Exorcism Or Exorcism Rite - Cases - Alternative View

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Exorcism Or Exorcism Rite - Cases - Alternative View
Exorcism Or Exorcism Rite - Cases - Alternative View

Video: Exorcism Or Exorcism Rite - Cases - Alternative View

Video: Exorcism Or Exorcism Rite - Cases - Alternative View
Video: The myth of demonic possession | Hassaan Tohid | TEDxUAlberta 2024, September

Rite of exorcism

At the beginning, only Jesus Christ possessed the art of casting out demons and spirits (exorcism). But soon his apostles learned this, and later other Christian priests. The very idea of getting rid of evil spirits today exists in almost all religions of the world, for this each has its own rituals. Parapsychologists also have this skill.

As you know, during the Middle Ages, those possessed by demons were fumigated with all sorts of disgusting odors, starved, made bloodletting and even tortured, sincerely believing that the evil spirit sitting in the body could not withstand such torture and would leave the human body. However, more often than not, inquisitors sought the death of the most unfortunate possessed. Assuring that the deceased had freed himself from the power of the devil, the inquisitors considered his death to be quite justified.

Exorcism and the Pope

2000, September - the tacit reverence that usually accompanies the appearance of the Pope in St. Peter's Square was broken by a terrible cry. In the front rows of the gathered crowd, a 19-year-old girl from the city of Monza (Italy) began shouting curses at John Paul II - “in a deaf voice,” as eyewitnesses described. When the guardsmen tried to calm her down, she seemed to push them away with superhuman strength.

Dad asked to bring the girl to him. Convinced of her obsession, he performed an impromptu exorcism in a quiet location off the main square.

Later it became known that Gabrielle Amorth's father had tried to conduct an exorcism session with the same girl the day before - she had been introduced to him by the chief exorcist of Milan. Amorth repeated the seance on the second day after the Pope, whose impromptu efforts were unsuccessful. As Amort later reported, the second time the demon snickered: "Even the head of your Church could not expel me!"

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This was not the first exorcism of John Paul II: in 1982, he locked himself alone with a woman screaming and writhing on the floor. At first he met strong resistance, but finally dealt with the demon, promising to pray for the girl's soul at Mass the next day.

Exorcism in Bavaria

This mysterious and at the same time tragic incident happened to a young resident of Bavaria Anneliese Michel in the 1970s. At first, this young girl was no different from other Catholics, but when she got to the hospital, she began to suffer from incomprehensible seizures. She made faces, made disgusting sounds, cursed and blasphemed, and in the intervals between attacks she absolutely sincerely prayed to the doctors to relieve her of these symptoms, which caused her mental and physical suffering, which the doctors could not do, despite the powerful antipsychotics that were prescribed to her. horse doses.

During the attacks, Anneliese insulted her family members and doctors, fought with them, using her nails and teeth, injured herself, and answered questions that Satan was forcing her to do this. She slept only on the floor, tore off her clothes, broke crosses and spat on icons and other church symbols. It was not like hysteria and other mental illnesses, and then, at the insistence of relatives, Anneliese began to conduct a rite of exorcism, which led her to even greater frenzy. She hardly ate anything, did not sleep, and the onset of pneumonia led her to complete exhaustion and, finally, to death.

There is a documentary video of this dramatic story, which proves the reality of everything that happened. It can be added that two feature films were subsequently shot based on these events.

Expulsion of evil spirits in a Moscow apartment

In this case, we are talking about getting rid of a hooligan and annoying poltergeist, the ritual was performed by an experienced psychic A. A. Shlyadinsky. During the lull from the tricks of the poltergeist, Shlyadinsky, at the request of the owners, searched the apartment and found a seemingly unremarkable pin in an unusual place between the layers of wallpaper, which turned out to have "strange energy". Shlyadinsky clearly felt it with his hands at a distance of about a meter.

Then he performed a special ritual to neutralize the negative "charge" of the pin. For this purpose, he put a pin between the sheets of the Bible in a strictly defined place. He put the Bible itself on a stool, and on top he laid a sheet with an ancient spell to call spirits. For all this, he put a church candle in a candlestick. Shlyadinsky lit a candle and silently pronounced a medieval formula calling for spirits, after which he sat down opposite and began to wait. Everything was calm for a few minutes. But then something amazing happened. The candle floated up, hovered over the candlestick, and after a minute it slowly flew up to the door to another room and froze again, hanging. After about 30 seconds, the burning candle went the same way in reverse order, dropped into an empty candlestick and went out.

