The Main Idiots Of Russia - Alternative View

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The Main Idiots Of Russia - Alternative View
The Main Idiots Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: The Main Idiots Of Russia - Alternative View

Video: The Main Idiots Of Russia - Alternative View

Two hundred million years ago, there were high mountains. But today, only seven rock fragments, seven pillars, frozen at the edge of the plateau, remind of this. The indigenous population called this place "the mountain of idols". One problem! in the Mansi language it sounds like "Dummy-out". So, these pillars entered the people as "blockheads". And they fell in love so much that they were among the seven wonders of Russia …

… However, already as Manpupuner, which in the Mansi dialect means "Small mountain of idols". As a result, “navels” were added to the “blockheads”. But no matter how funny and even ridiculous these nicknames sound, they do not change the main thing: the Manpupuner plateau is one of the most beautiful places in the Northern Urals. And perhaps the most iconic. Therefore, they go to the stone pillars from all cities and villages. And this despite the fact that getting here is still a task! Not everyone manages to make a trip the first time, because it requires willpower, patience, perseverance, and considerable funds at once. In a word, the most worthy (or the richest) get here.

Firstly, it's just far away: the Manpupuner plateau is located in the Northern Urals, in the Komi Republic, on the territory of the Pechora-Ilychsky state biosphere reserve.

Secondly, the roads - in the generally accepted sense of the word - are not there. You just can't drive up to the plateau by car. You will need (depending on the time of year) either a serious SUV or a snowmobile. Another option is to walk or ski. And then it is necessary to lay on the way back and forth no less than 20 days. Try another vacation like this! The time can be shortened by renting a helicopter: then the whole expedition will take only a couple of days. But in this case, it will hit your pocket very hard.

Finally, thirdly, to visit the reserve, you must obtain permission from the administration. And she gives them away with great creak. And it can be understood. The popularity of the Manpupuner Plateau has served it in disservice: the area's ecology suffers greatly from tourists. That is why now out of five routes leading to seven "blockheads", only two are open.

the Forbidden fruit

However, enough horror stories. In the end, the more obstacles on the way to a dream, the better: difficulties only spur, and the sweeter the fruit, the more forbidden it is.

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And the forbidden Manpupuner has always been. A mere mortal had no right to even enter the plateau. About the same, to storm the tops of the "navels", speech and did not go at all. Immediate heavenly punishment awaited anyone who dares to break the taboo.


Only shamans could interact with the “mountain of idols”. And not for the sake of idle pleasure, they climbed the plateau: there they replenished the wasted magical powers, fell into a trance, talked with the spirits of departed ancestors, and engaged in rituals. Moreover, very few people could compete with shamans in the accuracy of predictions.

Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge: the place sacred for the Voguls, Mansi and Komi has become more accessible. Yet many of those who climb the "mountain of idols" are seized by an inexplicable feeling of fear. And the closer you get to the stone pillars, the stronger it is. Probably, this is a kind of test for strength: a place of power seems to test you, assesses - what kind of person came, is it worth helping him? What can I say: good luck, and gods, and spirits - everyone loves the brave! About this, if you think about it, all the legends of Mansi. Including the one that tells about the origin of Manpupuner.

Great battle

In the distant, ancient times, the Mansi tribe lived in the stone city, which stood at the very Ural mountains. His men were so strong that in a one-on-one fight they defeated the bear. And women are so dexterous that they could catch fish with their bare hands.

The Mansi hunters were lucky: people did not know hunger, they wore beautiful fur clothes. And all thanks to the good spirits who lived on the sacred mountain: the wise leader of the Kuuschay tribe managed to make friends with them.

The leader himself lived in a crystal castle with his wife and children: his son Pygrychum and his daughter Aim. Aim's slenderness could envy the pines, and the nightingales could envy the voice: deer from all over the forest came running to listen to the girl's songs. The fame of her beauty spread far beyond the mountain range. The giant Torev (Bear) also learned about this.

And then he demanded that Kuuschay give him his daughter Aim. But the girl, laughing, rejected the advances of the giant. Torev was very angry. He summoned his brothers - the same giants - and went to fight with the Mansi in order to take Aim by force.

He waited for the time when Pygrychum with most of the men of the tribe went hunting, and appeared before the gates of the city. A heated battle began.

Under clouds of arrows - risking her life - Aim climbed a high tower and shouted: “O good spirits, save us from death! Send Pygrychum home!"

And at the same moment thunder struck, lightning flashed and clouds covered the city. But this did not stop Torev: he rushed forward, brandishing his club. Aim barely had time to descend from the tower when it collapsed under the blow of the Bear. The second wave of the club - and the crystal castle crumbled into small pieces. The wind picked them up and carried them all over the Urals (since then people have found transparent fragments of rock crystal in the mountains).

Aim with a handful of surviving soldiers disappeared into the mountains. But Torev set off in pursuit of them. The Mansi's forces are already running out, and the Bear and his brothers are getting closer and closer. The fugitives are about to be captured!

And then Pygrychum appeared in the rays of the rising sun. The good spirits provided him with a shining shield and a sharp sword. The son of the leader turned the shield towards the sun: a fiery sheaf of light hit Torev in the eyes. He stopped, closed his eyes and began to slowly turn to stone. The Bear brothers rushed to run in terror, but a ray of light from Pygrychum's shield overtook them: and they, too, turned into stones.

Since then they have been standing on the mountain for thousands of years, and they will stand for the same amount …

Poetry of wind and rain

It is a pity, but only one fact in this story corresponds to the truth: everything really happened in distant, ancient times. The pillars of weathering, or outliers (this is the scientific name of "navels"), appeared due to the tireless actions of wind and rain, coupled with heat and frost. They worked for several million years and together they thoroughly patted the once imposing mountains, weathered them to the ground. In fact, they were demolished from the face of the earth, leaving only solid rocks intact - in the form of pillars. Thanks to this process, we got one of the seven wonders of Russia: the weathering pillars on the Manpupuner plateau.

Have you figured out what's what? Now forget it immediately. In the case of the "mountain of idols", it is easier to believe in legends. Because when you find yourself in this unique, magical, incredibly strong place from the point of view of energy, your tongue simply won't turn to say: “You see the pillars of weathering in front of you - a geological monument”.

But the battle of the Mansi with the giants will surely appear before your eyes, the beautiful Aim will run past, the castle will fly to pieces, and then Pyfychum will appear and turn the Bear into stone. Here is the oldest brother - Torev: his kind spirits were punished first. And a little further away - six of his brothers, unsuccessfully trying to escape. Everything is so alive, so real, so authentic …

It is not surprising that all travelers who have visited the Manpupuner plateau, as one note: here you do not want to talk, except in a whisper, in the hope that a quiet conversation will not disturb and awaken the spirits. Eating and drinking also does not pull. Thoughts are clearing up. Manpupuner is an ideal place to understand yourself, to understand what is important and what is secondary. So if you are tormented by problems of choice - you are here. And here you can also try yourself in the role of a shaman-diviner and tell fortunes "on pillars". Their forms are very bizarre and varied. Equally numerous are the images and associations that arise in every person at the sight of "boobies". Some people imagine the figures of people, others - animals, the third - the outlines of objects. The result of fortune-telling directly depends on what exactly you will be able to discern: what picture your subconscious will catch and how it will decipher it. Because traditional interpretations like "A dog is a friend and a cat is an enemy" are not suitable here. Each person determines for himself how good or bad this or that image is for him, and draws conclusions.

The main thing is not to be afraid of anything: since you got to Manpupuner, then you are worth something! And if so, then the sacred plateau will definitely share its power with you.


faith Hope