The World Of Spirits - Contact Of Worlds - Alternative View

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The World Of Spirits - Contact Of Worlds - Alternative View
The World Of Spirits - Contact Of Worlds - Alternative View

Video: The World Of Spirits - Contact Of Worlds - Alternative View

Video: The World Of Spirits - Contact Of Worlds - Alternative View
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In the world of spirits and people

Subtle "matter" of spirit

Through spiritualism, one can communicate with the spirits of ancestors, the spirits of darkness and light, demons, guardian angels, geniuses, larvae or succubi and incubi can come - these and other non-material beings can "come to visit" in the course of exactly the same rituals. Experienced spiritualists claim that some of them often come as uninvited guests disguised as deceased relatives and loved ones. But this kind of activity is characteristic only of the lower spirits, experiencing a great need for communication with a person: it is believed that the energy of people serves as a kind of "food" for them.

There is another, less common version: the world of people and the world of spirits strive for complementarity. They are drawn to each other, but a complete and comprehensive understanding is impossible. If a person succeeds in establishing regular and close contact with a certain spirit, he will be able to live in two worlds at once. This is also very important for the spirit, because it gets the same opportunity as its “partner”.

According to the spiritualists, the habitat of spirits is astral, or etheric, space. This is a parallel to ours, a special non-material world, which can be compared either with a halo, or with a certain shadow. Each object of the material world has its own projection in the astral plane. It is not a problem for spirits to find out what is separated from us by a long time period or a huge distance, because the concepts of space and time that are familiar to us are inapplicable to the astral world. However, in the material world it is difficult for spirits to move because of the most insignificant, again from our point of view, phenomena - for example, vibrations that we do not feel. Certain words have tremendous power over them and can force them to do anything, and the circle depicted on the floor serves as an insurmountable obstacle.

Actually, spiritualism itself is based on a teaching that arose as a result of long-term communication with spirits. The meaning of the doctrine, according to the adherents of this spiritualist concept, is as follows. God is eternal, one, immaterial, good, unshakable, omnipotent, just. He is the creator of the Universe inhabited by material and immaterial creatures, which can be both animate and inanimate. Physical beings live in the visible, or corporeal world, in contrast to non-material beings, including spirits, which make up the invisible world, it is also called spiritual (spiritualistic). This spiritual world is primordial, primary, true, eternal - in contrast to the material world with its secondary essence. If the corporeal world never existed or if it suddenly disappeared, this could in no way harm the Subtle World.

For a certain period of time, the perfume takes on a material shell. She is perishable, but thanks to her mortality the spirit becomes free again. The soul is an embodied spirit, for which the body is simply a shell.

The human race was chosen by God from all kinds of creatures with a bodily shell, so that spirits that have reached a certain degree of development could incarnate in people. Thanks to this, a person in terms of intellect and morality is superior to other living beings. The very essence of man is a combination of three components. The first is the body, the material "element". Animals have something similar, and with the same life principle it is revived. The second is an immaterial being, a soul, a spirit in the body. And finally, the third is the bridge, which connects the body and soul, a kind of mediator between spirit and matter. It turns out that man has a dual nature. On the one hand, thanks to the body, he can exist in an animal hypostasis, possessing the same instincts as our "smaller brothers",on the other hand, it participates in the nature of spirits due to the presence of a soul.

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The bridge connecting body and spirit, which has a semi-material nature, is called perisprit. When a person dies, his roughest shell is destroyed. But the second shell remains, which forms the etheric body for the spirit. In the normal state, this shell is not visible to a person, but under some conditions the spirit can make it not only visible, but also tangible. Thus, it turns out that the spirit is perceived not only by thought, that is, it is not something abstract and formless. This is absolutely definite, quite real "matter" and it, under certain conditions, is available to all human senses.

According to paranormal researchers, spirits represent a rather heterogeneous world. They differ in knowledge, intelligence, strength, morality, they also have their own classification. Angels and pure spirits are considered the highest beings of the first order. They are close to God, perfect, love good, pure in their feelings, have deep knowledge. As you move down this hierarchy of classes, there are fewer virtues.

Spirits of a lower order are characterized by an obsession with passions inherent in man: they are jealous, angry, proud, envious. Evil gives them great pleasure and becomes the essence of their being. There are also such spirits, which can not be attributed to either very bad or very good. Their main features are inconsistency in actions, cunning, noisy, stupid, but, true, good-naturedness. Usually these are brownies or spirits that are not averse to playing a trick, or even deceiving.

