Luck Algorithm - Alternative View

Luck Algorithm - Alternative View
Luck Algorithm - Alternative View

Video: Luck Algorithm - Alternative View

Video: Luck Algorithm - Alternative View
Video: Is Success Luck or Hard Work? 2024, September

What is luck? Most people, without hesitation, will answer this question in the same way - this is when a person is lucky. Everything for such a lucky guy is going well. His business is booming, the family is full of openwork; without making almost any effort, such a darling of fate receives from life everything that it can only give. The capricious and wayward Fortune treats him favorably, creating favorable conditions and coincidences of circumstances, and thereby contributing to even greater luck.

And what happens - luck is an invariable component of the fate of a particular person, chosen by divine providence for some mysterious and mysterious reasons? That is, some people are written to be lucky, while others are determined to stumble over numerous obstacles all their lives and suffer one defeat after another. Is this fair? After all, initially everyone should be on equal terms.

The harsh practice of life proves that, in reality, luck is not the lot of the few. Anyone can be either lucky or unlucky. To be honest, life is a very harmonious thing. Every curious person can mentally go through his entire life path and make sure that the number of successes that have been in his life is approximately equal to the number of failures that also took place on his winding fateful path. Their sum in this case tends to zero, which just underlines the equal conditions.

It's another matter that all people perceive both good luck and bad luck in absolutely different ways. Some, having received good luck from the sky in their hands, strive to consolidate and develop their success. Others, however, have a completely different attitude to this “gift from heaven”. They do not understand that for a short time they became the owners of the "bird of happiness", and therefore do not take any further steps that would contribute to the domestication of this very capricious and wayward creation. Such people let go of the "bird of happiness" from their hands, lose the chance given to them and remain at a broken trough.

The situation is approximately the same with regard to failures. Some failures mobilize, inspire, while others plunge into despondency and depression. Those who look at failures as an inevitable lesson in life successfully endure the blows of fate, temper their character and move on, realizing that everything in life passes, and after a dark streak always comes a light one. Others consider failure as a tragedy, after which there can no longer be anything good and kind. The vicissitudes of fate break their will and throw them to the bottom of life. It is very difficult to find yourself at the top again.

Thus, it may be thought that luck smiles at those who are able to “grab the bird of happiness by the tail and put it in a cage,” and in case of troubles show enviable stamina, temper and strong will. Alas, not everything is so simple in the sublunary world. This is only a general scheme that absolutely does not take into account particulars and trifles, which, as you know, in most cases are decisive.

Everyone will find in his life many examples when people, inconspicuous at first glance, bypassed by a fortunate coincidence, eventually achieved significant success, and those who were successful, who knew how to take advantage of the opportunity and had outstanding volitional qualities, on the contrary, began, for some unknown reason, to suffer one defeat for to others. It is unlikely that this state of affairs can be attributed, only, to the "whims of the bird of happiness." Most likely there is something else behind this.

And otherwise it is called nothing more than the psychotype of a person or his inner image, affecting such delicate strings of spiritual nature as sociability, adequate perception of the surrounding reality, a tendency to take risks, to adventurism, optimism. In other words, you can be very lucky and successful without the "bird of happiness" if you have certain character traits.

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Perhaps the most important and distinctive feature is a strong desire to achieve some professional heights, a certain material level, physical or spiritual perfection. Such a desire should not be one-day flashing in the mind. That is, today you really want to, tomorrow you also want to, but not so persistently and persistently, and the day after tomorrow everything is forgotten and returns to square one.

This desire is simply obliged to accompany a person hourly, daily. Over time, it should only increase, but in no case fade. Consciousness gradually gets used to this state of affairs, gives such an annoying striving for the goal specific physical forms: it endows with volume, color, smell.

Here the conversation is not about an obsessive and painful state of the psyche, when a person becomes a slave to his passions and desires, but about a large and important task that has become a matter of life. The implementation of such plans should contribute to the self-realization of the individual and the satisfaction of his ambitions.

But one strong desire for good luck is not enough. You can want very much, but constantly suffer defeats and failures due to insufficient activity, low efficiency and, simply, elementary laziness. Lying on the couch and dying from the desire to achieve something, it is impossible to become lucky and successful.

It is necessary to act, work, overcome all the time obstacles on the way to the goal. Obstacles can be of a very different nature, but active, step-by-step activity will certainly give a positive result and reduce all obstacles to nothing. The road will be mastered by the walker - this is a banal phrase, but it most faithfully suggests the only true path to luck and success.

