Spiritual World - The Path Of The Soul - Alternative View

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Spiritual World - The Path Of The Soul - Alternative View
Spiritual World - The Path Of The Soul - Alternative View

Video: Spiritual World - The Path Of The Soul - Alternative View

Video: Spiritual World - The Path Of The Soul - Alternative View
Video: Metamorphosis of Soul Aspects During life on Earth and life in the Spiritual World By Rudolf Steiner 2024, September

Return of the soul after death to the spirit world

When Dr. Michael Newton, a certified hypnotherapist of the highest category, began a regression method to return his patients to the past to awaken their past life memories, he himself did not expect it to make a discovery of colossal importance: it is possible to "look" at the spiritual world through the minds of patients who are immersed in into a hypnotic state of superconsciousness; and in this altered state of consciousness, patients can report what their soul has been doing between lives on the earth plane.

It seems as if the soul is passing through the arbitrarily curved branches of a huge galactic cloud, heading into a more uniform, solid celestial field. As the souls of my patients wander through the open section of the intermediate zone, preparing for the impending move to their prescribed space, I enjoy listening to their enthusiastic descriptions of the spirit world. They are amazed at the splendor of the spirit world spread out before their gaze, and they believe that somewhere within there is the core of creation.

Looking at the pictures of the surrounding space that have opened before their eyes, patients talk about various kinds of glow. However, I have never heard of the blackness with which we associate deep space. The accumulations of souls that patients see in the foreground of this "amphitheater" seem to be myriads of bright lights moving in different directions. Some move faster, others more slowly. To a greater extent, distant accumulations of energy are described as "islands of foggy shroud." I have been told that the most remarkable feature of the spirit world is the constant sense of the presence of a powerful mental force that brings everything into incredible, supernatural harmony. Patients say that this is a place of pure thought.

Thought takes many forms. At this time of their return, souls begin to feel, to imagine an upcoming meeting with their fellows awaiting them. Some of their brethren were already visible at the entrance to the spirit world, but most were still to meet. In absolutely all cases, souls who wish to come into contact with each other, especially in the process of moving, do so simply by thinking about this or that being. The unexpectedly invoked person appears in the mind of the soul. This telepathic communication of spiritual beings with the help of energy is a form of invisible contact, although the energy forms that are nearby, of course, have a more direct connection.

The accounts of my patients are similar in terms of modes of travel, routes and final destination, but what each individual sees as they move their own way has personality characteristics.

I looked in my case files for Patients whose experiences on the way to their final spiritual destination would be both expressive and characteristic of many of my other patients. My choice fell on a rather discerning person at the age of 41, a graphic designer who had a mature soul. This patient's soul has traveled this route many times in between its many lives.

Promotional video:


Dr. N: You are now ready to begin the final phase of your journey to the place that is your soul's abode in the spirit world. On the count of three, all the details of this last leg of your journey will be clear to you. It will be easy for you to talk about everything you see, because you are familiar with this route. You are ready?

Patient: Yes.

Dr. N: (in a commanding tone) Once - we start. Two - Your soul has left the orientation area. Three! Fast - what are your first impressions?

Patient: Distance … immeasurable … space is endless … endless …

Dr. N: So you are telling me that the spirit world is infinite?

Patient: (long pause) Honestly, from where I swim, it looks endless. But when I actually start to move, it changes.

Dr. N: How is it changing?

Patient: … Everything remains … shapeless … but when I … slide faster … I see myself moving inside a giant bowl turned upside down. I cannot know where the edges of this bowl are, and if they are at all.

Dr. N: So the movement creates in you a feeling of the sphericity of the spiritual world?

Patient: Yes, but it’s just a feeling … of closed uniformity … when I move fast.

Dr. N: Why does fast movement - your speed - make you feel like you are in a bowl?

Patient: (long pause) This is strange. Although, when my soul moves quietly, the path seems straightforward; when I start to move quickly along the line of contact, the impression changes … the feeling of a circle appears.

Dr. N: What do you mean by "line of contact"?

Patient: The way to a special destination.

Dr. N: Why does moving at a speed along this route line bring a sense of roundness to your perception of the spirit world?

Patient: Because at high speed, the lines seem to bend. They curve in a direction more obvious to me and give me less freedom of movement.

Dr. N: By less freedom do you mean less personal control?

Patient: Yes.

Dr. N: Can you more accurately describe how your soul moves along these curved contact lines?

Patient: Everything happens more purposefully when my soul is guided along such a line. It's like I'm in a stream of white water - just not as dense as water, because this current is lighter than air.

Dr. N: So in this spiritual atmosphere you do not have a sense of density - like water?

Patient: No, but what I want to say is that it carries me forward, as if I were in a stream of water.

Dr. N: Why do you have such sensations?

Patient: Well, we seem to be floating, carried away somewhere, in a fast current that we cannot control … being directed by someone … up and down throughout space … without any solid substance around.

Dr. N: Do you see other souls moving purposefully above and below you?

Patient: Yes, it is as if we, after returning to the spirit world after death, begin our journey in separate streams and then we are drawn all together into one big river.

Dr. N: At what moment do you notice the most of these souls around you?

Patient: When the river flows into … I cannot describe it …

Dr. N: Please do your best.

Patient: (pause) We are gathered in … the sea … where each of us swirls in a whirlpool … slowly. Then I feel that I am being pulled aside again into a small stream, and it is calmer … I move away from the accumulation of thoughts of such a huge number of minds … and move towards those whom I know.

