Slavic Chakras: How Clogging Of Energy Centers Spoils Your Destiny - Alternative View

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Slavic Chakras: How Clogging Of Energy Centers Spoils Your Destiny - Alternative View
Slavic Chakras: How Clogging Of Energy Centers Spoils Your Destiny - Alternative View

Video: Slavic Chakras: How Clogging Of Energy Centers Spoils Your Destiny - Alternative View

Video: Slavic Chakras: How Clogging Of Energy Centers Spoils Your Destiny - Alternative View
Video: CONSCIOUSNESS AND PERSONALITY. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive. (English subtitles) 2024, July

How did the ancient Slavs purify and protect their souls and thoughts, and why is the modern concept of "chakra" so different from the source?

Let's immediately define that the concept of chakra is not at all energy centers, as is commonly thought. There are no chakras in the body at all; initially, this word denoted the levels of development of energy centers. And the energy centers in Sanskrit were called "padmas", reports with reference to ranibu.

More than a century ago, everything was wrong, the word "padma" was removed and "chakra" was used. Thousands of trainers and gurus teach millions of people around the world an absolutely false and harmful theory that there are only seven main chakras, that they have some colors, they can be opened, cleaned, etc.

This crazy knowledge was brought to the West at the beginning of the 20th century, and from there they already got to the CIS. And it all started with John Woodroffe, who distorted the original knowledge.

There are not seven energy centers (padm) in the human body, but nine, which can be proved purely empirically. The pre-Christian Slavs had their own ideas about the energy centers of a person, they gave them their own names.

Further you will learn about these energy centers, but their description will be based on modern knowledge. Since the word "chakra" has already stuck, for the sake of simplicity we will sometimes use it here.


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The energy center is located in the coccyx area, it is responsible for the drain, drainage of waste energy information in the energy field of the earth. In addition, this is a channel for processing an audio data stream, a clairaudience channel. The source is blocked if you have experienced fear and feelings of depression due to quick action, need (such as money) and self-realization.

For example, you wanted to do something, to be someone, but you were suppressed, intimidated, convinced that nothing would work out anyway, and after that fear settled in you. The clogging of the energy center Source leads to the fact that a person loses the ability to hear intuition, inner voice, prompts of fate, the Universe. Such a person will no longer be successful. But if you manage to unlock the Source, then you will regain your clairaudience, which will give you a huge head start.


It is located in the pubic region. In this "chakra" a flow of pleasure arises, which helps you to get involved in something, to be involved in the process, to fanatically engage in some business, to bring what you started to the end. A person who devotes himself entirely to his work has a much greater chance of achieving success in it, informs our journalist Amalia Chervinchuk.

If you adore your work, then start to be creative in it, rise to the level of superconscious competence, radiate such magnetism that they will begin to listen to you. If you are engaged in "your" business, then your company becomes successful.

The germ is a video channel, where the video data stream is processed and stored. This is a channel of clairvoyance, it makes it possible to see perspectives, hidden possibilities of the Universe, the best ways to solve problems, it allows you to understand people, etc.

Blocks appear in this center when you are accused or shamed, and you become stiff. Stiffness leads to the fact that a person loses enthusiasm, a lively interest in his business, in achieving success. Naturally, a person ceases to see prospects, opportunities, goals, ways of solving problems, which also prevents him from achieving success.


Located in the navel area. It is the energy center of the vitality and emotionality of awareness. This is what is responsible for survival. This is your discipline, responsibility. This is the ability to act according to instructions, according to an algorithm.

Everything in this world is subject to clear patterns, laws and rules. And if a person's Belly is blocked, and this happens due to the manifestation of anger and anger, then instead of internal discipline, there is laxity, negligence.

A person loses a sense of responsibility, ceases to take care of himself, to control his thoughts and behavior. He cannot distribute his life energy, he grabs several things at the same time and does not bring anything to the end. He does not maintain a daily routine, does not prioritize, so most of his time is wasted.

He cannot control his life energy, therefore, he constantly performs various unproductive "body movements" and acts inappropriately. Because of this, he constantly violates his agreements, obligations, promises, instructions, labor discipline.

Such people will not be tolerated for a long time in hired work, such irresponsible people are never appointed to high positions. Entrepreneurs are also bad, because in business responsibility and following clear instructions and directives is one of the main principles of success.


Located in the solar plexus area. Our intentions are generated in this energy center. Usually, the intention is to close some of our dissatisfaction, some need, a deficiency of something. But if the intentions remain unfulfilled, then there are blocks, which we call "failures" and "defeats".


