Tesla From Primorye - Alternative View

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Tesla From Primorye - Alternative View
Tesla From Primorye - Alternative View

Video: Tesla From Primorye - Alternative View

Video: Tesla From Primorye - Alternative View
Video: Nature and wildlife of Primorye. 2024, September

A resident of Arsenyev knows a way to warn mankind about upcoming earthquakes. By the way, according to his forecasts, Primorye is not threatened with destructive tremors in the next 16 years

Alexey Arseniev is an inquisitive and inquisitive person. Suffice it to recall how a few years ago he came up with a way to grow two potato crops in one season on a garden plot. In the local district, he is also known as a specialist in electrical equipment, they go to him for advice from all over the city.

Nikolay Lisikhin, a resident of the city: “I don't understand electricity, he explained everything thoroughly: how to take care of the battery, how to monitor it. I am very pleased with him."

There is also a hobby for Alexei, about which he does not particularly spread. With the advent of the Internet in his house, there was a desire to understand the phenomena occurring in nature. Alexey calls himself an alternative. This is a person who deals with the problems of physics, based on his own theory, and thus he tries to explain the blank spots that exist in this science and are not yet explicable in the scientific world.

The diploma of a military engineer in radio engineering specialization is a confirmation that Alexey is not an amateur in physics. The measurement data of the Tomsk Geophysical Laboratory posted on an open site for a wide range of users became for Aleksey not only food for thought, but also a confirmation of the hypothesis of the "Electromagnetic resonance of the Earth" developed by him. You can get acquainted with his arguments in detail by typing the name of the hypothesis in a search engine.

Alexey Arseniev, alternative physicist: “The core of the earth is 61 km from the center and consists of 12 layers. Each layer gives out its own frequencies. All these frequencies are calculated and linked to the data of the Tomsk Geophysical Laboratory. In my calculations, I went to the frequency of the radiation field from 1.8 Hertz to 7340 Hertz. They ask me where did you get it? I sat for three days, calculated. It really does exist. I calculated it two years ago, and found confirmation six months ago."

Alexey sees the practical application of his hypothesis in the fact that such destructive phenomena as earthquakes and tsunamis can be predicted.

Alexey Arseniev, alternative physicist: “According to the measurement of the Earth's magnetic field, we can say at what time an earthquake will occur and of what strength. To know the point where this will happen, you need to have one such station in each time zone. According to a unified algorithm of 24 stations similar to Tomsk, an earthquake can be calculated from 2-3 minutes to 7 hours."

The hypothesis of the Earth's electromagnetic resonance also explains such phenomena as the frequent appearance of UFOs in one place - these are not spaceships at all, but the release of energy. It is clear to Alexei why ball lightnings appear from nowhere, and where they then disappear.

As for the future, by 2025 the magnetic pole of the Sun will change and, with the special arrangement of the planets, the climate on Earth will become significantly warmer. Earthquakes will become frequent, but it will be calm in Primorye. Cataclysms await Kamchatka, Japan, Indonesia and the countries of Oceania. The hypothesis has not been officially confirmed, but it has the right to exist. Why not?