The Dead Must Be Remembered - Alternative View

The Dead Must Be Remembered - Alternative View
The Dead Must Be Remembered - Alternative View

Video: The Dead Must Be Remembered - Alternative View

Video: The Dead Must Be Remembered - Alternative View
Video: Parallel Worlds Probably Exist. Here’s Why 2024, September

This story happened to me 10 years ago. As a kid, racing a motorcycle, he flew downhill from a steep cliff, I thought I would break all my bones, but nothing happened. The motorcycle is shattered, and I only have scratches. Then my mother told me: "An angel sits on your shoulder, he protects you from all troubles." All my life I remembered her words … Once, just before “parent's day,” I had a dream: souls were sitting in heaven and waiting. From time to time the angels shout out to them: "Nina, Vanya, go, yours have come." And souls descend from heaven to be in the cemetery with their relatives. And those to whom relatives do not come get angry and take the souls of strangers with them.

Somehow I personally saw confirmation of this. My mother left a house in Mazuli. Every evening in winter I went there to feed the dog. The road went past the cemetery. It has long been dark, it's frosty outside. I am running briskly and suddenly I hear a voice from the side of the graves:

- Man, help a …

I turn around, and at the cemetery, leaning against the monument, a woman is standing. In the dark, only a black silhouette is visible.

“Help me…” she asked again.

A chill went down my spine. I seemed to be rooted to the ground, and she kept calling me and waving her hand.

He took a step towards her. Suddenly, as if someone put his hand on my shoulder, and a voice said: "Run!"

I was thrown into a fever, jerked from that place and ran for a long, long time.

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The next day I specially went to feed the dog early, because curiosity was sorted out. But when I approached that place, I did not find any traces. Only a hole had been dug, and I would have fallen into it if I had approached the woman, and I would have gotten out of it, I would have frozen. In the grave where the woman stood, the grandmother is buried. Nobody comes to her for a long time. Relatives are still alive, but they left for another city, probably an old woman and got angry that no one has visited her for a long time. How can you not believe in the supernatural after that? Since then, every spring I come to the grave of this woman, I remember, I think, let her soul be calm.

Yuri M.