I Am The Grandson Of A UFO Pilot! - Alternative View

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I Am The Grandson Of A UFO Pilot! - Alternative View
I Am The Grandson Of A UFO Pilot! - Alternative View

Video: I Am The Grandson Of A UFO Pilot! - Alternative View

Video: I Am The Grandson Of A UFO Pilot! - Alternative View
Video: Former Air Force Pilot Breaks Down UFO Footage | WIRED 2024, September

That I am the grandson of the pilot of an unidentified flying object, I learned at a fairly mature age. I was then twenty years old. Later I will explain why the age was remembered so precisely, but for now … Do not rush to send the author to the psychiatric hospital yet. Listen to the story first, then judge it.

Kill both of you

In the early 1970s, I lived with my grandparents in the same garrison town. We had a two-room apartment - "vest". My grandfather and I slept in the same bed, there was a carpet on the wall above the bed, and on it was an officer's dagger (my grandfather was a pilot during the war, and they were supposed to be daggers).

And then I wake up one night because the light prevents me from sleeping. For some time I lay with my eyes closed ("Probably, my grandmother cannot sleep"), but the light does not go out and does not go out. What is it? I open my eyes and horror grips me. Someone is standing in the next room and looking at me. Don't understand. this "someone" is dressed or not. His arms and legs seem to be woven from intertwined veins. the face seems to be heavily covered with skin. Asian eye shape. No lips, no eyebrows. A bright yellowish light emanates from the creature's body, and it was it that woke me up.

Imagine what it is like to see such a five-year-old! But as a boy I was brave. He remembered the dagger on the carpet and began to raise himself up on the bed. At the same instant, a voice sounded in my head (as it is often described): "Don't move, or I'll kill you both!" I slid onto the pillow, closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Yeltsin: "All this is nonsense!"

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The next day, I excitedly told my grandmother, grandfather, yard boys about the night incident. But no one believed me, they said it was a dream. I was very offended.

I must say that in those days no "horror films" were shown on TV, but I read, at best. "The son of the regiment."

And if we, the boys of that time, dreamed of any of the "horrors" - it's the Fritzes and the Gestapo. After all, we played "war game" all day long …

This incident haunted me even in adulthood. One day, while working part-time for a semi-anomalous newspaper, I described those long-standing events on behalf of a fictional character. And I got a notation from a very interesting person. Mikhail Sergeevich Yeltsin, the head of some association of ufologists, who came to the editorial office, criticized the article, saying that "everything is described incorrectly." Unfortunately, I could not reveal the "anonymous author" and did not dare to say that I observed everything described with my own eyes.

Alas, everyone to whom I told this "childhood story" of mine only laughed condescendingly. My grandfather, whom I tried to convince, was also grinning. that he didn't invent anything. Grandfather's smirks especially offended: he is a dear person!

In the end, I stopped sharing my memories, even with loved ones. But one day this story received an unexpected continuation.

I was a UFO pilot

Once my friends gave me a "top-secret" report on the tricks of the "little green men" to read for a day. At that time, semi-legal reports of the now famous ufologist Azhazha were circulating on the lists.

I read avidly about the crash of an alien ship in Roswell, a UFO attack on an American air base, an air battle of "saucers". And all this was written according to eyewitness accounts.

- Look, grandfather, - I said, - your colleagues, pilots, tell, by the way!

My grandfather looked at me in a strange way:

- Oh, and you're tired of your UFOs! - he said, and then began to count something: - So. It's 1985 in our yard. In 1955, I signed a non-disclosure agreement. Thirty years have passed. Well. let's go show you something! - and added angrily: - There are no your UFOs!

We went down to the basement where my grandfather kept his old papers and archives in boxes. He rummaged through the photographs. he handed two to me. It was something! On one, which had time to damp and turn yellow, but still a fairly high-quality picture, two UFOs were captured in the air. On the other … Military airfield, several officers next to the flying saucer. And under the transparent cockpit of the "saucer", behind the control panel … my grandfather! Only still young. The photo was signed like this: “1955-12-11. By screws!"