Dr. N: Later, in your normal traveling soul state, you also feel like you are being guided in a stream or river - as you just described?

Patient: No, not at all. This is different. Here we, like a salmon rising to spawn in the upper reaches, return home. When we arrive there, we are not nudged like that. There we move calmly, without haste.

Dr. N: Who pushes you when you move home?

Patient: Higher beings. Responsible for our movement home.

Dr. N: Creatures like your Guide?

Patient: I think higher.

Dr. N: What else do you feel at the moment?

Patient: Rest. There is such peace that there is no desire to leave.

Dr. N: Anything else?

Patient: Oh, I feel the anticipation of something when I move slowly in the energy flow.

Dr. N: Okay, now I want you to continue to move on with the flow of energy, getting closer to your destination. Look around carefully and tell me what you see.

Patient: I see … many lights … in areas … separated from each other … galleries …

Dr. N: By galleries, do you mean rows of fences?

Patient: Um … more like a long … corridor … expanding in places … extending over great distances.

Dr. N: And the lights?

Patient: These are people. The souls of the people in the extended galleries, reflecting light in my direction. This is what I see - multiple clusters of lights around.

Dr. N: Are the galleries with people in this corridor separated from each other by some kind of partitions?

Patient: No, there are no walls. There are no buildings with corners and edges. It's hard for me to find the words …

Dr. N: You are doing great. Now I want you to tell me what separates these clusters of lights from each other in this corridor that you described.

Patient: People … are separated … by thin fibers … which make the light milky, like frosted glass. Their energy gives off a bright light as I walk past them.

Dr. N: How do you see individual souls inside such clusters?

Patient: (pause) Luminous points. I see clusters of many lights hanging like burning grapes.

Dr. N: Do these clusters represent different groups of numerous souls?

Patient: Yes … they are divided into small groups … I move towards my own group.

Dr. N: What else do you feel as you walk past them on your way to your cluster?

Patient: I can feel the thoughts coming from them … so different … but together … such harmony … but … (trails off).

Dr. N: Go on.

Patient: I do not know those whom I am sailing past now … it does not matter.

Dr. N: Okay, move on past these clusters, which appear to be extensions of the corridor. Describe what this looks like from the outside.

Patient: (laughs) At a long firefly with bulges and dents on the sides … moving … rhythmically.

Dr. N: Do you mean that the corridor itself appears to be moving?

Patient: Yes, parts of it … swaying like a ribbon in the wind as I float past him.

Dr. N: Keep driving and tell me what happens to you next.

Patient: (pause) I'm at the edge of another corridor … I'm slowing down.

Dr. N: Why?

Patient: (with increasing excitement) Because … Oh, how great! I begin to approach the place where my friends are.

Dr. N: And how are you feeling now?

Patient: Fantastic! There is a familiar frame of mind … reaching me … I grab the "tail" of their "kite" … joining them in thoughts … I'm home!

Dr. N: Is your group of friends isolated from other groups in other corridors?

Patient: None are truly isolated, although some younger souls may think so. But I've been wandering here and there for a long time, and I have many connections (said with restrained confidence).

Dr. N: Is that why you felt connections with those other corridors, even with souls in them, which you, perhaps, did not know from your previous experience?

Patient: Yes, it is thanks to the connections I had. There is unity here.

Dr. N: When you are moving here as a soul and interacting with other souls, what is the main feature of such contact - in comparison with what happens on the earthly plane in human form?

Patient: No one is a stranger here, and there is absolutely no hostility towards anyone.

Dr. N: Do you mean that all souls are friendly towards each other, regardless of the previous relationship in different situations?

Patient: Yes, and this is more than simple friendliness.

Dr. N: Namely?

Patient: We are aware of the universal connection between us, which makes us all one. There is no suspicion towards each other.

Dr. N: How does this attitude manifest between souls who meet for the first time?

Patient: In complete openness and acceptance.

Dr. N: In that case, is it probably difficult for souls to live on Earth?

Patient: Yes, especially to young souls, because they go to Earth in the hope that they will be treated fairly. When everything turns out differently, they are shocked. It will take some life for some to get used to it.

Dr. N: And if young souls struggle with these earthly conditions, then using the human mind, they turn out to be less effective?

Patient: I would say yes, because the human mind brings a lot of fear and aggression, a lot of violence into our souls. This is a test for us, but that is precisely why we come to the earthly plane from the spirit world … to overcome …

Dr. N: Do you think it could be that young souls are more vulnerable and need more group support when they return to their community in the spirit world?

Patient: Quite right. We all want to go home. Will you let me stop there to meet my friends?

Different patients use similar words and terms when describing spiritual phenomena. What one calls "a firefly that has bumps and dents in different places," another calls a "floating chain of cylinders." The description of the “mass of huge translucent balls” by one patient echoes the image of “giant bundles of transparent bubbles” in another. All the time I hear such words related to “water” terminology as “currents” and “streams”, with the help of which purposeful, rapid movement is explained, and the word “clouds” in such descriptions indicates the freedom of smooth, as if drifting, movement. When describing the appearance of souls themselves, in particular, such visual images as "group", "cluster" or "mass of energy" are often used. I myself began to use some expressions of this spiritual language.

In that final zone of the spirit world, where souls arrive, communities of kindred souls awaiting them there can be large or small, depending on the level of development of the soul and on other factors …

M. Newton