About Middle Eastern Russia - Alternative View

About Middle Eastern Russia - Alternative View
About Middle Eastern Russia - Alternative View

Video: About Middle Eastern Russia - Alternative View

Video: About Middle Eastern Russia - Alternative View
Video: Temporary Countries of 20th Century Russia 2024, July

The Russian philosopher and historian Yuri Petukhov, who participated in an archaeological expedition in Jericho in 1999, was able to discover in the Middle East evidence of the existence of a civilization of the ancient Aryan-Protorians long before the arrival of the Semites from the Arabian desert. The first settlements of this civilization appeared about 10 thousand years ago, and one of them was the famous city of Jericho-Yaricho, mentioned in the Bible, which we have already talked about. However, such settlements of the prototoruses covered not only the territory of present-day Palestine, but also Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, partly Iraq and Turkey.

Yu. Petukhov called this civilization "Middle Eastern Russia" and this is what he writes about it in his book "The Primordial Origins of the Rus":

Of course, the conclusion about the "primordial homeland" of the Aryans-Indo-Europeans is by no means indisputable. Moreover, the DNA genealogy of Professor A. Klesov clearly indicated southern Siberia as the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans of the "Aryan" haplogroup R1a and at the same age of 30 thousand years, when its first ancestor appeared. However, what could have prevented some groups of Indo-European Aryans by the 10th millennium BC? migrate in search of more favorable climatic conditions to the Middle East?

And after all, it is to this historical period that many independent researchers attribute a certain global cataclysm, which is known from mythology as the Flood. This cataclysm could be the result of a destructive "war of the gods" that caused the pole shift and "nuclear winter", which could not but lead to a sharp cooling. So the migration during this period to more southern regions does not look so incredible for the Indo-European Aryans. Moreover, the Aryan swastika ornament is clearly visible on the ruins of Baalbek.

In addition, such an assumption well explains where this civilization then disappeared, leaving abandoned and dilapidated cities as a legacy to the Semites who came from the desert: they simply returned to the north when the "Little Ice Age" caused by the catastrophe ended. But part of the population could have stayed, gradually degrading and mixing with the Semites. Therefore, millennia later, the dilapidated Jericho-Yaricho with a degraded population could not resist the Jews of Moses. Well, for the "official" explanation of this fact by the Jews, a beautiful myth about the "Jericho trumpets" was invented.

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