidental witnesses are destroyed, the dead are given for food to vultures and hyenas.

When conducting rituals, one should pay attention to incoming signs, which may be favorable or not. It is also worth remembering the price that the warlock pays. A mistake in rituals can doom him not only to a painful death, but also to eternal submission to demons, whose mere presence can cause the most painful agony.
