Rejuvenation Of The Body - Alternative View

Rejuvenation Of The Body - Alternative View
Rejuvenation Of The Body - Alternative View

Video: Rejuvenation Of The Body - Alternative View

Video: Rejuvenation Of The Body - Alternative View
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For the sake of objectivity, it should be noted that the life span of a person is not at all short in comparison with other living organisms that inhabit the planet. Nature gave each of us about 70-80 years. This is not a bad time at all to fully enjoy the benefits of the blue planet. Some people live longer, some live less. Such a spread in terms depends on the characteristics of the organism, heredity and lifestyle.

At the same time, everyone will agree that the most beautiful thing in life is youth. But its duration is very short. Already after 30 years, a slow and steady aging of all human organs begins. Childhood aside, the most productive years are only 15 years old. The term is scanty, and it flies by unnoticed.

Of course, you can look youthful at 50 or 60 years old, maintain both mental and sexual functions at a high level, but still this is not the same. After all, 20 years is 20 years, and 50 is 50. Nobody will argue here.

Therefore, from time immemorial, people thought about how to prolong not life itself, but youth. Is it possible at 40 to look like at 18, and besides, so that all body functions correspond to this particular young age. These dreams contradict the genetic program by which all of humanity lives. Nature is categorically against eternal youth. For some reason, she strives to ensure that a person grows old as quickly as possible.

But if you cannot interfere with the genetic program, then you can correct the functions of a particular human body. After all, it is probably possible to "knock off" a 70-year-old citizen 20 years old, so that he finds the enthusiasm and strength of a 50-year-old. Of course, this is not 18 years old, but still not 70.

Such rejuvenation of the body does not look fantastic at all, given the modern achievements of genetics. Stem cell transplantation today has a certain effect. But this process is still in the experimental stage. Time will tell whether there will be a future for him or not. We will consider the amazing experiments of Dr. Voronov Sergei Abramovich. They shocked the scientific world in the first half of the 20th century and instilled in the hearts of people hope for eternal youth.

This outstanding doctor was born on July 10, 1866 in the city of Voronezh. But, having a Russian origin, Voronov was not destined to make his own contribution to Russian science. In 1884 he and her family moved permanently to France. In 1893, the young man received a higher medical education. In 1896 he left for Egypt, where he became a member of the Khedive physicians (title of head of state in 1867-1914).

Rotating around the court all the time, Voronov had certain capabilities. He took full advantage of them to significantly improve his medical knowledge. His thoughts flowed in the right direction when he became closely acquainted with the eunuchs.

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They were castrated at a very young age of 6-7 years. Having matured, these men acquired effeminate body shapes. They had wide hips, narrow shoulders. Their faces did not know the razor, since the stubble did not grow on them. The intelligence of the eunuchs was rather low, and they had a poor memory. Similar patterns led Voronov to the conclusion that the formation of muscle mass, skeleton, mental development is directly influenced by the sex glands.

The young doctor also found that the castrati grew old rather quickly, turned gray and did not live up to old age. This is what prompted Sergei Abramovich to think about rejuvenating the body. After all, if an aging eunuch was introduced to the seminal glands from a young full-fledged man, then, logically, the body of the castrato should have rejuvenated.

Guesses had to be tested in practice. But where to get the necessary glands. No one will part with them voluntarily. This means that the appropriate material should be borrowed from corpses or from monkeys. Why the latter? At that time, Darwin's theory dominated the minds of people. And the respected master argued that man came from a monkey. Consequently, these animals should have had similar organs to humans.

It seemed to Sergei Abramovich Voronov that taking the seminal glands from monkeys is much more preferable than from humans. Animals in their physical characteristics were significantly superior to humans. In addition, what was most important, they did not have negative heredity. The monkeys were not prone to alcohol, tobacco, child molestation and other unsightly qualities of human nature.

Chimpanzee monkey


Thus, as the young doctor believed, the rejuvenation of the body should have a beneficial effect on the moral character of a person. Thanks to the seminal glands of monkeys, people could become not only physically younger, but also get rid of the burden of negative hereditary traits.

But this is only a fairy tale quickly affects, but the matter takes a long time. In 1910, Voronov returned to Paris. Here he plunges headlong into experiments on the transplant of the seminal glands. This takes many years. He begins with an extract of ground monkey testicles. The doctor injects it under his skin. But the aging process of the body does not slow down. He does not react to the extract in any way.

