NASA Plans To Paint The Clouds Over The United States One Of These Days - Alternative View

NASA Plans To Paint The Clouds Over The United States One Of These Days - Alternative View
NASA Plans To Paint The Clouds Over The United States One Of These Days - Alternative View

Video: NASA Plans To Paint The Clouds Over The United States One Of These Days - Alternative View

Video: NASA Plans To Paint The Clouds Over The United States One Of These Days - Alternative View
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It is worth clarifying, not over the whole country, but only over the eastern part of the United States, that is, the inhabitants of this particular region will witness a fantastic spectacle when the clouds suddenly become painted in different colors.

This will happen on June 11, if nothing goes wrong again. The fact is that the NASA agency planned to demonstrate this celestial show a little earlier, but this was prevented by a marine vessel that appeared in the area where the spent compartment from the chemicals of the Terrier-Improved Malemute rocket was to fall.

It is this rocket with the help of specially selected chemicals that will bloom the clouds about one hundred and sixty kilometers from the east coast of North America.

Residents of the United States have been warned in advance that the cloud show does not pose any danger, since a mixture of strontium, barium and copper oxide is absolutely harmless to any biological organisms, including humans. It’s not clear only why NASA needs all this, and it’s hard to believe in the harmlessness of this crazy experiment, the supporters of the world conspiracy write …