So, having a strong desire and possessing the corresponding activity, one can begin a difficult and thorny path leading to a tempting unknown, "playing with all the colors of the rainbow." Here comes the turn of the third obligatory component. This is self-belief. Without her, nowhere. Only such a positive attitude can "give the mountain" the desired result.

Doubts, lack of faith in victory will not lead to anything good. Confidence in success is 90% of success. It is also a banal phrase, but it also very accurately reflects the algorithm of behavior that is simply necessary for a person striving to become successful and successful. Any outbursts of indecision and spiritual weakness must be immediately suppressed, or, in the first couples, at least to others to show that you are confident in yourself as well as in the solvency of a hundred dollar bill. Gradually, this behavior will become a habit and become second nature.

Having charged with energy, gaining confidence and having a specific goal in front of you, in no case should you forget about such an important component of success and success as the ability to learn. It is impossible to know everything. There will always be people who understand certain things much better and more professionally. There will always be those whose heads come with more interesting and original thoughts.

Here you should not fall into ambition, proving to others that you are smarter and smarter. In this situation, it is necessary to come to terms with the existing state of affairs and derive concrete benefit from it. The benefit lies in direct communication with such people and the absorption of the information that they have and can share.

People do not have to be learned minds with many degrees. The average worker, salesperson, or teacher is often a treasure trove of invaluable information. Even a child of five years of age is able to present a very interesting and original idea. Taking the advice of such a young creature will not be at all shameful if this advice is really practical and to the point. In a word - again, a banal phrase - live and learn.

Here are four ingredients that can provide 40% good luck. There is still 60% left. What do they include? One should not forget about such factors as adventurism and risk taking. The conversation is not at all about a warehouse of character predisposed to dubious acts that run counter to existing legislation. Here we are talking about a normal and healthy striving for everything new and unknown. About a person's ability to make sharp turns in life, unexpected for others, but subordinate to a certain logic and purpose.

To do this, you need to have sufficient courage and determination. Not everyone is capable of breaking a well-established and well-established life. But the one who finds the mental strength to act outside the box, to challenge fate, he, as a rule, achieves real success. You can certainly not risk it, live a measured, calm life. But in this case, you need to forget about luck.

Everything will roll on a well-established track. Gradually, a certain material prosperity, some kind of success, the respect of others will come, but this will not be the success, not the well-being that can be obtained if you ride a wayward Fortune. Luck loves the daring, decisive and adventurous. Those who prefer not to take risks never feel the heady feeling of real victory over the world around them.

However, all people are different. Someone is quite satisfied with a measured, well-established life, and someone is in eternal search all the time, not being satisfied with what has been achieved and constantly striving for new and new thrills.

So we found another 30% needed for good luck. The remaining percentages are also important, and they can be summed up in one phrase - the ability to build relationships with others. Ease of communication, trust, sincerity and undoubted decency will always contribute to good luck. Here it is also necessary to note sociability, the ability to win over people to oneself, the ability to display their advantages, while not forgetting to reliably hide the shortcomings.

The last sentence sounds somewhat ambiguous and hints at duplicity. What can I say here: the modern world is far from perfect, and people are not angels at all. The objective laws of life sometimes insistently require that a person show not his true face, but that embellished image that is simply necessary in a given situation. The main thing here is that such reincarnations should have a certain dosage and not become a familiar and everyday essence of each of us.

Adapting to the surrounding reality, adjusting to it, we lose our individuality. Without it, no real luck is possible. This must be remembered by everyone who has set himself the goal of achieving something serious in life and riding the capricious Fortune.

So, the luck algorithm has been found! This is a powerful, all-consuming desire for self-realization in life; activity, determination, energy; constant search for new knowledge and solutions; confidence in success; inclination to justified risk and the beginnings of adventurism; communication skills, a certain acting talent in relations with people and a code of honor, which is simply necessary for every decent person.

By adopting these rules, you can achieve everything in life, get your hands on good luck and at the end of your life's journey not torment yourself with a feeling of regret for the years and decades spent aimlessly. At the same time, before “equipping yourself with such an effective weapon,” you need to sit down and think carefully - whether I need it. Maybe a calm course of life is more suitable for my character than constant stresses, ups, interspersed with falls, storms of emotions, caused either by an intoxicating feeling of victory, or by bitterness from unexpected defeat. Good luck anyway!

Article by ridar-shakin

Sources: The Blinding Light of Fortune by David Harris