Contacts and incarnations

It should be noted that the belonging of spirits to one category or another is a fickle quantity: spirits gradually evolve, climbing the steps of their hierarchy. Help them in this incarnation. For some it is a mission, for others it is redemption. The test for the spirit is material life, thanks to which they can be purified to one degree or another. The spirit experiences bodily incarnation more than once until it becomes absolutely perfect. In principle, having parted with its physical shell, the soul returns to where it came from - to the world of spirits. For some time, she has been a wandering spirit, but after that it acquires another materialization. Therefore, it turns out that each person also exists more than once - in parallel worlds or here, in the material earthly world.

Sometimes it is believed that a spirit or soul can be embodied in the body of an animal, but experts say that this is a deep delusion: only the human body is used. When the spirit exists in the body, it progresses, and not vice versa, but the speed of progress towards perfection depends on how much effort a person makes for this. The properties of the soul are the qualities of the spirit incarnated in a person. A good person is the bodily embodiment of a good spirit, a vicious person is the materialization of an unclean spirit.

While incarnating, the spirit falls under the influence of gross matter. If a person seeks to overcome it with the help of purification and elevation of his soul, he thereby shortens the distance between himself and the good spirits with whom he will someday have to unite. But if a person begins to consider the most basic for himself the satisfaction of primitive desires and needs, if he does not overcome the influence of bad passions and completely surrenders to them, then he approaches animal nature and unclean spirits.

According to parapsychologists, individuality is inherent in souls: it takes place before the bodily incarnation and remains after the soul leaves the physical body. Returning to the spirit world, she meets with all the acquaintances that she had on earth. Her memory tells her information about all incarnations, as well as about all the evil and good deeds she has done.

The spirits who have found their incarnation settle in different worlds of the Universe. The habitat of wandering spirits, that is, non-incarnate souls, is not some kind of zone outlined by boundaries, they can be everywhere: both in space and in the immediate vicinity of a person. We not only see each other and touch each other all the time, but also influence each other: on the spiritual, moral and physical world. Our thoughts and matter are affected by them; the activity of spirits is one of the forces of nature, the cause of many phenomena that to this day have not received a scientific or any explanation at all.

Spirits are in constant contact with people. And if a good spirit acts beneficially - it supports us in all difficult situations, instills confidence in us, encourages us to do good, then a bad spirit, on the contrary, gets satisfaction from contemplating bad passions, in every possible way encourages a person to sow evil around him. The very communication of a person with a spirit can have two forms: explicit and occult. Explicit contacts pass through speech, writing and other material forms. For the most part, mediums are the "tool" for their implementation. But if the spirits influence us without our knowledge, in this case we can talk about occult contacts.

The spirit can manifest itself at the call of a person or at its own request. A variety of spirits can be invited to “visit” - parents, friends and ill-wishers, celebrities, historical figures and ordinary people from any earthly time. With their help, through words or letters, living people can find out how they exist in the afterlife, what they think of us and what advice they can give.

It should be noted that spirits also have their sympathies based on the degree of morality of the people calling them. Thus, the highest spirits prefer to visit people striving for good, enlightenment and self-improvement. Where there are higher spirits, there is no place for lower ones. But vicious disembodied beings easily find a sphere of activity for themselves. They feel absolutely free where people lightly gather for the sole purpose of satisfying idle desires, inclinations or vicious human instincts. One should not hope to receive any useful information or good advice from them: spiritualists are expected only by hoaxes, deception, and empty talk. It often happens that the lower spirits, in order to confuse a person, pass themselves off as quite respected persons.

Spirits are scary and hostile for people - the main "heroes" of Halloween. Halloween, or Samhain, is one of the oldest holidays in the world. Celtic and Christian traditions are intertwined in this strange holiday, which is celebrated on the last night of October, when the cold winter dusk covers the ground and the cold wind begins to howl. The history of Halloween goes back millennia, starting with the Celtic festival of Samhain, followed by the Roman Pomona Day and complemented by the Christian All Saints Day.

In order not to let evil spirits entering our world this night into your house, an ancient tradition recommends decorating your home with a pumpkin lantern with a scary mug on Halloween night, dressing up in costumes and masks of creepy creatures … and scaring off evil spirits with fun and dancing.

It is not difficult for a person to distinguish a good spirit from a bad one by his speeches. What the spirits who are at the highest levels of the hierarchy say are always highly moral, noble, full of dignity and free from vicious passions. If such a spirit gives advice, then they, as a rule, are wise, pure and encourage a person to goodness and self-improvement. Incoherence, inconsistency, rudeness and triviality - these definitions characterize the speeches uttered by the lower spirits. Sometimes they can even say something truthful and correct, but one should not delude oneself: in most cases, these evil or ignorant creatures deceive and laugh at people.

Yuri Pernatiev