UFOs Saved The Earth From Nuclear War - Alternative View

UFOs Saved The Earth From Nuclear War - Alternative View
UFOs Saved The Earth From Nuclear War - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Saved The Earth From Nuclear War - Alternative View

Video: UFOs Saved The Earth From Nuclear War - Alternative View
Video: Military Can't Explain These UFOs at US & Russian Nuclear Weapons Sites 2024, July

Former American astronaut Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, said aliens were trying to protect Earth from a nuclear war between the United States and Russia.

American astronaut Edgar Mitchell stated that senior US military officials observed alien ships during weapons tests in the 1940s.

According to him, at the world's first nuclear weapon test on July 16, 1945, a number of floating "saucers" of aliens were seen in the sky over the White Sands test site.

As the Mirror notes, the NASA veteran has regularly spoken about his belief in aliens since he landed on the lunar surface during the Apollo 14 mission in 1971.


84-year-old Mitchell notes that the aliens are very interested in nuclear weapons tests and constantly monitored the test site. Thus, the intelligent from other worlds tried to prevent the destruction of the Earth due to the nuclear confrontation between the United States and Russia.

“In my opinion, the behavior of the aliens made it clear that they were trying to keep the world from nuclear war,” he said.

Mitchell also mentions numerous statements by US officers about regular UFO flights over US Air Force bases throughout the 20th century. Cases have been recorded when missiles on alert went out of action at the moment when "oval luminous objects" appeared over the bases.

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“One of the staff at the base on the Pacific coast told me about how an alien spacecraft shot down one of the rockets it launched,” the former astronaut said.

He is also convinced that aliens have visited nuclear missile sites in the USSR. In his opinion, UFOs tried to warn the countries participating in the Cold War from "playing with fire."

Earlier, Mitchell argued that in real life, aliens are similar to their traditional image: a small body with a large head and huge eyes. He argued that our technologists are significantly behind the aliens and in the event of their hostile behavior, people would be quickly destroyed.

In turn, Nick Pope of the US Department of Defense's UFO Research Unit, confirmed that Mitchell is one of the most truthful people he has met. However, Pope noted that the astronaut's data is based mostly on stories told to him by other people, and not on his own experience.

“Even if Mitchell's sources are genuine, how can we be sure that these people have access to classified information about UFOs?” Pope asks.

According to him, the governments of countries themselves often support the belief in UFOs in people by testing secret prototypes of flying vehicles.

"If an unknown aircraft is seen over a nuclear object, it does not mean that it is alien," Pope added.

Dr. Mitchell, who holds a Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering and a PhD in Aeronautics and Astronautics, still argues that the extraterrestrial origins of UFOs are true.

NASA officials said in a comment to the Daily Mail that their organization "does not conduct UFO sightings and is not involved in any conspiracy to hide information about alien life on our planet or anywhere in the universe."