A UFO Was Filmed Over The Night Omsk - Alternative View

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A UFO Was Filmed Over The Night Omsk - Alternative View
A UFO Was Filmed Over The Night Omsk - Alternative View

Video: A UFO Was Filmed Over The Night Omsk - Alternative View

Video: A UFO Was Filmed Over The Night Omsk - Alternative View
Video: Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY 2024, July

On Wednesday, December 28, one of the residents of Omsk filmed a mysterious UFO in the dark. This happened at about half past ten in the evening.

A shining unidentified flying object hovered over the city and, it seemed, was not at all afraid to catch the eye of onlookers. A video recording of the alleged intergalactic spacecraft of representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization quickly hit the Internet, collecting many comments from the Russians.

The one-minute video below clearly shows an object glowing in pinkish color with a peculiar green tail. Unfortunately, the operator shakes his hands a lot for most of the recording (such shooting should be done with a tripod), so it is far from possible to carefully examine the flying saucer in the night sky in all frames. According to the author of the video, the UFO behaved motionless and did not emit any sounds, but inspired some kind of mystical awe - something between fear and delight.

In the Russian-language segment of the World Wide Web, disputes have flared up as to what is actually captured in the presented video. Strange, but many compatriots of the UFO eyewitness turned out to be extremely pragmatic. Some skeptics believe that this is a helicopter. Others claim that it is a Chinese lantern. Still others suggest that Omsk filmed a comet, although this hypothesis does not hold water, since comets and meteors, as you know, do not have the property of hovering above the ground. In a word, materialists have enough theories, but most of them are openly dubious, and were expressed, most likely, simply in order to leave their comment (their presence).

UFO opinion about UFOs is much more realistic

Meanwhile, Russian ufologists treated this material with incomparably great attention and seriousness. In the opinion of domestic UFO researchers, the object recorded by Omsk bears little resemblance to any terrestrial aircraft. Even if it were, say, a helicopter, it would be produced by the noise of rotating propellers and a flashing red light. Thus, experts put forward the assumption that this is indeed an alien aircraft.

Due to the fact that unidentified flying objects are filmed in Russia relatively infrequently (I wonder why UFOs are most often seen over the United States?), The recording has already managed to interest foreign ufologists. Western experts who analyzed the video came to the conclusion that the video depicts a so-called iron-shaped UFO. Flying saucers of this shape used to appear frequently in the Northwest United States. For example, in 1954, in the state of Idaho alone, more than a thousand such objects were officially recorded by ufologists.

Promotional video: