"Bioenergy Field Infection" Or "vampirism" - Alternative View

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"Bioenergy Field Infection" Or "vampirism" - Alternative View
"Bioenergy Field Infection" Or "vampirism" - Alternative View

Video: "Bioenergy Field Infection" Or "vampirism" - Alternative View

Video: Biology and Chemistry (On-Demand Webinar) 2024, September

Being an electrical engineer by profession, for some time I began to be interested in and practically deal with bioenergy issues.

Over time, some conclusions have accumulated based on meetings with people who turned to me for advice and help with various diseases. We are accustomed to believe that only a bad person, but with a strong-willed character and a strong energy field, can “jinx”, “spoil”, be a “vampire”; and if these obsessions are removed from the "victim", then the "attacker" will feel bad, he will get sick.

With the help of a simple diagram, I want to clarify my view of these problems, considering that the cause of ill health is the mutual connection of the energy fields of human organisms. But first, let us define the essence of the concepts used that reveal the content of this unusual sphere of mental phenomena.

If the "biofield" is a protective energy shell of living organisms, consisting of a set of physical fields, then the "evil eye" is damage to this specific field by the involuntary influence of someone else's thought, which leads to a deterioration in health, and "damage" is a more extensive and often deliberate damage to the biofield, causing serious disorders in health and psyche.

By "vampirism" is meant the ability of one person to take energy from the biofield of another. I combine all these terms into the concept of "connection", when one organism tries, consciously or unconsciously, to make up for the lack of energy that has arisen in it for some reason at the expense of another. The reasons for the pumping of energy are varied - poor health, envy, anger, everyday and office conflicts.

In the figure, horizontal lines from I to VII conventionally show levels where energy outflow often occurs. So, number 1 is a patient, whose energy fields I am investigating by the method of biolocation, establishing the presence of connection channels; the more of them - the worse the state of health.


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Briefly about the essence of the method

Holding metal L-shaped frames in my hands as an indicator, directed horizontally towards the patient, I slowly approach him in order to determine the boundaries of the biofield, where the ends of the frames begin to converge. Usually it is at a distance of 40-80 cm.

Then, from a distance of 3-4 meters, with the goal in mind to determine the presence of energy outflow channels, I begin to search for them in a framework, starting from level VII (coccyx region) and up to I (crown). The converging ends of the boxes show where energy is being lost. Having discovered this, I remove the connection by the action of my biofield.

There are several ways: you can, mentally concentrating your energy in an outstretched right hand, imagine it in the form of a thin ray and with this ray draw a star around the patient three times, starting from point A and having a strong desire to interrupt the outflow channels: you can (again mentally) ignite around the person big bonfire. But you can also use physical fire - with two lighted candles from a distance of one meter, three times to process all the space around a person. At the same time, at the intersection of the flame and energy threads, candles crackle and soot flickers.

Then I check if all connections are down. To do this, I raise the frames to level I and invite the patient to slowly turn around in a clockwise direction. If the frames are closed somewhere, I "cut" the outflow thread with a sharp movement of my right hand. At the same time, it is often necessary to activate the work of our energy centers (chakras located approximately in I-VII levels), the positive result of which I also define by the framework.

But quite often, after days or weeks, the connection of patient No. 1 reappeared and the state of health again worsened.

To improve the effectiveness of the results, I began to identify those who connect, and came to the conclusion that very branched chains of connections from different people are often built, that is, from patient No. 1 energy goes to No. 2, from that, in turn, to No. 3. from No. 3 to No. 4, etc., and the frames deviate towards the energy absorbing one. And even if by the time of calculation one of the links in the chain was no longer alive (for example, No. 3), the chain still acted and the outflow of energy took place. The most interesting thing is that after the connection was removed from No. 4, connections also disappeared for No. 1, 2. 3. The condition of these people improved significantly. There have been cases of connecting several subjects to one and one to several, which can also be calculated using the framework as follows.

Holding the frames at a distance of 20-30 cm from the patient's forehead, I mentally look for who damaged his biofield - relatives, neighbors, colleagues, etc. Noticing the reaction of the frames when thinking about his relatives, I also look through whose line - his wife, mother, father, etc. In this way, I find to whom the energy goes, and I suggest that the patient imagine in front of him, three to five meters away, the image of this person. If the frames are placed between them, they will turn towards the energy absorbing one.

You can remove the connection from the image in the same way as from a real person. Now I will try to explain why after removing the "evil eye", "damage" from one person, another may become worse. If you remove the connection only from patient No. 1, his energetics will be restored, but No. 2 will feel worse, since his energy supply from the first one will stop, and the outflow of No. 3 continues. To restore well-being, patient No. 2 subconsciously (and sometimes consciously) to restore his strength will try to connect to the field of another person or restore connection with the field of patient No. 1.

Connections can arise during mutual communication both at work and at home or in transport, as well as through objects, liquid and crystalline substances, during a telephone conversation, and even on a mental level. But it does not at all follow from this that the “bad” person attacks the “good” from negative motives - this often happens between close people in good relations: mother and children, grandmother and granddaughter, wife and husband; in life, we do not control this on a daily basis.

It is also unpleasant that such a phenomenon as "connection" can be spread by people who, by the nature of their work, are associated with large groups of people - doctors to patients, teachers to students, massage therapists to patients, leaders to subordinates. This resembles, for example, the spread of influenza infection, which is why I proposed the term “bioenergy field infection”.

Eliminating it, the psychic also removes such its main symptoms as general weakness, increased fatigue, headaches, poor sleep, a drop or jumping pressure, sometimes signs of severe poisoning, unconscious fears, irritability, long-lasting wounds, etc.

In addition, if the connection is long, persistent dysfunctions appear in the body: children may have a delay in the development of speech, hearing, etc.

Unfortunately, bioenergy is still not really researched, although it is undeniable and recognized today. The existing medical devices so far note the effect, not the cause of the disease, although by indirect indicators during computer examination, by ECG, EEG, one could trace the positive dynamics of processes when restoring the body's energy. True, with one "but" …

Official medicine should recognize this effect as existing regardless of our still imperfect knowledge, and use it for the benefit of people, saving them from a lot of suffering and the search for sometimes unnecessary drugs.

It is possible to train doctors to use such a technique in several sessions, this does not require supernatural abilities and expensive equipment, and the return of a doctor as a specialist would increase significantly, saving drugs due to the acceleration of action with their parallel use is also not the last thing. And it would be important for doctors to learn how to rid themselves of connection phenomena.

Anticipating the skepticism of doctors, I will say, based on my experience, not even a medical one, that it is possible to differentiate by the framework of the disease - after all, it's a shame if you are being treated for sciatica, and you have kidney stones (the symptoms are very similar), or duodenitis is being treated, but a duodenal ulcer should be guts!

Protection advice given by A. Ilyin in the article "Do vampires live among us?" ("Miracles and Adventures", 1994, No. 5), are relevant, but there are other effective methods that should be paid attention to, because both doctors and some healers (conducting sessions of removing the "evil eye", "damage") sometimes some of the connections are transferred to themselves, which leads to a deterioration in their health.

Summarizing the above observations, I want to say that:

- any treatment should begin with the removal of connections, and first of all, not with the patient, but with those connected to him;

- the concepts of "evil eye", "damage", "curse" and others are the essence of one phenomenon, the difference is only in the amount of lost energy;

- it is hardly worth calling a person who has suffered from this phenomenon as a "vampire", since in this situation he is rather a "postman", a transmitting link in the chain of energy selection;

- karma can be understood not only as "punishment from above", but also as our mutual influence on each other with our negative actions and emotions.