Located on the right side of the chest. Chakra is responsible for social communication. This is what helps us get along with others. The center manifests itself through faith, trust, respect, loyalty and honesty. It allows us to be the soul of the company, forge new relationships, radiate the trust that makes people reach out to us.

But when the energy center is blocked, those around you unconsciously begin to distrust you and watch out for how you steal anything from them.

The grounds for clogging up Lada can be betrayal, betrayal, concealment, violation of agreements, etc. Moreover, the severity of the betrayal does not matter. You could betray your homeland by going over to the side of the enemy in wartime, or betray your employer, citing a fictitious malaise and skipping work. For this energy center, such misdeeds are completely equivalent.

To unlock Lada, you need to write down all your betrayals, treason and concealment and repent of their committing. For each occasion, a special sacrament of forgiveness is required. Then you can regain trust in yourself and in others.

Lyolya (I KNOW)

Located on the left side of the chest. This is the energy center of clairvoyance, it is responsible for knowledge, love and intuition. Thanks to him, we know ourselves, our destiny, our capabilities, we can distinguish truth from falsehood, right from wrong.

Lelya is blocked by ignorance. Ignorance can manifest itself in many ways. For example, if you are engaged in self-deception, considering yourself to be the smartest, most beautiful and sinless in the world, then you are clearly exaggerating your capabilities and showing ignorance. And this blocks the "chakra".

Things need to be called by their proper names, you should not "show off" to someone, because you will always be in fear that someone will expose you. And so you expose yourself, so there is no one to be afraid of.

To blame others for everything, but not yourself, is also a manifestation of malicious ignorance. Self-pity is a very vile thing that affects not only the center of Lel, but the entire energy system of a person. After all, pity is the only energy of rest in the Universe (before it was called "Jelly"), it is the energy of death, it is needed by the dead.

If you feel sorry for yourself or someone else, you send the energy of death to yourself or that other, you transform or transform someone into a “vegetable”.


Located in the throat area. This is the energy center of speech and memory. It provides the ability for letters to form words and words to form sentences. Thanks to Ust, we can describe our thoughts in words and communicate with other people. Memory helps us to compose data and create speech.

The energy center gets clogged when a person lies or uses false information. As a result, he begins to stutter, stutter, forgets the necessary words, public speaking becomes a very difficult task for him.


Located between the eyebrows. It is the "chakra" of choosing from a variety of options and targeting. The goal is what you once had, but then you lost it. A state of scarcity or need has arisen. You are simply missing something, and you want to close this need. Closing the need is the achievement of the goal.

When, for example, you go to a store to buy shoes, you sometimes have to choose from hundreds of options that differ in many ways. And if you meet exactly what meets all your inner needs, the energy center of the Chelo begins to literally resonate with pleasure. You immediately understand - "this is mine."

If the goal does not correspond to your inner needs, it can neither be realized nor discarded. She begins to clutter up this energy center, and it is blocked. Hastily captured false goals, as a rule, include all sorts of fantasies, illusions, dreams that have nothing to do with the reality of a particular person.

For example, a citizen of ours watched a Hollywood series and wanted a villa in Miami. If he has money, he can actually buy it and move there, but most likely he will soon be disappointed in his decision. After all, he is not used to such a hot climate, and frequent warnings about hurricanes and tornadoes will make him worry all the time for his life and for the safety of real estate.

In general, a person quickly realizes - "this is not mine." And this is about a situation when a person has money for such a villa. But those who cannot even afford to buy a "odnushka" in their town also dream about it. In this particular case, the goal can already be called not just false, but "glitchy", since it is the same as jumping from the sidewalk to the roof of a skyscraper.

Don't set yourself too big goals. Chances are good that they will hang in blocks in the "chakras", and life will turn into one continuous disappointment. First, unload and work through all the unrealized and alien goals that have cluttered your energy system since childhood, and then set realistic goals.

The question here is not that you are not worthy of something really big and meaningful. Still as worthy, but a little later. Do not immediately swing up to Everest, if before that you could not even climb a gentle hill.


Located at the very top of the head. This is a channel of power, access to the cosmic energies of the Universe. This is what allows one to perceive the enormous possibilities of the subtle world and realize them in the physical world for the general good.

The spring is blocked by lack of spirituality, lack of faith in the Higher powers or refusal to use their capabilities. Then a person loses power, he will not create anything outstanding in this life, because he only “sees” his path with his limited mind, limiting himself in everything.

“All diseases are from the nerves” is an immutable truth that has been guided by experts for many years, realizing that it is negative emotions that are the root of evil, which is the underlying reason for almost all diseases.