Lost Lands Of Mu And Lemuria - Alternative View

Lost Lands Of Mu And Lemuria - Alternative View
Lost Lands Of Mu And Lemuria - Alternative View

Video: Lost Lands Of Mu And Lemuria - Alternative View

Video: Lost Lands Of Mu And Lemuria - Alternative View
Video: Lost continent Mauritius 2024, September

"Lemuria" and "Mu" are interchangeable terms for the disappeared land in the South Pacific. This ancient continent was, apparently, the seat of a highly spiritual and highly developed culture, which may have been the ancestral home of all mankind. Many thousands of years ago, she went under water as a result of some kind of geological cataclysm. In fact, the only thing that has survived from the once great continent is the thousands of rocky islands that dot the Pacific Ocean (among them Easter Islands, Tahiti, Hawaii and Samoa). They started talking about the disappeared land in the middle of the 19th century. Then, in order to explain the unusual distribution of animals and plants in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, scientists put forward the theory of material and spiritual loss. At the end of the XIX century.the famous occultist Helena Blavatsky approached the idea of the existence of Lemuria from the standpoint of spirituality, which was confirmed by many of her followers, including the psychic healer and seer Edgar Cayce. The popularization of Lemuria / Mu as a material object began in the 20th century. on the initiative of the former British Army officer Colonel James Churchward. The theory he proposed has adherents today. However, is there any confirmation of the existence of an ancient continent in the waters of the Pacific Ocean? Or should the tradition of the disappeared practical continent be understood differently: say, as a mythical symbol of the lost golden age of mankind?on the initiative of the former British Army officer Colonel James Churchward. The theory he proposed has adherents today. However, is there any confirmation of the existence of the ancient continent in the waters of the Pacific Ocean? Or should the tradition of the disappeared practical continent be understood differently: say, as a mythical symbol of the lost golden age of mankind?on the initiative of the former British Army officer Colonel James Churchward. The theory he proposed has adherents today. However, is there any confirmation of the existence of the ancient continent in the waters of the Pacific Ocean? Or should the tradition of the disappeared practical continent be understood differently: say, as a mythical symbol of the lost golden age of mankind?

The history of the land of Mu is not long. She is not mentioned in ancient myths, as some authors claim. The name Mu was suggested by the eccentric amateur archaeologist Auguste Le Plongeon (1826–1908), who became famous for the first photographs of the ruins of Chichen Itza in Yucatan, Mexico. Confidence in him was lost after Le Plongeon attempted to translate a Mayan manuscript called the Troano Codex (also known as the Madrid Codex). In his works Sacred Secrets of the Maya and Quiche (1886) and Queen Mu and the Egyptian Sphinx (1896), the researcher interprets part of the Troano Codex text as evidence that the Maya Indians from Yucatan were the ancestors of the Egyptian and many other civilizations. He suggested that the ancient continent of Mu was destroyed by a volcanic eruption, and those who survived founded the Mayan civilization. Le Plongeon identified Mu with Atlantis, claiming that Queen Mu was from Atlantis. Once in Egypt, she received the name Isis and became the founder of the Egyptian civilization. Experts in the field of archeology and history of the Maya Indians find the interpretation of the Mayan book proposed by Le Plongeon absolutely absurd and amateurish, since many images, which he took for hieroglyphs, in fact turned out to be elements of ornament.actually turned out to be elements of ornament.actually turned out to be elements of ornament.

Another name for the disappeared land, Lemuria, also appeared in the 19th century. German naturalist and Darwinist Ernst Heinrich Haeckel (1834-1919) studied lemurs - small primates living on trees that are found in Africa, Madagascar, India and Oceania. He suggested that such a widespread distribution of lemurs is due to the fact that earlier in the Indian Ocean there was an isthmus that connected Madagascar with India. Even more unusual is Haeckel's suggestion that lemurs were the ancestors of man, and this isthmus was the "cradle of the human race." Other famous scientists (evolutionist T. K. Huxley and naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace) are confident that millions of years ago there was a huge continent in the Pacific Ocean, which, as a result of a monstrous earthquake, was destroyed and sank under the water in much the same way as Atlantis sank. Before the discovery of the phenomenon of continental drift, theories about the possibility of flooding the earth's surface and the existence of earth bridges were not considered absurd in the scientific world. For the middle - the end of the XIX century. this explanation of the spread of the world's flora and fauna is quite typical. In 1864, the British zoologist Philip Latley Scleter (1829–4913), in an article entitled "Mammals of Madagascar" published in a quarterly scientific journal, gave the hypothetical continent the name Lemuria, and it immediately stuck with it.published in a quarterly scientific journal, gave the hypothetical continent the name Lemuria, and it immediately stuck with it.published in a quarterly scientific journal, gave the hypothetical continent the name Lemuria, and it immediately stuck with it.

The Lost Civilization of Mu / Lemuria returned to the public eye in 1931, when Colonel James Churchward published his sensational work The Lost Continent of Mu, the first book in a five-volume edition on the disappeared mainland. Its author claims that the lost continent of Mu once occupied an area from Hawaii in the north to Fiji and Easter Island in the south. According to Churchward, the land of Mu was a real paradise, a civilization with advanced technology and a population of 64 million inhabitants. About 12,000 years ago, Mu sank into the Pacific Ocean as a result of a devastating earthquake. The Mu colony, Atlantis, perished in the same way a thousand years later. The population of all the major ancient civilizations of the world, from the Babylonians to the Persians, from the Mayans to the Egyptians, were from Mu. Churchward stated that he received this sensational information,as a young officer when he served in India. There, in the 1880s, during a famine, he became friends with an Indian priest, who told him that he and his two cousins were the only surviving members of Naakal, a secret school that arose 70,000 years ago with Mu herself.

