Speech Reflects The State Of Mind - Alternative View

Speech Reflects The State Of Mind - Alternative View
Speech Reflects The State Of Mind - Alternative View

Video: Speech Reflects The State Of Mind - Alternative View

Video: Speech Reflects The State Of Mind - Alternative View
Video: Sugar: The Bitter Truth 2024, July

In order to have a good relationship, it is very important to pay attention not to speech. Speech is the translation of our thoughts, our vibrations, into words, into sound. What is our speech today? We pay little attention to the tone in which we speak, what words we pronounce. Using abusive and just very dirty words, we seem to have forgotten what a noble and sublime speech is. But this is not only evidence of our ignorance and degradation of consciousness.

Isn't it obvious that when we speak rude and dirty words, peace and happiness within us does not increase. Everything happens exactly the opposite. We allow negative energy to manifest, and then we wonder why we have to take pills for headache so often.

Meanwhile, there is a direct connection between mind and speech. If the mind is healthy, speech is worthy. A healthy mind is always positive. With such a mind, we do not talk about the shortcomings of others, we do not criticize, we do not express claims. We do not complain about fate. The tone of speech is calm and friendly. Everyone, of course, enjoys communicating with such an interlocutor. Speaking with anger is a sign of weakness of the soul.

According to statistics, 90% of all quarrels and conflicts occur due to the fact that we speak badly about someone. We all need to learn to speak in a pleasant, noble manner, in control of our speech. In the East, a person who cannot control his speech is considered primitive. It has long been noted that we acquire the qualities of the person we think and talk about, therefore, speaking badly about someone, criticizing him, we show the negative qualities of this person in ourselves. If we praise, then we show the good that is inherent in this person. Therefore, thinking about God and talking about Him is the easiest way to acquire divine qualities.

Note that the more selfishness, envy, ill will in us, the more difficult it is for us to speak warmly about someone. The more rude speech, the less harmonious we are, therefore, the more severe life lessons we receive.

One of the reasons why we are tired today and have little time is we talk a lot. Verbosity is a sign of idle talk. One needs to speak little, quietly, with patience and nobility. This can save both time and energy. It is important to learn how to check your speech. They said something and offended the person. And then we make excuses: "I said it just like that … I didn't want to offend …". This language needs to be changed. Words should have the essence - such words are strong.

Once I met an acquaintance whose appearance had changed a lot. And without hesitation, I said: “Oh, how you lost weight. You simply cannot be recognized. " He said quietly, "I'm on a diet." Then we talked a little more and went our separate ways. Only after moving away from him, I suddenly realized the tactlessness of my words. After all, losing weight could be caused by illness. And my words could hurt him. I began to make excuses to myself: "Yes, maybe they are more frost sick, maybe they really decided to lose weight, now many people are watching their appearance, adhere to various diets." But then I firmly decided: there will never be such judgments in my words again. Wisdom teaches: think before you say anything.

Words make sense if they are tactful and filled with love for others. And then, no matter how "bitter" words you say, your heart will certainly accept them. These words will not seem bitter, they will seem accurate.

Promotional video:

Otherwise, if we use harsh words, the harshness manifests itself in our appearance. Then our pride is obvious to others, and people will take offense at us. But even if we say “bitter” words with love, the feeling of resentment will be transformed, and people will feel our mercy.

You need to talk about everything accurately, but with love. Whatever words the mother may say to the children, because of the mother's love, they are not perceived as harsh and bitter. Children feel: mom loves us, she wishes us well. In the same way, no matter how clear our words are, it will not hurt others if we show mercy.

"Reality of life" Center for Spiritual Development (Moscow)