Telegonia - Alternative View

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Telegonia - Alternative View
Telegonia - Alternative View

Video: Telegonia - Alternative View

Video: Telegonia - Alternative View
Video: Александр Панчин: «Куча людей не догадываются, что может современная наука» // Час Speak 2024, September

In the traditions of many peoples, there is a negative attitude towards premarital relations. Previously, female chastity was the greatest value that allowed maintaining the purity of the family. Our ancestors were sure that there would be no good offspring from a walking girl. Indiscriminate sexual intercourse, as was noted in ancient times, contributes to the degeneration, degradation of people. But why? This question was answered by geneticists

For the first time about telegonia (from the Greek tele - "far away", gennao - "I give birth"), or the phenomenon of the influence of the previous male on the offspring, started talking a little over 200 years ago, breeders engaged in breeding new breeds of horses, dogs, birds …

The most sensational case is connected with the name of Lord Marton (Great Britain), who, under the influence of the creator of the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin, undertook a number of experiments at his stable. So, he repeatedly tried to "marry" a purebred English mare for a zebra stallion. However, although the animals did have sexual contacts, the mare never bore offspring.

Two years passed, and in 1818 the mare was crossed with a stallion of her own breed, she became pregnant and in due time gave birth to a foal, on the croup of which … stripes characteristic of zebras were clearly visible.

Cynologists and pigeon breeding specialists are well aware of the “first male” effect. If, by chance coincidence, a female is covered by a male of another breed, she is immediately culled, because she is no longer suitable for reproduction of purebred offspring.

You - me, I - you

As a result of numerous studies carried out both in Russia and abroad, it was found that the effect of telegony extends to people. Moreover, children born to a mother who are not too picky about sexual partners inherit not only the external signs of her first man (and also subsequent ones, albeit to a lesser extent), but in most cases his diseases, including mental ones!

As a result, parents who did not deny themselves carnal pleasures before marriage and their children who were already born in marriage sometimes feel as if they are not native: they feel alienation towards each other, and sometimes even hostility.

Thus, in France, with the consent of the husbands, experiments were carried out on artificial insemination of women by anonymous donors. The result was shocking: the children turned out to be more like their legal fathers than their biological ones.

The same situation developed with surrogate mothers: often the children they were carrying were completely different neither in appearance nor in character to their biological parents.

There are also numerous cases of white mothers giving birth to children with clear signs of the Negroid race. This happened if in the distant past the sexual partners of white women were black men. The connection did not lead to the birth of joint children, but the cells of the female body somehow remembered this "image" and brought it to life a few years later. Moreover, the effect of telegony could be transmitted even after several generations! It manifests itself (albeit to a lesser extent) in men.

But how does the first sexual contact leave a trace in a woman's genetic inheritance system for the rest of her life?

Back in the 20-30s of the last century, Soviet biologists A. G. Gurvich and A. A. Lyubishchev proved that the human genetic apparatus, like other living organisms, works not only at the material, but also at the energy level and is capable of transmitting information in the form of electromagnetic fields and acoustic waves.

Contraceptive misfire

In the 1980s, a group of Soviet scientists led by Pyotr Goryaev proved that during sexual intercourse there is a two-way energy-information exchange of partners at the DNA wave level. Therefore, both in the future will carry information about each other, just like their future children, born (or conceived) from other fathers or mothers. Moreover, it does not matter whether contraceptives were used during intercourse, whether the woman had an abortion, whether she had a miscarriage.

By the way, the condom - the notorious "product number 2" made from natural latex - is generally fragile in its structure. It has micropores - small holes of five microns in size, through which not only a sperm cell (its size is three microns) can penetrate, but also any other infection, AIDS, for example.

Modern virologists have established more than 50 types of latent viral infection circulating between the inhabitants of our planet, a number of which can contribute to the occurrence of congenital deformities and hereditary diseases. These include, for example, type I diabetes mellitus, acute leukemia, schizophrenia, cancer, multiple sclerosis …

Thus, during sexual intercourse, a woman, even without becoming pregnant, will carry not only possible infections that will make themselves felt later, but also eggs, into which the DNA chains of all her previous sexual partners will be embedded. She will pass on their genes to her future offspring along with the genes of the child's father.

But in some cases, the wave program of the first man is capable of turning to dust all the hereditary material of the physical father! And if we take into account that the sperm of the first man leaves its phantom autograph to a woman for life and she will never be able to erase this wave field, then how can we not recall the custom of ancestors to marry sons to virgins?

Who benefits from this?

All scientific research and publications on the topic of "telegony" are classified today, and science itself is declared to have no scientific basis.

But who benefits from the "sexual revolution" today? After all, it will not lead to anything good. For a long time, there are no states on the maps where they promoted licentiousness and debauchery: there are no more Etruscans, Samnites, Hittites, Aztecs, there is no more powerful Roman Empire. Unlimited sexual freedom in these states led to mass prostitution, sexual perversion, mental disabilities and, ultimately, to the inability to produce healthy children …

The answer is simple: if children already from school get an idea of telegonia, the erotica, pornography industry, and contraceptive manufacturers, will suffer significant losses. It is much easier to learn about family planning and safer sex topics to replenish their wallet.

At present, in Russia, 65% of schoolgirls under the age of 16 have already had sex. We came out on top in the world in child prostitution. More and more women suffer from infertility. The number of children with congenital deformities, mentally retarded, homosexuals, transsexuals is growing … All this is the result of a genetic mutation of the chromosomal chain, which occurred due to promiscuous sexual relations between men and women.

By the way, the highest birth rate, the lowest infant mortality and almost zero percent of hereditary pathology were recorded by demographers in Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria precisely because, due to national traditions and religious prohibitions, there are practically no premarital and extramarital relations there.

And the last thing. Is all lost for those women who, having lost their virginity, still hope to create a strong family in the future? The Church prompts the way out. This is repentance. But it must be sincere, you need to change internally in order for the soul to be transformed. After all, the soul (which is known to be immortal) affects the body. What a woman thinks, what she feels - all this will definitely affect her children.

Ekaterina G0RDEENK0

Secrets of the 20th century