After some time, Shlyadinsky decided to use the “energy” of the pin to reproduce a number of paranormal phenomena, thereby depriving it of its specific “power”. He put an ordinary electric light bulb next to it on the table and, bringing his palms closer to it, ordered it to mentally take off, which happened. Then he again mentally ordered the light bulb to light up, and it flashed with a white matte light, but not from the filament, but the entire surface. The light was on for several minutes and then went out. As you can see, the energy stored in it has dried up. At the same time, all the phenomena of the poltergeist in the apartment, which have never been renewed, also stopped.


Obsession after a seance

This happened in 1949 in Georgetown, a 13-year-old boy “played” in a seance. In those days, summoning spirits was very fashionable among adults and children. Soon the "souls" got in touch - the boy heard mysterious knocks, scratching … In general, the game was a success!

But at night, when the child went to bed, a crash was heard around the icon hanging in his room, then creaks, sighs, heavy steps began to be heard. This lasted for several days and nights. The parents considered that this was the spirit of a not so long ago deceased relative, who at one time was very attached to the child.

But the "spirit" behaved very strangely for a loving uncle: the boy's clothes began to disappear, and then suddenly appeared in the most unexpected places. The armchair in which the child was sitting suddenly turned over. At school, classmates' notebooks and textbooks flew through the air! In the end, the parents were asked to take the boy out of school and hire private teachers for him. But first, show the doctors.

The doctors listened to the story of the boy's parents, did the tests and found the child completely healthy. But when the little patient's voice suddenly changed - from a child's to a low, rough, hoarse voice - the parents were worried in earnest.

The child was "diagnosed" by the priests: possession by the devil. The rite of exorcism (casting out the devil) lasted ten weeks. Throughout this time, during the sessions, the boy demonstrated unprecedented strength, easily threw the priest's assistants around the sides. Strangely, in a snake-like way he moved his head, spitting exactly in the eyes of those around him. Somehow during the ceremony he managed to escape from the hands of the attendants. He rushed to the priest, snatched out the ritual book and … destroyed it! He destroyed it, not tore it: before the eyes of amazed witnesses, the book turned into a cloud of confetti! After 10 weeks the boy forgot that, while struggling to escape, he broke the arms of two priest's assistants, that he threw himself at his own mother with a knife … He became a zealous Catholic and lived a righteous life.

Spiritualism and casting out demons

A 14-year-old teenager known as Robbie began showing symptoms of intense obsession after practicing spiritualism with his aunt at their home in Maryland. In the house creaks began to be heard, objects in his room for some reason wobbled, and one local priest saw the boy hovering over the chair on which he was sitting.

Two more priests were called - Fathers William Bowden and Walter Halloran - who began a long and painful exorcism, during which the boy repeatedly vomited. The procedure was carried out in Latin, with words and symbols appearing in the form of supernatural cuts and rashes on the boy's body.

That same year, William Peter Blatty, a young student at Georgetown University, read about the incident in the Washington Post. Twenty years later, he created his first horror novel The Exorcist, which was later filmed in the film of the same name.

Expulsion of demons in Spain and Malaysia

The inhabitants of the Spanish town of Castillo de Murcia use a peculiar way of driving out the devil and protecting against him. Every year at the same time, May 25, residents put their one-year-old children on mattresses right on the street, two adults dressed in special yellow-red overalls jump over this kindergarten. This strange tradition began in 1610, and so far none of the jumpers stepped on the child.

In hot Malaysia, where the bulk of the population professes Islam, the topic of casting out demons (Shaitan) is also popular. It is believed that a healer named Charon Dean was largely successful in this art, to whose house long before sunrise the wretched and crippled gather. Charon expels evil spirits not only from people, but also from administrative buildings, residential buildings and supermarkets. He categorically denies his affiliation with black magic and is convinced that his abilities are based solely on faith in Allah.

Casting out demons in healing practice

In our time, healers, if I may say so, are constantly engaged in exorcism, because they are dealing with psychic energy, which is grouped inside the human body in the form of a subtle parasite. This pseudo-creature is dangerous for people, since it is aggressive and has a destructive effect on the body.

Without going into detail in the practice of the healings themselves, we can say that the process of casting out a demon is difficult, often not limited to one session and is not always effective. In addition, relapses can occur, as well as the transition of this pseudo-being from the patient to the healer, which happens quite often.

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