Lenin - A Descendant Of A Witch? - Alternative View

Lenin - A Descendant Of A Witch? - Alternative View
Lenin - A Descendant Of A Witch? - Alternative View

Video: Lenin - A Descendant Of A Witch? - Alternative View

Video: Lenin - A Descendant Of A Witch? - Alternative View
Video: Ugly History: Witch Hunts - Brian A. Pavlac 2024, September

Perhaps we should take a closer look at the figure of the leader of the world proletariat. The fact that Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin was by no means of proletarian origin is quite obvious. But in the biography of the first Bolshevik ruler of Russia, the ideologue of the October Revolution, there are still many dark spots. Even occultism and UFOs are involved here …

So, in all sources of the Soviet period, it was mentioned that the father of Vladimir Ilyich, Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov, was a modest school inspector. But very little was said about the mother. Only in recent years did it become known that Maria Aleksandrovna Ulyanova (nee Blank) was a maid of honor to Empress Maria Feodorovna, wife of Alexander III, before her marriage. Maria Blank's ancestors came from Western Europe.

One of the representatives of a side branch of this family is the modern German psychologist Gunther Kruse. He is Lenin's great-nephew. Belonging to such a famous family prompted Kruse the idea to do genealogical research at his leisure. After spending several years in the archives, he discovered about a thousand Western European relatives of the leader of the world proletariat, starting in 1267. True, not a single fighter with the existing system was found among them. The most prominent ancestors of Lenin were Pastor Hefe, who led the church community during the Thirty Years' War, as well as the leaders of the Hanseatic League, which united the trading class of North German cities in the XIV-XVI centuries.

The archives also contained a mention of one of Lenin's ancestors, who was burned at the stake in the Middle Ages by the verdict of the Inquisition. Scant information indicates that Lenin's great-grandmother was accused of practicing black magic and witchcraft!

Very fragmentary information about what Lenin did in Germany - by the way, in the homeland of his maternal ancestors … Maybe he was involved in occult mysteries?

Kruse decided to tell about his discoveries to Lenin's own niece Olga Dmitrievna Ulyanova. However, in a telephone conversation, she said that the Ulyanovs had no relatives in Germany (!) Then Kruse presented evidence - he sent copies of the archival documents he had discovered to his relative. The envelope came back unopened, with the note: "I don't want to know you!" Perhaps the lady had serious reasons to be afraid of contacts - what if unwanted information would come out?

The death of Lenin is also quite mysterious. The official version says that his health deteriorated after the shot of the Socialist-Revolutionary Fanny Kaplan, according to one of the fantastic versions, who fired "conspiratorial" bullets … However, according to numerous testimonies, the half-blind killer was nothing more than a puppet in someone's hands …

Another myth says that in early childhood Volodya Ulyanov was kidnapped … by aliens! The well-known publicist Igor Bunich informs about it in his book.

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This was supposedly the case. On August 14, 1873, on the day of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, a spherical object surrounded by a blue glow was observed over Simbirsk. The UFO hung over the bell tower of one of the city churches for more than two hours. The phenomenon was accompanied by a massive loss of livestock in the surrounding villages.

On the same day, three-year-old Volodya disappeared in the Ulyanov family. The boy walked in the yard with his seven-year-old brother Sasha, and he subsequently could not remember the moment when the brother disappeared from sight.

The police, where the baby's parents turned, could not find any traces of the missing person. However, two weeks later the boy was found by a group of peasants returning from haymaking, sitting on the side of the road thirty miles from the city. He did not look at all haggard, but did not react in any way to those around him, as if he was in a trance … It seemed that he did not even recognize his own parents who had come for him.

Suddenly the child very clearly pronounced the phrase: "Israel will be reborn in 75 years!" After that, he burst into tears and began to call mom … No more oddities were observed.

I. Bunich believes that the disappearance of little Volodya was directly related to the appearance of an unidentified flying object. After all, in our time there are many stories about the abductions of people by aliens. Subsequently, the abducted tell that they were subjected to various medical manipulations, some were healed of ailments, many have the ability to see the future, read minds, heal …

What abilities were given to Volodya Ulyanov? Perhaps he tried to keep them secret. But of course, the future revolutionary leader possessed colossal energy and charisma, which allowed him to lead the masses …

It is also surprising that Lenin, almost until the last day of his life, was engaged in mental work, wrote works … When scientists opened his brain, it turned out that it was almost completely filled with lime! How could a person in such a state maintain normal intellectual abilities? But if we assume that Vladimir Ulyanov was not an ordinary person, then a lot becomes explicable …

Margarita Troitsyna