The Ufologist Discovered Two UFOs On The SOHO Satellite Photo - Alternative View

The Ufologist Discovered Two UFOs On The SOHO Satellite Photo - Alternative View
The Ufologist Discovered Two UFOs On The SOHO Satellite Photo - Alternative View

Video: The Ufologist Discovered Two UFOs On The SOHO Satellite Photo - Alternative View

Video: The Ufologist Discovered Two UFOs On The SOHO Satellite Photo - Alternative View
Video: Unidentified object caught on camera flying close to SpaceX capsule l GMA 2024, July

The ufologist, registered on YouTybe as Streetcap1, is constantly looking for unusual objects that appear in photographs from the SOHO Sun Observing Spacecraft. In the image, dated April 11-12, 2016, in the space between the Sun and the Earth, he found two bright UFOs.

“One of the white objects is most likely moving. It is shot at a slow shutter speed and appears as a long subject. Maybe this is one of ours is dating someone from the aliens? - said the ufologist under the name Streetcap1.

“The two ships were brightly lit, so I added a little contrast to show some of the details,” commented famed ufologist Scott K. Waring on the video. - The surface of one of them resembles a cube, and this design speaks of the artificial origin of the object. There are practically no right angles in nature."

“In addition, these UFOs do not leave any traces while moving, as a comet or astroids do. One day humanity will understand all the brands of these spaceships, which will be parked in the sky above the major cities of the Earth."