Killing Food - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

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Killing Food - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View
Killing Food - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Killing Food - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View

Video: Killing Food - Myth Or Reality? - Alternative View
Video: Blossom's Fake Video Exposed by food scientist | How To Cook That Ann Reardon 2024, September

Each of us dreams of consuming healthy food, because no one wants to get sick, and no one will refuse to live well and for a long time. But is it possible to eat right if your funds are limited?

One unusual fact in Europe was talked about about ten years ago. The fact is that in local cemeteries, the dead did not decompose. Don't think that they were saints. It's just that when you start consuming an incredible amount of preservatives, you have the opportunity to turn into a mummy over time. Now do you understand what modern people are forced to eat?

We have lived to the point of abundance; you can see everything your heart desires on the shelves of grocery stores. But at the same time, if you try to find healthy food, you can become discouraged. There is not much to choose from.

According to experts, at the moment, environmentally friendly food on our planet simply does not exist. One can only talk about how much this or that product is "contaminated" with preservatives, phytoncides, GMO additives. There is relatively clean food, there are products of average quality. And finally, there are those who are ashamed to be called products. Apart from harm, they do not bring anything to our body.

For a year, each of us, along with other "food", eats more than 3 kilograms of various chemicals. These are thickeners, sealants, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers and colorants. Under the influence of these "wonderful" ingredients, a person turns into a mummy during his lifetime. Moreover, into a mummy, from which then even the graveyard worms turn away. Or maybe it's for the better?

Advertising will tell us how to eat

People who take ads seriously never cease to amaze others. Here a man watched a specially made television commercial for him, and rushed to a shopping center or market to buy the advertised product. How can you not take a multilayer diaper if it's guaranteed to keep your child under 18 years old dry?:)

Promotional video:


But seriously speaking, it should be noted that sometimes useful information slips through the advertisement. But this happens quite rarely. It is best to react to advertising with some degree of skepticism, and when it comes to drugs or products, you need to be doubly careful.

If you want to significantly shorten your life, you can eat everything that advertising advises. Stopped by the shelves of drinks that have an unnaturally bright color? Know - this is natural chemistry! By the way, many of these drinks can be used as excellent cleaning products. The most harmful food is fast food. Actors from commercials eat these buns with cutlets with an enviable appetite. But in real life, these same people will not eat such food for no particular reason.

Of course, we live at a fast pace, and due to lack of time we can have something to eat in a hurry. This is especially true for young people, who think that health is unlimited, and therefore junk food can be absorbed in unlimited quantities. Then obesity, chronic diseases, allergies appear, and in case of excessive abuse, you may not even live to see adulthood.

The best food is simple and healthy food

If the product is stored in an airtight (eg vacuum) package, then it usually contains preservatives that prolong its shelf life. It contains a mixture of various chemicals that are harmful to health. Some additives provoke heart disease, others - cancer, etc. If you are concerned about a healthy diet, then do not purchase industrially manufactured foods, as well as convenience foods. Study a cookbook to cook on your own.

Be sure to learn how to bake if you don't already know how. Russia is currently the largest importer of the so well-known palm oil. Once upon a time this “product” was not considered food, but today almost no food manufacturer can do without it.

We got used to the fact that margarine is full of chemistry for a long time, but our "craftsmen" even learned how to make chemical jam. Today only those who live extremely simply can win - they make jam and bake cakes on their own. And if all the ingredients for cooking are grown on their own backyard, then this is even better.

Exquisite food will not add to your health. While simple meals are always cheaper and better. Domestic cereals, vegetables and fruits will fully provide you with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Do not kill yourself with beef, especially foreign ones. Not only is it constantly getting more expensive, it also has one more significant drawback. If only the consumer knew how much antibiotics and hormones it contains! Pay attention to fish, natural dairy products, lemons, herbs, eggs. Of course, not all of these products are cheap, but they bring more benefits.

The problem of healthy food is getting worse every year. In China, they have been selling artificial rice and fake eggs for a long time, and the rest of the products are full of chemistry. But if the problem of poor nutrition concerned only the Chinese, then the Russians would not have to worry too much. But they predict a global food crisis for us! The population of the Earth is constantly growing, and it is more and more difficult to feed it …