Another Time Traveler - Alternative View

Another Time Traveler - Alternative View
Another Time Traveler - Alternative View

Video: Another Time Traveler - Alternative View

Video: Another Time Traveler - Alternative View
Video: Avengers: Endgame: Full Time Travel And Parallel Timelines Finally Explained With This Map 2024, July

As you remember, in early October, the world media spread the news that the US police detained a man in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication in Wyoming, who introduced himself as a time traveler who arrived in 2017. with the mission of saving humanity. He explained his drunkenness by the fact that large doses of alcohol are one of the main conditions for a safe trip to the past.

The other day, the unlucky traveler had a brother in time. The YouTube channel Paranormal Elite, which specializes in UFO, poltergeist and other anomalous news, received a recording in which the person who asked to be named Noah makes an incredible confession: he came from 2021 to convince us that time travel exists … They say that various secret organizations have been committing them since 2003, and the general public will only announce this useful opportunity in 2028.

The self-named alien from the future said that he has been living on Earth for 50 years, but takes a special drug, and therefore looks 25 years old. He also participated in a secret US government project, had access to classified information and, now confessing with the people, risks his life - therefore on the recording, his face and voice are distorted by editing effects and cannot be recognized.

Noah has been flying to the past and back for ten years now, and from all these travels he began to get tired. Of all the secrets of the future, he considered it necessary to reveal only a few: in 2020. Donald Trump will be re-elected for a second term, and he will rule America until 2024; in 2021 electric cars will be able to travel 600 km without recharging; artificial intelligence is striding across the planet by leaps and bounds, and somewhere in 2021. A device that looks like Google Glass, and in terms of processing power will be equal to modern computers, will win wildly popularity (this message made users suspect that Noah's video is a hidden Google advertisement).

In general, virtual reality will be widely developed, and Noah strongly recommends investing in all developments related to it and artificial intelligence. About the invasion in 2018. For some reason, Noah did not mention the bloodthirsty aliens, which was reported by the October guest from the future. Perhaps I forgot because of fatigue.

And Noah claims that he has a bunch of secret gadgets. However, all of them taken together did not help the guy to improve his life, playing on the sweepstakes or placing a bet in a bookmaker's office - he must know the results of all matches, Oscars and Eurovision contests. Bloggers from the channel claim: to support the guy in difficult times, they sent him $ 700. There should be enough for booze and special drugs that help to travel in time.