And Yet Tartary - Alternative View

And Yet Tartary - Alternative View
And Yet Tartary - Alternative View

Video: And Yet Tartary - Alternative View

Video: And Yet Tartary - Alternative View
Video: The Tartars (Preview Clip) 2024, September

Recently, I am here in one note, ran into Tartary. Like they say, wherever you spit, everywhere now Tartary appears. And as for our fellow countrymen, now they are all great Tartarians, of the purest khan blood.

Such a massive otartarization happened, apparently, with the light hand of the respected academician Fomenko, who Russified the Horde and extended it, almost to Mesopotamia. I remember exactly that the Persians in one of his books dressed like the Slavs, fought like the Slavs and spoke like the Slavs. Smart people believe that an object that has all the properties of another object, most likely, is. Therefore, if earlier, when they scraped the Russian, they found a Tatar, now a Tartarian is undoubtedly hiding there.

What is this picture doing here? Probably prepares you for the next (or in one) note, where I want to touch on a theory so secret that many, it turns out that they have not heard about it - Theories of the Basic Myth
What is this picture doing here? Probably prepares you for the next (or in one) note, where I want to touch on a theory so secret that many, it turns out that they have not heard about it - Theories of the Basic Myth

What is this picture doing here? Probably prepares you for the next (or in one) note, where I want to touch on a theory so secret that many, it turns out that they have not heard about it - Theories of the Basic Myth.

Well, okay, these are all nuances. Mass insanity is not a mass hallucination yet. Moreover, the presence of a single planetary state perfectly fits into several (yes, I see a similarity with a prostitute, no need to focus on this) alternative historical theories.

This is, of course, strange, but before declaring Tartaria a corrupt girl of imperialism a false path trodden by British malware, let's see what is in the anamnesis.

Do not be alarmed in advance, I did not start writing War and Peace. Of course, I will not be able to put all the found, drawn, invented and real information about Tartary in one note. Again, you will have to run over the tops without going deep into the breadth.

The first evidence, which all the Tartarians of the world begin to shake, are geographical maps with the dimensionless Tartary:


Promotional video:


This, of course, is only a small part of the cards, of this or that authenticity, that wander among the "tartarists". In general, quite a strong proof of the existence of Tartary, as such. However, there is a nuance - it is very unstable. It covers all of Siberia, then all of Asia, then it shrinks to the regional center.

But, be that as it may, it is impossible not to notice her! It is difficult to recognize all cards in a row as fake. Some of them were drawn by respected cartographers, on whose works many hundreds of historical works of the official type are based. How do historians get out of the situation?

It's very simple. Since Tartary appears on the maps, here and there, and even changes its size, it means that this is just a designation of the area, about which the compiler of the map did not have the proper information. And in general, everything that does not have a red asterisk with the inscription "capital" cannot be a state.

There are a number of works that try to prove that the land on the other side of good was called Tartars and Tartary. That is, it turns out that they did not have the information, but the stigma "terribly wild, barbaric population" was put on the floor of the map.

If we draw a parallel, then of course it should be noted right away that these half-cards in the Western media are still marked “wild people, civilizations do not lend themselves, walk in sandals, are friends with bears”. When asked if it's time to carry out a humanitarian bombing, civilized politicians all over the world howl terribly and lament that "by some miracle a mustachioed cockroach stole an atomic bomb for them and now we cannot bomb them."

But, parallels and analogies in history are not welcome, so I have a different question to the official interpretation of Tartary on many cards. What is bad about terra incognita, that in this particular case it had to be replaced with various Tartarii. Why did the cartographers thoroughly know the area and its coastline, but there was no information about the state structure of this territory?

However, historians admit that there is some semblance of Tartary, as an anachronism of modern Tatars, and attribute it to nomadic and tribal formations with a delay in mental and civilizational development.

Otherwise, it is impossible to understand how in your mind, on the threshold of the 20th century, you can live in the Middle Ages
Otherwise, it is impossible to understand how in your mind, on the threshold of the 20th century, you can live in the Middle Ages

Otherwise, it is impossible to understand how in your mind, on the threshold of the 20th century, you can live in the Middle Ages.

Historians believe that they figured out the maps. What about the verbal description of his contemporaries, fixed in such a way that you can't even cut it out with an ax?

This book tells how the Tartars came to China
This book tells how the Tartars came to China

This book tells how the Tartars came to China.

Various sources describe the Tartarians, then as the descendants of the lost Israelite tribes - the empire of Gog and Magog, then they nod at Chingiz and his khans, then they directly call them Scythians.

The light of his Khan is against Chingiz, we have nothing for a long time. And be sure to check out the next picture !!! And you will see where there are so many Chen in China
The light of his Khan is against Chingiz, we have nothing for a long time. And be sure to check out the next picture !!! And you will see where there are so many Chen in China

The light of his Khan is against Chingiz, we have nothing for a long time. And be sure to check out the next picture !!! And you will see where there are so many Chen in China.

-This is how you begin to study family portraits and believe in the transmigration of souls! It turns out he is also Baskerville Chen! Cengiz! Well, HUY got there by accident!

The officials, of course, don't believe anything. Immediately they begin to show the Japanese image of the Bronze Horseman. Like, you never know what you can draw from the words!

