Vyborg. Antediluvian. House On A Rock. Petroglyphs. Part Two - Alternative View

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Vyborg. Antediluvian. House On A Rock. Petroglyphs. Part Two - Alternative View
Vyborg. Antediluvian. House On A Rock. Petroglyphs. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Vyborg. Antediluvian. House On A Rock. Petroglyphs. Part Two - Alternative View

Video: Vyborg. Antediluvian. House On A Rock. Petroglyphs. Part Two - Alternative View
Video: Misidentified Ancient Quarry of Giant Stones... Onsite Baalbek Investigation with Brien Foerster 2024, September

Vyborg. Antediluvian. Star. Part one.

This is a story about our trip to the Leningrad Region in 2016. There is a lot of material, but there is not always time to make films at once, and there is a feeling that the material needs to “sort of settle,” because new knowledge and what you see once appear. at the same time, suddenly begins to unfold in a new way. The fact that Vyborg, a city covered up, I showed in the first part of the film. The walls of the buildings, as expected, have survived several, at least three, major wars. Masonry-rubble, stone-granite, then brick, partly homemade. And the stone, the pre-revolutionary homemade brick, the Soviet brick. The walls destroyed by each war were being completed. They were restored with material that was available at one time or another.


The fact that there is a fortress - a star, and the old city was included in the boundaries of this "star" was also shown in the first part. However, the "star-shaped" walls remained from the west, and from the east, where the city is, they were torn down. It was also surprising to find a map of 1860, and comparing it with a satellite one, it turned out that they are combined "one-to-one", from the word "absolutely" - satellite accuracy! I used this plot in the film "Antique Chelyabinsk WAS!" There is shown another similar satellite map dated 1860 for St. Petersburg. I will make a separate video like this. so that you can instantly see this fact.

In this part I will continue the story about the non-tourist Vyborg. About the destruction of historical buildings, about symbolism in architecture and a house on a rock, which is very reminiscent of a megalithic structure. And about the sensational find, because. it is, indeed, a sensation, since before me, no one spoke about this find, no one guarded it, it is not indicated anywhere, it is not shown. It is not in any reference book at the moment in December 2018, although a find was made in 2016. These are petroglyphs, but they will be discussed below.

“… The city itself was in a deplorable state. The devastation that he suffered from fires, cannonballs and bombs defies description, most of his houses were destroyed to the ground, others are so damaged that they became almost uninhabited … "lines written by a contemporary of the Northern War of the 1710s -" along the way I met 2000 peasants … On their way from St. Petersburg to Vyborg for serf work to restore the walls destroyed by the shots. " (says the guide)

House on the cliff

Promotional video:

According to the official version, the rock allegedly climbed out of the ground somewhere in the 18-19th century. (Perhaps it was some kind of disaster! The first, according to my version and the version of other alternative researchers). The house is built on this rock (again, the date of the foundation is unknown), residential, two-storey. But the rock itself is as if it was melted and burnt, as if the remnant of a megalithic structure.


The molten stone dripped, leaving black traces of soot that left petrified smudges. What temperature is needed to leave such traces!

House on a rock. Vyborg. 2016. photo 3 The stone flowed down in black streams.


The stone steps have been cut down, lead to the rock, abut against it, as if at a dead end. Is it possible? I think that the steps remained from the building, which was destroyed and melted. The stone melted and flowed down. The composition is similar to granite. Where do these steps lead? Was there an entrance? And now a solid wall and a tree has grown.


House on a rock. Stone steps. Vyborg. 2016.photo 4

But the surprises were not over. Stones are piled on a rock next to the house. I photographed them, but the surprise was when I looked at the photos on the computer. Then, in Vyborg, the day was approaching evening and what turned out to be on the stones was not noticeable.

So, there were #Petroglyphs !!! Drawings and inscriptions. I cannot decipher them yet. But this is a discovery, and not children's drawings of contemporaries.

They are the same as the "Karelian petroglyphs" - a sensation of the 19-20 century. Article: "Karelian petroglyphs: scientific sensation of the 19th-20th centuries".

Karelia. Petroglyphs
Karelia. Petroglyphs

Karelia. Petroglyphs.

My searches for photos on the Internet by searching for "Yandex" on 23.122018 did not give any result. There are many photos with the “house on the rock” or, also called “the house on the stone”, but the stones themselves do not appear anywhere. Nobody paid any attention to them. However, I came across the only photo of a similar perspective as mine: a house on a rock, birches and a place where stones with petroglyphs will be stored. Photo, approximately 2000s, I think, judging by the trees, but the stones are not there yet. It means that someone specially brought them here and stored them. (photo by Vladimir Palchik "House on a rock":

House on a rock. There are no stones. author Vladimir Palchik photo 1999
House on a rock. There are no stones. author Vladimir Palchik photo 1999

House on a rock. There are no stones. author Vladimir Palchik photo 1999.

(Eye diamond-found dating photo-1999)

Let's take a look at the Vyborg petroglyphs.

Here, the same angle, almost … birch. And at the time of 2016, several granite, shapeless stones appeared near the birch.


House on a rock. Vyborg. 2016. Petroglyphs on stones.


Maybe those who carefully brought these stones from granite here, under the rock, knew about the petroglyphs? I don't know. Once again, I repeat that in the evening, no drawings on the stones were noticeable, absolutely! If at least something "lit up", I would closely examine. And so: stones, like stones, nothing special!

A few more details of the drawings are larger. The quality is not very good, since my old phone was filmed, plus, in the evening, around 17.00.

I do not know if these amazing stones with inscriptions and drawings have survived to this day, whether they will be preserved further, whether scientists will record them, but I really hope so! (At the end of the article, there are a few more photographs of petroglyphs in more detail).

Not far from Vyborg in the Mon Repos park there are megaliths, but the story about them will be in another article.

There are more sights in this courtyard. This is a completely destroyed red brick house-ruins from the time of the Great Patriotic War from a bomb hit, the walls remained standing, and inside there are stone remains of even older masonry. This house is suitable for filming military action. Worth it. As a decoration. But this is a reality that our country has gone through.


House after the war 1941-1945. Vyborg.


Pay attention to the masonry. This house was damaged not only during the war against the German fascist invaders. Judging by the masonry: rubble stone, home-made bricks and factory bricks, the house was destroyed earlier and was completed after the catastrophes of the 19th century. Initially, there was masonry, like some of the old houses of the "antediluvian" Vyborg, or what was it called before?


House after the war 1941-1945. Vyborg. 2016. "antediluvian" masonry.


House, state after the war 1941-1945. Vyborg. 2016. masonry. Homemade brick (date of construction unknown).

Inside the destroyed house, everything was overgrown with weeds, but the old masonry was preserved, either the "remnant" of the furnace, or some kind of mine. Perhaps this is part of the stairs and the elevator.


Vyborg. House destroyed by the war. inside. Stone outlier. 2016.

On the other hand, not far from the playground, there is the grave of the dead Finnish soldiers. The monument stands and no one touches it. But the Finns destroyed monuments to Russian soldiers. Such a different attitude.


House after the war 1941-1945. Vyborg. 2016. Monument to the fallen Finns.


Monument to the fallen Finns.

And in general, studying the question of the emergence of Finland, it turned out that it owes its independence to V. I. Lenin, who, by his decrees of December 6, 1917, gave the independence of Finland. (Instantly, in such a hurry!) And not Alexander, as we thought earlier. And after that, the final oppression and destruction of the Russian population, the Russian language and everything connected with Russia began. The Russians, the very ones who restored Vyborg after all the wars, have once again become a bargaining chip in political games.

Under Alexander॥ this territory began to be called the Finnish principality, as part of the Russian Empire, had absolute privileges in comparison with other provinces, was exempted from taxes, an artificial Finnish language was recognized based on Swedish, were they created their own banknotes - the Finnish mark?

Help from Wikipedia: “According to archaeological research, the first settlements in Finland appeared at the end of the Ice Age, that is, around 8500 BC. e. the inhabitants of Finland were hunters and gatherers who used stone tools. The first pottery appeared in the 3rd millennium BC. BC, when settlers from the East brought the culture of comb pottery [10]. The arrival of the battle-ax culture on the southern coast of Finland in the 32nd century BC e. coincided with the birth of agriculture [11]. Despite this, hunting and fishing continued to be an important part of the settlers' lives, especially in the northern and eastern parts of the country. As part of Sweden (1150 / 1300-1809)"

All repeats. Before the arrival of the Swedes to these lands, we have settlers with a culture of battle axes (these are such cast hatchets, extraordinary, the technology and purpose are not clear) and they coincided with the birth of agriculture, but it is not said, but who brought the culture to the Finns, Sami - "wiki" writes modestly: "settlers from the east"?

And according to the anthropology of those who brought the culture to the fishermen and gatherers of the Sami, they say that “The settlements of this culture are always accompanied by the burials of the representatives of the Ural race”? And now the Swedes and Finns are considered indigenous people. And the memory of Russians is being etched away, just like with other breakaway territories, artificial languages are being created, the history of the newly created "ancient" people is invented.

A little more "Vyborg 2016":


PS. About the petroglyphs. Until this moment, and I am writing an article two years later. today 11.11.2018. information about the Vyborg petroglyphs, these very stones, I have not come across. I hope that after the publication and release of the video, these stones will not disappear under the guise. I hope that both the residents of this courtyard and the caring residents of Vyborg will follow the fate of these historical stones with ancient letters and drawings.

Author: Galina Konysheva