New Secret Alien Document? - Alternative View

New Secret Alien Document? - Alternative View
New Secret Alien Document? - Alternative View

Video: New Secret Alien Document? - Alternative View

Video: New Secret Alien Document? - Alternative View
Video: MoD Releases Secret UFO Files 2024, July

Top secret document about aliens and UFOs, allegedly written by Einstein and Oppenheimer in June 1947. Fake or true?

This six-page document, titled Relations with the Inhabitants of the Celestial Bodies, is the first document to use the phrase extraterrestrial biological beings, or EBEs.

(The full document is here.)

It states that the presence of unknown spacecraft is perceived by the de facto military - and this has been happening since June 1947. These are topics that competent scientists could deal with - i.e. where do they come from, what does the law say about it, what should we do in case of colonization and / or integration of peoples, and why are they here?

The document assumes that in the event that extraterrestrial biological beings show a desire to settle here, "profound changes in traditional concepts" of the law will occur on Earth and the need for a new "Law on interaction between planetary peoples" will arise.

There are also proposals on the need to create "International Space Law", which will protect the rights of all heavenly states claiming other unclaimed solar territories.

Finally, the document examines the presence of celestial starships in our atmosphere as a result of military experiments with nuclear and thermonuclear military devices. The authors of this document encourage consideration of our potential future situations and security through our present and past actions in space. How can we avoid a dangerous fate?