Taking into account the fact that the Japanese were invented by the British according to the notes of the Jesuits, such a picture simply could not but be found
Taking into account the fact that the Japanese were invented by the British according to the notes of the Jesuits, such a picture simply could not but be found

Taking into account the fact that the Japanese were invented by the British according to the notes of the Jesuits, such a picture simply could not but be found.

And since the pictures of the Chingizs, Tamerlans and Mamaevs do not look like their relative Batu, then everything is in openwork, you can use a good old, proven record - it's all about grayness and darkness. If there is no consensus, then there is no state education. Some generally go on the attack and claim that behind Tartary, if anyone was hiding, it was the Proto-Manchu, that is, the half-Chinese. Behind the back, the ears of the Jesuits and Matteo Ritchie in particular are clearly fluttering in the wind.

Genghis may have been in Tartary, but clearly not in the form of a Mongol on microscopic, but super-hardy horses that rushed back and forth across Eurasia with a million-strong army
Genghis may have been in Tartary, but clearly not in the form of a Mongol on microscopic, but super-hardy horses that rushed back and forth across Eurasia with a million-strong army

Genghis may have been in Tartary, but clearly not in the form of a Mongol on microscopic, but super-hardy horses that rushed back and forth across Eurasia with a million-strong army.

In general, looking at Tartary with official eyes anywhere in the book, or a point on the map, where such a name is indicated, night blindness instantly sets in. It gets dark a little - historians see nothing.

I wonder why the southern Russian neoplasm was not allowed to trace its roots directly from the tartars? Instead, now the whole world laughs at the ancient ukras
I wonder why the southern Russian neoplasm was not allowed to trace its roots directly from the tartars? Instead, now the whole world laughs at the ancient ukras

I wonder why the southern Russian neoplasm was not allowed to trace its roots directly from the tartars? Instead, now the whole world laughs at the ancient ukras.

The caps on the leading faces of Tartary, as if inadvertently remind:

Mithra - God of the Sun and friendliness. Had his own religion - Mithraism. In addition to the Scythian-Tartar cap, he also directly hints that he is aware of the worship of the Sun among the ancient Slavs. Or tartare. Or the Aryans. The Persians, by the way, were lying there too. According to the official version, he lost to Jesus in the region of 1-2 hundred years of our time
Mithra - God of the Sun and friendliness. Had his own religion - Mithraism. In addition to the Scythian-Tartar cap, he also directly hints that he is aware of the worship of the Sun among the ancient Slavs. Or tartare. Or the Aryans. The Persians, by the way, were lying there too. According to the official version, he lost to Jesus in the region of 1-2 hundred years of our time

Mithra - God of the Sun and friendliness. Had his own religion - Mithraism. In addition to the Scythian-Tartar cap, he also directly hints that he is aware of the worship of the Sun among the ancient Slavs. Or tartare. Or the Aryans. The Persians, by the way, were lying there too. According to the official version, he lost to Jesus in the region of 1-2 hundred years of our time.

As we know, the great Christian Tsar Peter the First, did not have time to cut a window to Europe, as he galloped off to erect a golden statue of Mithra. In the form of Samson.

The cap was removed so as not to wet it. A fountain, after all
The cap was removed so as not to wet it. A fountain, after all

The cap was removed so as not to wet it. A fountain, after all.

In principle, everything is lined up logically. Sun worship - Antiquity - Tartary (or any other name) - BP - Organization into a single force that jumped out of the cells of semi-animals of Dutch - English origin after the flood - the planting of their laws and the cult of the corpse on the empty and weakened territories - Gradual, step by step pressing the former hegemon for 100 years - Complete victory by the middle of the 20th century, when everyone who even remembered something was ground in two world wars.

Then you can increase the glow:


You can look at different images of Mithra. See that he is always with a snake. Not only is he the Sun himself, but he often has torches around. Serpent, Prometheus-Lucifer, and even in the original the lamb of God. Then see that in many images he is either underground or completely locked inside a hollow sphere. And somehow it turns out that now it is clear which snake George was crushing with a spear and whom Archangel Michael locked with his seal inside the ball. Here is a replacement and a changeling of all mythology, which now hangs on the cross of half of the population around the neck.

This is in terms of magical artifacts and forces unknown to us. Well, or led, but incomprehensible. See how regularly crop circles appear in the same places in England. Some with a developed imagination read messages from a locked savior in them. They say it promises to come out soon. In the meantime, by an effort of will (or, whatever he has) a force field over the Earth, so that those who locked it could not go down to Earth and destroy (use it for direct gastronomic purposes) humanity.

That is why, by chance, we have bred so much recently, and the governors of those comrades from the sky like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds cannot cope on their own.

Well, it was about the gods, but about Tartary you can still like this:


Well, the last battle of Tartarus was not with Napoleon and not even in the Crimea, and not in the USA (more on that next time. American colleagues dug up a couple of interesting, very !!, stories), but most likely in the Russian-Turkish war, when our troops finished off the local white tartars before settling those lands with darker modern people.


What nice looking Turks turned out to be …..

So far, something like that. And next time about America. Like it !!!

And goodbye to you the Serpent Gorynych, reaching out to the Sun !!

It seems like it doesn't?
It seems like it doesn't?

It seems like it doesn't?
