9-year-old Chinese Boy Li Hang Weighs 143 Kg - Alternative View

9-year-old Chinese Boy Li Hang Weighs 143 Kg - Alternative View
9-year-old Chinese Boy Li Hang Weighs 143 Kg - Alternative View

Video: 9-year-old Chinese Boy Li Hang Weighs 143 Kg - Alternative View

Video: 9-year-old Chinese Boy Li Hang Weighs 143 Kg - Alternative View
Video: A 2 year old Chinese boy dancing like a professionalist. Amazing to look at it. 2024, July

Boy Li Hang, only nine years old and living in Harbin, northeastern China, suffers from Prader-Willi syndrome. Because of this rare deviation, the child wants to eat all the time and endless hunger has already led to the fact that the boy weighs as much as 143 kilograms.

Prader-Willi syndrome manifested itself at the age of three, when Lee Hang began to gain weight. This syndrome is an inherited disorder due to the lack of a paternal copy of the 15q11-13 chromosome region. The frequency of occurrence is 1 in 12,000-15,000 live births.

Prader-Willi syndrome not only causes obesity due to constant hunger, but also affects mental development, can cause strabismus, scoliosis, increased drowsiness, short stature, speech delay, late puberty and other abnormalities.


Doctors state that Li Hang's IQ is below normal for his age, and the child's obesity has already become the cause of concomitant pathologies such as fatty liver and high blood pressure. Doctors fear that being overweight could lead to the boy's death.

As the British newspaper Daily Mail notes, due to the syndrome, Lee Hang also has frequent emotional mood swings. Getting on the scales and seeing his weight, the boy was so upset that his mother had to console him.


A little relief is provided by the information that 143 kg is not the largest weight of Lee Hang, he used to weigh as much as 167 kg, but after staying in a special camp with a diet and a set of exercises, he managed to lose 20 kg. But after a camp with uncontrolled food intake, he easily regains weight and can only be helped by gastric bypass surgery.

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Lee Hang is now selling flowers on the street to raise money for his treatment. Mom walks with him.