NASA Has Figured Out How To Stop The Killer Volcano - Alternative View

NASA Has Figured Out How To Stop The Killer Volcano - Alternative View
NASA Has Figured Out How To Stop The Killer Volcano - Alternative View

Video: NASA Has Figured Out How To Stop The Killer Volcano - Alternative View

Video: NASA Has Figured Out How To Stop The Killer Volcano - Alternative View
Video: NASA’s $3.5 Billion Idea To Save Earth From A Supervolcano Apocalypse 2024, September

Specialists of the US space agency, who recently announced the extreme threat of supervolcanoes to human civilization, have found a way to get rid of this danger. Killer volcanoes are capable of destroying 99% of humanity. The scientists presented their plan of salvation.

According to NASA scientists, after the eruption of a supervolcano on Earth, only one percent of the population will survive. There are twenty such monsters on the planet. One of the most dangerous Yellowstone volcano located in the USA. American researchers have proposed to cool the volcano, which is hot and ready to explode at any moment, with plain water. They have developed several projects that will help harness geothermal energy to generate electricity. It is enough to run water into the crater of the volcano and then take away the received energy using a steam generator. Recall that the Yellowstone Caldera is located in the national park of the same name. The crater has parameters of 72 by 50 kilometers and hot magma bubbles in it. First of all, scientists plan to use its energy. As the magma cools, the likelihood of an eruption will decrease, according to NASA.

It is difficult to say how effective such measures are. Russian scientists have already joined the discussion proposed by their American colleagues on overcoming the problem of volcanic eruptions. In particular, they believe that in modern seismology, there are no methods for long-term predictions of the eruption of killer volcanoes. All modern science has is the ability to predict such a danger in the foreseeable future several months before the eruption.

Anton Alexandrov