The priest showed Churchward several ancient tablets written by Naakal's students in an unknown language, which was supposedly the oldest language of mankind, and taught the officer to read these texts. Later, Churchward, like Le Plongeon, who used the Troano Codex to prove the existence of Mu, claimed that the sacred writings of Mu were found on some stone relics in Mexico. Unfortunately, Churchward does not greet any evidence to support his sensational claim. He has not published a translation of the secret tablets of the Naakal Brotherhood, and his books on Lemuria / Mu enjoy continued interest among many readers, but are perceived more as entertaining reading than serious, factual research.

Zoologists and geologists today explain the spread of lemurs and other animals and plants in the basins of the Pacific and Indian Ocean by the drift of tectonic plates and continents. According to the theory of tectonic plates (however, this is only a theory), the movement of layers of the earth's crust along a less hard layer of the mantle leads to continental drift, increased volcanic and seismic activity and the formation of mountain ranges.

The hypothesis of continental drift in 1912 was put forward by the German scientist Alfred Wegener, but for 50 years it had no support in the scientific world. Based on modern ideas about tectonic plates, geologists consider the theory of the continent submerged in the Pacific Ocean to be false.

The idea that Lemuria is something intangible, rather a lost cradle of spirituality, is drawn from the works of the famous Russian occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891), co-founder (with lawyer Henry Steele Olcott) of the Theosophical Society, created in New York in 1875 d. The Society was a secret order created to study the mystical movements of Christianity and the religions of the East. In her massive work The Secret Doctrine (1888), Blavatsky describes the story of the origin of the Lord of Fire, which goes back several million years, and tells the story of five root races that existed on earth, each of which perished as a result of monstrous cataclysms. The third root race, which she called the Lemurians, existed a million years ago. These were unusual people - giants with telepathic powers,for which dinosaurs were pets. The Lemurians died in the waters of the Pacific Ocean when their continent sank. The descendants of the Lemurians were the inhabitants of Atlantis - the fourth root race, which was destroyed by black magic: 850,000 years ago, the continent was swallowed up by the sea. The living represent the fifth root race.

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Blavatsky claimed that she learned about all this from the "Book of Dzyan", allegedly written by the Atlanteans, which she received from the Indian sage, the Mahatma. Madame Blavatsky did not appropriate the discovery of Lemuria. In her works, she referred to Philip Skleter, who came up with the name Lemuria. It must be said that The Secret Doctrine is an extremely complex book in which Western and Eastern cosmology, mysticism and secret wisdom have merged, therefore its text cannot be taken literally. Blavatsky is the first to offer an occult interpretation of Lemuria. It cannot be equated with Churchward's version of the continent as a material object. What Blavatsky and other occultists say about Lemuria can be interpreted in part as an ideal, sublime state of mind, a kind of lost world of spirituality. Nevertheless,some mediums and seers still perceive ancient Lemuria / Mu as a material object. Some, conducting hypnosis sessions, turn to the past and call those who once lived on the lost continent.

H. P. Blavatsky, New York, 1877
H. P. Blavatsky, New York, 1877

H. P. Blavatsky, New York, 1877

However, this is not the end of our story. Several intriguing undersea explorations have been conducted over the past 20 years, and reports of sunken civilizations have reappeared in the news. In 1985, on the southern coast of Yonaguni Island, at the western tip of the Japanese Islands, a Japanese diving instructor discovered previously unknown step pyramids. Shortly thereafter, Professor Masaki Kimura (chief geologist at Ryukyu University in Okinawa) reported the existence of a structure 600 feet wide and 88 feet high. This rectangular ziggurat is located in an area of a kind of ramps, steps and terraces, and is part of a complex of underwater stone structures. Presumably, the buildings, which are 3000-8000 years old, are nothing more than the remains of sunken civilizations - the oldest examples of world architecture. Some researchers claim that there is a connection between Lemuria and Atlantis. However, geologists who study this region are convinced that such underwater formations are of natural origin, they are similar to other already known geological formations. Discussions about the structures found continue.

In 2001, the ruins of a huge lost city were discovered 118 feet underwater in the Bay of Cambay (west coast of India). A year later, they tried to conduct research using sound signals. The audiogram showed a record number of human dwellings in this location. Foundations of large buildings, pottery, wall parts, beads, fragments of sculptures and human bones were found. One of the wooden finds, according to dating from radioactive isotopes of carbon, dates back to 7500 BC. e., which means that the object may be 4000 years older than the most ancient Indian civilization. Research on this amazing city is not complete, and if the dating is correct, our understanding of the world's oldest cultures could radically change. Whether finds from the Pacific and Indian Oceans will turn out to be the remnants of forgotten civilizations is not yet clear.but a person will always look for the lost ancestral home or the highly spiritual world of the distant past. Therefore, Lemuria or Mu will always be more than just an object of material reality.
