Strict Guardian Spirits Vardzia Or "Everyone In Contact!" - Alternative View

Strict Guardian Spirits Vardzia Or "Everyone In Contact!" - Alternative View
Strict Guardian Spirits Vardzia Or "Everyone In Contact!" - Alternative View

Video: Strict Guardian Spirits Vardzia Or "Everyone In Contact!" - Alternative View

Video: Strict Guardian Spirits Vardzia Or
Video: 11 Signs SPIRITS Are Wanting To Contact YOU! ♥️🦋 2024, July

The previous article dealt with the Australian Valentich, who in 1978 became a forced recruit into the TCH or KKK program. However, this was not at all an isolated case in the history of space slavery, recorded in the 70s and 80s of the LAST century …

At the very end of the 80s, the beginning of the 90s, the author of this material was recruited to work in the Latvian Association of UFO-logic and ENIO-logic as an independent expert-analyst (education made it possible to cope with difficult situations in that strange office, which was - like many rightly guessed - under the direct supervision of "researchers in gray"). Among the many cases during the performance of her duties, I especially remember the story of one lady - a blonde of fantastic beauty with emerald green eyes. This dugout came to LAUF with the hope of getting rid of nightmares, in which some unearthly forces performed monstrous experiments with her, after which - already in a state of wakefulness - quite distinguishable scars, some signs and other clear evidences remained on her body that the matter is not easy here …

I will not write about all the stages of the investigation of this case (there was everything that was supposed to be done in such cases - examinations by at least three professional psychiatrists, forensic examinations in accordance with all the rules of this case, fortunately, the Office was commanded at that time by a police major in Riga …), I will inform you the main thing: after two sessions of regressive hypnosis, it turned out that this beauty had been abducted by at least three otherworldly races since early childhood. They found it by some specific code in the DNA, corresponding to belonging to a race close to us, but evolved in another universe. The woman was led through all circles of inhuman hell, after which her body aged 50 years, despite the fact that her age did not even reach 40 years. In addition to torture and monstrous experiences, she was used for 25 years in the TCH in a variety of roles, including in the personnel of an intergalactic transport ship,who participated in military-trade missions under the command of a joint team of Draco-Reptiles and Nazis from Nacht Waffe. The details of the incident, which this blonde then reported, were so clear and technically reliable that the data of this study were instantly classified, a non-disclosure agreement was taken from all participants in the investigation …

The USSR ceased to exist long ago, the Office was transformed into some kind of occult center. And your humble servant has not been directly involved in scientific UFO-logic for a long time. But the old won't let go. This is not forgotten …

ps In the photo - not TA blonde, but amazingly similar & hellip
ps In the photo - not TA blonde, but amazingly similar & hellip

ps In the photo - not TA blonde, but amazingly similar & hellip;

Everything described below is true!..


The day was set in the morning - excellent weather, the bus arrived on time (and this was an out of the ordinary business in those days in Georgia …), everyone felt pretty good …

Promotional video:

In short, let's go!..

A visit to this stunning monument of sacred intra-rock architecture was not among the priorities of our group - the expedition of the Latvian Association of UFOlogy and ENIO to the proposed location of one of the notorious Arks (according to the Apocryphal Gospel of John, Noah's Ark was not a means of transportation along the waves of the flood, but a which sheltered thousands of people who escaped the natural disaster, and one of these places was "somewhere in the Caucasus"). In August 1991, it was generally difficult to predict or rank anything - the expedition left Riga exactly in the conditions of the same putsch (the area of the Riga station square with the surrounding area was cordoned off by troops and armored vehicles …). But - it just so happened …

I will not go into details with the description of the stunning textured elements of the city in the sandstone mountain - a masterpiece of this kind of ancient monuments, these details are enough on the Internet. The most interesting thing happened to our team just after the completion of the inspection of the Vardzia complex …

Placing in the bus that arrived at the appointed time (again - a small miracle of that time for those places), we were in a very high spirits. It was getting dark, it became cooler and one could take a breath from the more than exhausting heat of late August. The bus started, drove a couple of kilometers and suddenly …

SOMETHING like lightning or some other form of electric shock shot right through the bus - from the front to the back seats. To say that the people were shocked is to say nothing. It was a shock …

The engine and lighting in the bus went out, there was a sharp smell of ozone and something else, very reminiscent of the smell of sulfur …

And then something came to the author of this story …

A couple of days before the trip to Vardzia, the local guide who accompanied us on our hikes to various “places of power” and other “hot spots”, having learned about our intention to visit this shrine of early Christianity, strictly warned:

“Nichivo there ne berite! Bad budet! Devas will punish!.."

Our ufological people reacted to the warning … differently. There were desperate nihilists among us who did not care where to go - to look for flying dishes or some kind of "ark-with-hello." That was all … purple. But the author of this post did not care at all, there was already a practical experience of interacting with the unknown - everyone …

In general, at the time of the deathly silence on the bus, my voice sounded: "Who took the" souvenir "from Vardzia!"

Two confessed, they did snatch some "strange stones" from one of the temples inside the mountain. And what was to be done now? To return in the quickly onset of darkness back to the sanctuary and climb the rocky heights in the dark? Without a local guide?.. It was completely excluded …

My reflections were interrupted by the loud order of the "chief in the expedition": "Everyone in contact !!!" This meant the indispensable execution of this order - such were the orders in LAUF at that time. That is, everyone present was simply obliged to mentally appeal to all possible and impossible alien civilizations with some kind of request. In this case, it was implied the need to obtain information about the essence of the situation and (since “who was to blame” was clear) and about what to do next. Our chauffeur, at this order, came to some kind of stupor - his eyes bulging, he stared at the "chief", then at the rest of the "dish-catcher brigade" and … quietly began to get out and crawl out of the vehicle entrusted to him …

The people, realizing that something from the category of "normal phantasmagoria" was happening, began to abruptly leave the bus - in the already complete impenetrability of the local mountain night …

The especially "gifted" immediately began to broadcast on behalf of the "Andromedans-Pleiadians-Sirians" and other powerful forces. And I must say, each new broadcast was more shocking than the previous one. I had never heard such a "sewer" nonsense from our "star ventriloquists" and will hardly hear in the near future: it turned out that we "got into a timeless channel from our universe to another"; "Disturbed the spirits of atlantis"; “The world’s balance has been violated and now everyone has a skiff!”; “The spirit of Queen Tamar was awakened and she cast her spell-curses on us” …

All this madness lasted about twenty minutes, until the "chief" realized that there was clearly a process of sucking the "truth" from … a finger. Cursing, he gave the command "hang up" and went to look for the driver. And that even a trace is gone. And to our camp - about twenty kilometers along the mountain serpentines. In total darkness. With the risk of meeting local mountain bears (there were VERY many of them in those parts) or - much worse - with local bandits …

I will not describe the events that followed this tragicomic incident. I will only say that this case showed the true essence of everything that was presented to LAUF as “obtaining absolutely reliable information from verified contactees,” and sharply influenced the decision of your humble servant to leave this plate madhouse. And the experience of interacting with the angry spirits of the mountains was also very useful, but that's another story …

Author: Thinker
