In Pennsylvania Photographed The Jersey Devil - Alternative View

In Pennsylvania Photographed The Jersey Devil - Alternative View
In Pennsylvania Photographed The Jersey Devil - Alternative View

Video: In Pennsylvania Photographed The Jersey Devil - Alternative View

Video: In Pennsylvania Photographed The Jersey Devil - Alternative View

The Jersey Devil is a mythical American monster that allegedly lives in the woodland of Pine Barrens in southern New Jersey. Numerous eyewitnesses describe the cryptid as an upright creature with a height of one to two meters. The mythical creature has a body covered with black fluff, leathery wings, hooves, a horse-like head, dark red eyes, a long neck and relatively large horns.

Legends about this flying monster can be found even among the North American Indians. Nowadays, the cryptid has gained immense fame after the events of 1909. Then, from January 16 to 23, at least a thousand Americans living in Pine Barrens and the surrounding areas reported sightings of the creature. Newspapers called this period "phenomenal week" and fueled the general excitement, promising huge sums for the capture of the horned troublemaker. The police were even forced to organize special patrols, since the appearance of the monster frightened many witnesses. After that, the Jersey Devil became perhaps the most popular cryptid in the United States.

And so two construction workers from Pennsylvania met this winged monster again. They were driving on a rainy evening along a forest road, everything was prosaic and mundane. Suddenly, the men saw a large creature flying out from the trees. Roland Westley, 32, sitting next to the driver, instantly grabbed his smartphone and photographed the mysterious animal through the windshield of the car. Fortunately, the monster is beautifully captured in the picture. The author of the image is convinced that he managed to capture the legendary "devil". Pennsylvania is located just west of New Jersey, and it is possible that the monster left its habitat for a while.


The photo clearly shows that the creature has leathery, bat-like wings and long horns on its head. Westley says: “We were returning home from Philadelphia, but we no longer remember exactly where we drove. Me and my friend were in the car and we saw what looked like a huge vulture. However, despite the twilight and rain, it was clear that this was no bird, and certainly not a bat. I quickly took out my phone and photographed this animal. There was something eerie, mystically fascinating in it, and we felt great relief when it flew over the road and disappeared somewhere above the forest, without causing us any harm. True, my friend immediately added gas, we hastened to get out of the damned place as quickly as possible.

Cryptozoologists were extremely puzzled by Westley's picture. Obviously, if this is not a fake, then the photo shows a creature unknown to science. Doubters believe that we are talking about a kite, moths on the windshield, or a conventional installation. However, skeptical theories deserve even less confidence, and most of the users of the World Wide Web still agree that it was the famous Devil from Jersey that got into the camera lens.