Predictions For The End Of The World In - Alternative View

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Predictions For The End Of The World In - Alternative View
Predictions For The End Of The World In - Alternative View

Video: Predictions For The End Of The World In - Alternative View

Video: Predictions For The End Of The World In - Alternative View
Video: Baba Vanga Predicted The World Will End On This Date 2024, September

During the entire existence of mankind, he was threatened by many "ends of the world", which promised to bring with them devastation, chaos, hardship and death. Every time any of the seers announced an impending sad event, the world plunged into panic.

The inhabitants of the planet tried to find salvation underground, in bunkers, on ships, stocking up on food and water. Turning to history, we can remember that our great-grandmothers, grandmothers, and you and I, experienced the “end of the world” in 1994, in 2000 and in 2012.

As you can see, nothing concrete happened to our planet, therefore, it is not worth taking seriously the statements that the end of the world in 2018 will still happen. But at the same time, one should not lose sight of the fact that the great prophets and clairvoyants nevertheless saw in this period dramatic changes that will occur in the world. Will they be good for earthlings or will they take on a negative color? Time will tell!

Michel Nostradamus's predictions

As you know, Nostradamus was one of the most powerful predictors ever living on our planet. He managed to foresee serious historical events that, oddly enough, came true. Throughout his life, he made many significant statements: some have already happened, and some are just waiting in the wings. Deciphering his notes, the researchers came to the conclusion that there should have been three ends of the world, and the next of them just in 2018.


What can humanity expect in the coming period? Will a giant meteorite fall on Earth and destroy everything in its path? No, according to the predictions of Nostradamus, a fierce war will begin between Christians and people in white outfits. At the same time, most of the population will move north. It is hard to say what kind of danger awaits people in 2018, but there is an opinion that a nuclear conflict will begin in Europe, while Europeans will be forced to seek asylum from Russia.

Promotional video:

If you carefully observe the news bulletins, it becomes clear that the war (whatever it may be) has already begun. In the Middle East, clashes between Christians and representatives of the Islamic faith are increasingly breaking out. However, there is another version: some skeptics are sure that the poem-prophecy Nostradamus never wrote - it has already been created today, under the impression of the events taking place.

Vanga's prophecies about the end of the world

Despite the great gift of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, they never indicated the exact date of the death of the world. She only hinted that mankind will lead itself to such sad events: the end of the world will happen due to a man-made catastrophe, people will drive themselves into the "hole", leading a thoughtless policy and irrationally spending the planet's resources. At the same time, Wanga did not see the death of all living things, she only warned that our race would find another way of existence.


Note that the destruction mechanism from the Far East will start. It is in this part of the planet, according to Vanga, that monstrous plans are brewing to destroy cities. The current situation in these regions really prompts the idea that the words of the Bulgarian clairvoyant will soon begin to come true.

What do other prophets think?

Throughout the history of human existence, there were a huge number of people who claimed that they can look into the future. Even today there are those who consider themselves a great prophet and are ready to answer any questions asked.


Among the most discussed theories regarding the death of our planet in 2018, one should dwell on the following:

- A serious viral infection will break out, which will claim many millions of lives. This is exactly the prediction made for 2018 by Matrona. She argued that people would die without war and salvation would not be found soon.

- East Asia and America will be under water and most of their inhabitants will die.

- A huge meteorite is moving towards Earth, which will cause a global catastrophe.

- In many developed countries a severe economic crisis will begin: people will die of hunger.

- Dormant volcanoes will wake up from a long sleep and massive eruptions will begin, from which it will be difficult to hide.


- Earth will meet alien life: UFOs will fly to America and the wisest of extraterrestrial civilizations will set foot on the planet. It is these creatures that will be able to prevent an impending military conflict.

- The greatest prophet will appear, who will be able to turn people to another faith and this will avoid a bloody war.

As we can see, the complete destruction of humanity will not occur, and our planet will not dissolve into nothingness. All that the prophets focus on are the actions of politicians, money issues, and the negligence of scientists that can lead to epidemics.

What awaits Russia in 2018

As a separate item, I would like to talk about predictions for Russia. In the near future, dramatic changes will take place in this country, and I would like to believe that they will benefit the Russians.


First of all, seers claim that:

- the state will again unite with the five republics that were part of the USSR. A mighty new power will be built with improved economic and political principles;

- the strongest prophet will come to the country, who will change the course of history and put an end to all strife;

- Russian scientists will take a serious step in medicine and science: they will produce medicines for incurable diseases, find a cheap source of energy.

If we turn to science, astrophysicists argue that the end of the world does not threaten our planet in the near future. It will happen, perhaps, only 3 billion years, when the Sun will burn down so mercilessly that it will turn the Earth into a solid desert. By that time, experts will surely find a way to protect themselves and all of humanity from death.