Alien Invasion Of 1608 - Alternative View

Alien Invasion Of 1608 - Alternative View
Alien Invasion Of 1608 - Alternative View

Video: Alien Invasion Of 1608 - Alternative View

Video: Alien Invasion Of 1608 - Alternative View
Video: World War II: The Alien Front (Part 2) 2024, September

In early August 1608, the inhabitants of the Italian city of Genoa were enjoying the beautiful summer weather and a lot of people were resting on the coast when incredible events suddenly began to happen. In the sky above the sea, three elongated and oval-shaped flying objects appeared, which approached and hovered on the fortifications of the coastal fortress.


Then all three objects descended to the very surface of the water near the coast and the water beneath them began to boil, raising yellow-orange steam. Moreover, according to eyewitnesses, all this action was accompanied by a terrifying roar. A whole crowd gathered on the embankment watching what was happening.


The aircraft, enveloped in clouds of yellow steam, continued to hang above the water, when from one ship appeared two humanoid figures dressed in strange red costumes, and another alien looked like a woman but was all covered with shiny scales, the color of silver and with a head like a dragon …


The figures in red suits had huge round heads, on which there was nothing but two large round holes that looked like shiny eyes. Their figure was strange, their arms protruded in different directions and, according to eyewitnesses, looked like scales from afar.


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These strange aliens, holding in their hands some kind of long tubes similar to snakes, as they wriggled and went from the hands to the place where the navel is located, and then, also holding the tubes upright, they jumped into the water and swam around for several hours their ships, then sinking under the water, then rising to the surface.


The ladies fainted, many of the residents rushed to the church to offer prayers to the Lord, and the soldiers stationed in the fortress were ordered to open fire from cannons at the devil's creatures. The fortress artillery fired 800 shots at the uninvited guests, but they did not even pay attention to the roar of the cannons and continued to sail near their ships, and the cannon balls did not harm the aliens or their ships.


With all this, they completely ignored the crowd of local residents gathered on the shore, and then got out of the water and climbed into their flying machines, which then flew into the air, quickly picked up speed and disappeared onto the horizon. Overflying objects were observed in Marseille and even Nice. All this took place on August 5, 1608.

The townspeople after what they saw fell into ecstasy, many prophesied the end of the world and people massively performed religious processions, offering prayers. And on August 15, the flying ships returned.

The same three flying ships appeared over the sea, which dragged six other ships with them, which were engulfed in fire and looked like dragons. All this flying armada approached Genoa and their flight was accompanied by terrifying sounds from which the earth and mountains trembled. The ships stopped and one began to approach the shore.

The crowd of townspeople gathered near the coast panicked and started to run. In the crush, several people were trampled, several ladies died of fright, and the flying ships flew along the coast three times. They again opened fire from cannons at them, but did not cause any harm to the flying ships, and they, in turn, did not pay any attention to the shooting and received no damage.


Then the whole armada of flying ships with a terrifying roar at high speed withdrew in an easterly direction. A few days later, one of these flying ships appeared over the fishing village of Martigousse, which was located near Nice. The ship flew over the village for several hours, then descended and two figures in red suits emerged from it, who, again, were doing something in the water under their ship hovering above it.

After all these events, from the coast of Genoa to Provence, a bloody rain began to pour from the sky, everything around was flooded with bloody rain, which horrified the inhabitants. All the trees became red, and in Toulon even all the buildings were painted red. The blood stained the roofs, the walls of the houses and even the church.

The churches were overflowing with worshipers and prayers were held for the deliverance of the people from the terrible signs. On 18 August and 20 August, the bloody rains continued. The townspeople were afraid to go out and hid in their homes.


The entire coast from Nice to Marseille was flooded with streams of bloody rain, which caused a real flood on the streets of cities.

On August 20, two flying humanoid figures appeared in the sky over the city of Martigues, holding weapons and shields in their hands. Then they began to fight with their weapons and beat them on their shields, all this was accompanied by a roar and terrible sounds that turned the inhabitants of the city into a panic flight.


The battle of two flying people lasted for about an hour, and then they scattered in different directions, but after some time they returned and continued the battle, which lasted two hours. There was no winner in the battle and the flying people scattered in different directions.

On August 22, the same two flying people appeared again. This time they dropped to the ground and began to fight.

On August 23, these same aliens fought a battle sitting on some creatures that looked like horses.

On August 24 they appeared in some kind of iron carts, sitting inside them they again fought. One of the fortresses fired a shot and there was a roar, like a cannon shot, everything swayed around and was enveloped in smoke. Everything around was covered with black clouds, which covered everything around and the smell of sulfur spread around, and when the clouds cleared away, people did not see either the fighting soldiers or their iron carts-fortresses.

All these events had an indelible effect on people who considered this a sign that they had angered God and the Apocalypse would soon come. The events that took place were written in two manuscripts that have survived to our times.