Hereditary Healer Rafael Zamanov About The Wonderful Power Of Human Energy - Alternative View

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Hereditary Healer Rafael Zamanov About The Wonderful Power Of Human Energy - Alternative View
Hereditary Healer Rafael Zamanov About The Wonderful Power Of Human Energy - Alternative View

Video: Hereditary Healer Rafael Zamanov About The Wonderful Power Of Human Energy - Alternative View

Video: Hereditary Healer Rafael Zamanov About The Wonderful Power Of Human Energy - Alternative View
Video: 06 - Angelic Music - Archangel Raphael 2024, July

How vibrations and frequencies rule our lives and destiny

The energy field of a person, the influence of vibrations and frequencies on his life, behavior and destiny is the very sphere of knowledge where esotericism comes into contact with science. As you know, a person is a collection of particles that are in constant motion. They interact with each other and, accordingly, are a source of vibrations and waves. The human body perceives different types of vibrations in different ways. High vibration frequencies are perceived better than low vibrations. At the same time, both those and others are phenomena of the same order, simply located at different poles. Chagrin and admiration, sorrow and joy, love and hate - all of these, in the final analysis, are only products of various vibrations, just like our taste sensations.

Each person has his own unique vibration frequency, which is unique to him. A person exudes certain waves that build the surrounding space in the order corresponding to these vibrations. For example, a person with negative energy, exuding negative vibrations, spreads it around him, affects the surrounding space. With such a person, as a rule, it is not very pleasant to communicate, he does not inspire confidence, and sometimes his energy is so heavy that other people simply cannot stand communication with him.

There are also opposite examples, when the frequency of vibrations from a person is so high that everyone around him feels an incredible positive emanating from him, and even begin to consider such a person “holy”. People are drawn to such a person, he seems to be a bright example in the world of injustice and the prevalence of negative events and emotions. However, for such a bright person, the world is always filled with joy and he notices only the good in him, rejoicing and admiring his beauty, striving to capture only positive components in people and events.

Interestingly, vibrations and thus the human energy field can be controlled. Having achieved the ability to control vibrations, a person becomes the true master of his life - he can determine the course of events. With the help of "thought energy" we can influence our own emotional sphere, control our emotions and feelings. A person feels good if the vibration frequency matches his energy field.

There is also the possibility of dialogue with the Universe through the vibration of thoughts and emotions, which allows a person to receive certain information in the “energy language”. Preparing for any important action or event, a person sends a certain signal, and the Universe lets him know what to do. It is with the help of such energy information that a person can ward off trouble from himself, at the very last moment refusing to perform any action.

Man can learn to control the energy of his own thoughts, to control vibrations and frequencies. For this, there are sufficiently developed meditative practices, spiritual and health-improving systems of the East, which are practically all based on the management of a person's internal energy. The Chinese call the internal energy "qi". It is the ability to correctly control internal energy, direct its flows that allows masters of Chinese martial arts to cope with opponents many times superior in strength, and Indian yogis - to endure pain, uncomfortable body positions, be content with the most meager and unnatural, at first glance, food.

The tools that can increase the frequency of vibrations and, accordingly, improve the energy of a person include meditative practices, spiritual and meditative music, the pristine beauty of nature, communication with people with a higher level of vibrations, water, positive and joyful changes in one's own life, good actions, laughter.

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Anyone can get started on the path to vibration management. To do this, you need to set aside a short period of time at least once a day in order to sit in silence and relax. It is not even necessary to meditate - you can simply achieve peace by giving up any external contacts for a certain number of minutes and plunging into yourself. After a while, a person will feel positive changes in himself - and this will be the first evidence that he is learning to control the vibrations of his body and his thoughts.

An increase in the frequency of vibrations inevitably affects the quality of human life, his destiny. After increasing vibrations, a person gradually achieves harmony with himself and with the world around him. This contributes to positive changes in the psychological and physical condition of a person. Such a person is less angry and nervous, treats everything more calmly, and, accordingly, gets sick less often or stops hurting at all. Ultimately, this has the most direct impact on the overall life expectancy of a person, on his health and the nature of interaction with others.

A person can direct positive vibrations into the sphere of creativity. The creative potential of a person is realized most fully in this case - when the frequency of vibrations rises, thought and creative energy are concentrated, and, ultimately, amazing examples of art, literature are born, scientific discoveries are made.

Volkova Alena