What the former ace told. I tell from memory. And in advance I ask you to forgive the lack of professionalism in detail.

"Soviet" snag"

Back in the forties, tests of saucer-shaped aircraft were carried out. During the war, German scientists were especially advanced in this. Why did you need to invent airplanes - "saucers"? This form has a lot of advantages: maneuverability, quick climb, the ability to take off from the most primitive runway and land on it …

After the war, part of the German inheritance fell into the hands of the Americans, part of ours. Including operating models. And to them - prisoners, leading designers and developers. On the basis of German models, domestic aircraft designers have developed their own, improved ones. As an experienced pilot, grandfather was entrusted in 1955 to make experimental flights on such a "saucer". Without going into technical details, I will describe the feelings of my grandfather from flying in the Soviet "UFO": "Excellent speed, significantly exceeding the official world record set by our then, and … the instability of the machine at low altitudes."

The most interesting thing in my grandfather's story was this. It turns out mysticism, a fascination with UFOs. then gaining fashion all over the world and in the USA especially. prompted our scientists to think: "What if we try to pass off our cars for … alien ships?"

Imagine targets flying at interstellar speeds appear on enemy radars. Goals that constantly change direction. The operator is simply not able to orient the interceptor fighters to a specific target. It remains to throw up his hands: you can't fight a UFO!

Could we have reached interstellar speeds then? No. Could the plane of those years change direction as the pilot wanted? No. But then … but you can create a "snag", a special device that will confuse enemy radars, sending them obviously fantastic, unrealistic information. Our "saucer" performs a certain mission, flies to itself, and on the enemy's radars - a super-UFO, randomly tumbling and flying at great speed. So the object turns out to be unidentified.

I then asked my grandfather a question: did ours manage to develop such a cunning device? The grandfather said nothing. In the end, he "just" happened to be a simple saucer pilot. Soviet "humanoid in uniform", four times raised a mysterious machine into the sky.

UFOs dived at us all night

My youthful fascination with UFOs remained unfulfilled. We returned with the whole family to St. Petersburg. Grandfather's archives remained damp in the old basement of the house where our old "officer's" apartment was located.

I probably would never have returned to the events of those days if I had not recently read an article by Nikolai Semirek, a former military man, which was called, it seems, "UFOs dived at us all night." Some inconsistencies in it haunted me for a long time. Something like that was recalled, this story evoked some associations.

Unable to resist, I read the article again, underlining the places that surprised me with a pencil. The article discussed how Semirek, a graduate of the Tambov Military Aviation Technical School who served as a senior technician at a low-altitude post, observed a whole UFO “parade” in the 1970s.

And here are the places that struck me the most in the professional's article:

1. "The head of the department appeared in our position and warned that tomorrow a very important work will take place - there will be three dozen cars in the air at the same time."

The next day, Semirek, together with colleagues, recorded the flight of thirty UFOs. It turns out that the head of the department knew in advance not only when UFOs would appear in the sky over Volgograd, but also how many there would be! What, the aliens told him this?

2. “The target covered 350 kilometers in 50 seconds and“hid”“somewhere over our head”.

Super speed!

3. “Rather, for the sake of a joke, I pressed the identification system button. Imagine my surprise when a thin mark "my" was imprinted next to the target line!

And here is the impartial reaction of the device for you: recognized, "our"!

Comparing all these oddities with my grandfather's story about some kind of "Soviet trick", I thought: but if we imagine that ours managed to create something similar, all questions to the one stated by N. Semirek are removed. It becomes clear both the awareness of the head of the department, and the super speed of the UFO, and the fact that the "system" recognized them as its own. What if then, twenty years ago, our Soviet "saucers" were loitering in the night sky of Volgograd?

I am not a ufologist and have no access to any "X-files". I know only one thing: if I ever see the lights of a UFO above me, if it sits nearby, I probably won't be scared anymore. In the end, there remains the hope that not a creature from my childhood nightmare will emerge from the "saucer", but a nice guy in a Russian air force's uniform.

Ilya Peskova, St. Petersburg. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 3 2011