Two-thirds Of Russians Want To Bury Lenin - Alternative View

Two-thirds Of Russians Want To Bury Lenin - Alternative View
Two-thirds Of Russians Want To Bury Lenin - Alternative View

On the eve of the 146th anniversary of the birth of the leader of the world proletariat, the VTsIOM sociologists decided to find out how the citizens of Russia relate to Lenin and to the body of the “leader of the world proletariat” being buried in the Mausoleum on Red Square.

This issue is regularly raised in public discussions and causes heated debate.

In a poll on the eve of April 22, VTsIOM found out that the majority of Russians interviewed by sociologists spoke in favor of burying Lenin's body. In general, there were 60 percent of them.

"Including 36 percent are in favor of an early reburial in a cemetery, and 24 percent propose to wait until the generation for whom he is dear leaves, and then make a decision on burial," VTsIOM experts report and note that over the past 10 years the corresponding the share of answers remained practically unchanged.

At the same time, 32% of the respondents are in favor of maintaining the "status quo".

In addition, sociologists have found that the name of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in the minds of Russians is firmly associated with the concept of "leader" (three quarters of the answers to the question of how Lenin can be characterized contain this very characteristic).

At the same time, the results of Lenin's activities today are assessed positively by some (31% of the respondents), by others negatively (23%), and 35% say that the positive and negative were roughly equal.

Also, in the course of the poll, it turned out that only a third of our fellow citizens (35%) have their views on the development of the country as a whole in line with Lenin's views, while in 45% they coincide only on some issues, or completely differ.

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However, the majority of respondents (63%) sympathize with him as a person, and less than a quarter of the respondents (24%) dislike him.