What Do We Know Today About The "gods" And Their Home Planet? - Alternative View

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What Do We Know Today About The "gods" And Their Home Planet? - Alternative View
What Do We Know Today About The "gods" And Their Home Planet? - Alternative View

Video: What Do We Know Today About The "gods" And Their Home Planet? - Alternative View

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Blue-skinned "gods" left an indelible mark on our planet

We already know that 90-5 thousand years ago not only people lived on our planet, but also representatives of a more highly developed civilization, whom our distant ancestors called “gods”. They flew here from another star system (Sirius-Orion) either with an expedition, or they themselves were exiles from their home planet. They mined minerals on Earth and left quite a lot after themselves - structures, artifacts, traces of activity, myths, etc. What do we know today about these representatives of extraterrestrial civilization and the planet from which they arrived?..

Nowhere in the myths is it mentioned that the "gods" move by such leaps as astronauts on the moon. Consequently, the gravity on the home planet of the gods is close to that of Earth. They could also breathe earthly air, and if they used spacesuits (some figures and artifacts are able to hint at this), then only initially, and not constantly during their stay here.

The "gods" also took earthly food, which means that their biochemistry was not too significantly different from human.

But at the same time, earthly conditions still did not influence the "gods" in the best way, shortening their long life and eroding resistant organisms, as myths testify. Therefore, they chose the food ration for themselves and their needs. To replenish their bodies with copper, they needed grains.

Blue blood flowed in the veins of the "gods" - based on hemocyanin (copper, copper blood), and not hemoglobin (iron), as in humans. This concept remained with human civilization as meaning the highest aristocracy. Some snails, spiders, crustaceans, cuttlefish and cephalopods (octopuses, for example) have blue blood on Earth.

Consequently, the "gods" came from the "copper" planet, where there is much more copper than iron - in contrast to the Earth. This is confirmed by the metallurgical skills that the "gods" possessed and later passed on to people, who were initially used no more than elementary helpers - in other words, slaves, gratuitous labor.

Video about the planet of "gods":

Promotional video:

Amazing planet of strange "gods"

What were they like, the “gods” whom our distant ancestors worshiped (and today they call it “paleocontact”)?.. The composition of their blood based on copper alone can tell a lot. After all, copper has strong antibacterial properties! Many peoples attribute medicinal properties to copper. Nepalese, for example, consider copper to be a sacred metal that promotes concentration of thoughts, improves digestion and heals gastrointestinal diseases (patients are given water to drink from a glass in which there are several copper coins). In the old days, copper was used to treat helminthic diseases, epilepsy, chorea, anemia, and meningitis.

Copper is capable of killing microbes. Completely! Thus, the increased content of copper and the reduced content of iron in the body of the gods allowed them to have the strongest antibacterial properties in their composition. This could well protect against earthly infections and contribute to the "immortality" of the gods. Also, myths tell about the power of "gods", resistance to any temperature extremes. The concentration of copper just increases the resistance to cold (or heat) in living organisms on Earth.

The "gods" were addicted to low-alcohol drinks, since they helped to level the acidity of their blood and remove excess carbon dioxide in the conditions of our planet. Their alcoholic drink was called "soma".

It is curious that on the planet there are obviously few or no “gods” oil, they did not use oil refining technologies at all.

Initially, the "gods" settled on the hills, in the mountains and foothills. The thing is that the atmospheric pressure is lower there - obviously, there it is closer to the “native” conditions on the planet of the “gods”.

All centers of ancient agriculture are concentrated in the foothills, where the atmospheric pressure is obviously lower than on the low plains. It is in these centers that the chemical composition of the soils is most favorable for plant organisms rich in copper and poor in iron.

From the appearance of the "gods", in addition to the blue skin color, one can distinguish the elongated shape of the skull (which was later imitated by the earthly peoples) and long ears. The low atmospheric pressure on the planet of the gods should result in a lower speed of sound and a similar shape. Could the "gods" be blue-blooded reptilians?.. There is no definite answer to this question yet. Some myths speak in favor of this version, others - rather, refute.

Their planet was older than ours. Most likely, it is located near a small dwarf star (or a double star - if you remember Sirius). There was almost no volcanism, lush vegetation blossomed, while there is every reason to assume that the fruits, trees and organisms themselves were larger than on Earth, such that we call "giant" …

Another video about the "planet of the gods":