In 1912, not a young doctor does his first operation. He transplants the chimpanzee's thyroid gland into a person with thyroid disease. After this, the patient feels noticeably better, and this success inspires the experimenter.

The next patient is a 14-year-old boy with mental retardation. Sergei Abramovich performed an operation on him in the summer of 1914. More precisely, it was not an operation. The doctor took the monkey's thymus and gave the boy a vaccine. His eyes became clearer, his memory improved, curiosity and curiosity appeared. The patient's intelligence has improved markedly.

Voronov made the first official operation on June 12, 1920. He cut thin sections of the chimpanzee's testicles and sewed them into the patient's scrotum. The human body has accepted a foreign body. It has grown into the testicles of a 65-year-old patient. He noticeably freshened up, wrinkles on his face smoothed out, plasticity and energy appeared in his movements.

After this operation to rejuvenate the body, Sergei Abramovich became a famous person. The people went to him. And not just who, but rich elderly people who dream of regaining their youth. For three years, Voronov performed 56 operations. All of them had a beneficial effect on the health of patients.

In 1923, a surgical congress was held in London. It brought together the luminaries of medical science from Europe and America. Voronov's speech was the main event of such a serious event.

Sergei Abramovich said that he operated on 238 people aged 55 to 70 years. In 90 cases out of 100, the result was positive. In persons aged 70 to 85 years, the data were slightly worse. 19 people were operated on. The most important functions of the body, including sexual ones, were restored in 11 patients.

In the first days after the operation, the patients had a strong libido and mental excitement. The case of a certain rich Englishman made a special impression on the luminaries of medicine. Tom was 74 years old, but he looked at all 85. He had a baboon testicle sewn into his scrotum.

Six months later, this patient came to Voronov. He looked amazing. The look became clear and cheerful. Muscles have become stronger, potency has appeared, excess weight has disappeared. Hair began to grow in place of the bald spot. The man became 20 years younger, turning from a decrepit old man into a blooming man.

Voronov's operations were recognized as the greatest achievement of medicine. The whole world started talking about the talented surgeon. The impression was so strong that writers from many countries of the world, inspired by new trends in medicine, sat down at typewriters and began to "give out on the mountain" fantastic works directly related to the rejuvenation of the body.

Let us recall, for example, Mikhail Bulgakov and his book Heart of a Dog. In it, Professor Preobrazhensky became the prototype of a talented surgeon. True, he went further than Voronov and made a man out of a dog. But everyone understands that this is just a beautiful fairy tale.

By the beginning of the 30s, Sergei Abramovich Voronov performed several thousand spermatic gland transplant operations. It seemed that the rejuvenation of the body should soon become an ordinary ordinary event for every person.

The peak of the activity of an extraordinary surgeon came at the end of the 30s. Then, as often happens in life, the decline began. Voronov, however, did not stop at men. He also performed transplants for women. But this did not save the situation. In medical circles, the opinion began to form that Sergei Abramovich was a charlatan.

This negative attitude did not arise out of nowhere. The effect of the operations was short-lived. Having experienced euphoria and "second youth", the elderly very quickly faded away and died. The French surgeon of Russian origin categorically denied any involvement in the natural sad end of the patients he healed. In everything, he blamed bad heredity, which the seminal glands of the monkeys could not defeat.

Medical experts said that the reason for the short-term success is due to the human psyche. With the help of Voronov, people inspired themselves that they would indeed become several decades younger. This worked for a while, but then the spell of physical reincarnation subsided, and patients were convinced that their health remained at the same level. All this aggravated the senile processes and led to death.

In the early 40s, everyone turned away from Voronov. In medical circles, it became indecent to remember the experiments of a charlatan. Rejuvenation of the body has again turned into an unattainable dream. The surgeon himself died in complete oblivion on September 3, 1953.

Nowadays, experiments on the transplantation of monkey organs into the human body cause only an ironic smile. Everyone understands that this is impossible in principle, since human DNA and chimpanzee DNA differ by 1%, which makes all of us "crowns of nature." But the rejuvenation of the body continues to dominate human minds. Who knows, maybe soon another talented surgeon will appear, who, already relying on modern knowledge, will declare to the whole world that he knows how to return to people the most beautiful thing in life - youth.